Tool Stardew Valley Texture modding pack for beginners

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Swoop_The_Bat, Jun 29, 2016.

  1. Swoop_The_Bat

    Swoop_The_Bat Orbital Explorer

    All right, I have been searching the forums and the inter net in general and have been unable to find XNB to PNG/PNG to XNB that don't require me to unzip, unrar, or download any extra stuff. However, recently I found two programs that suit just those needs and I thought it would be a good idea to share them for anyone who was running into similar problems. They are the fanciest or most efficient but I have found that they suit my needs as a texture modder. Be sure to read the text file that is included though.

    Here's the link in case anyone wants it.

    Also I am running kind of low on ideas for things to mod texture-wise (I couldn't code if my life depended on it)
    so feel free to post ideas I can do in the comments!
    Peace out Homies.
    • eemie

      eemie Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

      This may be a far fetched question, but do you know how to make a tool that works for OS X? I have been switching from OS X to windows constantly to repack with xnb node and I rather want to do it directly on OS X.
      • LuthienNightwolf

        LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

        Not sure if this counts as a texture, buuuut I would love to have something that turns the dog into a wolf. ;D
        • Swoop_The_Bat

          Swoop_The_Bat Orbital Explorer

          to eemie, ill look but I don't know if I can find one that works for mac
          One thing I can do is send you the sprites for what you want.
          • Swoop_The_Bat

            Swoop_The_Bat Orbital Explorer

            also, I could make the dog into a wolf! I'll post a comment with the link within a couple days.
              LuthienNightwolf likes this.
            • eemie

              eemie Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

              Thank you in advance :)
              I can still manage with xnbnode for a while though, thanks!
              • taintedwheat

                taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                Cool, I haven't tried this myself yet. Particularly besides I have been using xnbnode already, and because of an incident during download.

                I recommend actually uploading the .zip to the forum itself or another website because dude, I went to that site, clicked download and then had to force close my browser via task manager because I got one of those really shitty and unbearable pop-ups that scam security warning messages and that don't close otherwise.

                It'll turn people off from using this. x.x;
                  emberfly likes this.
                • LuthienNightwolf

                  LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

                  Awesome, thanks so much! I have yet to find a mod that does anything to the dog sprite that I'm interested in, and I know I saw another person asking for a wolf as well so I'll let them know what you come up with. :3
                  • emberfly

                    emberfly Void-Bound Voyager

                    Mediafire is awful, I agree.

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