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Stardew Valley Multiplayer Beta: Known Issues & Fixes

Discussion in 'Support' started by Katzeus, Apr 30, 2018.

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  1. AngelicPsyker

    AngelicPsyker Yeah, You!


    While playing today, I noticed that while my friend was fishing at the beach, if I entered the area while he was fishing, his bobber would be at the correct location, but his character sprite would appear at a very specific point, possibly an origin point on the map or something (X:0, Y:Mid?). Everything ran fine, but I feel it has something to do with a flag being set on his application of his positioning, and not updating to the server side application, and defaulting his position to an origin.

    Edit: This was replicatable every single time that we attempted it, and every time his position was at the exact same coordinate pixels.[​IMG]
    • HeirsToTheSun

      HeirsToTheSun Big Damn Hero

      My friends and I have an issue where we are swapping skin tones and eye colors whenever they leave their cabins. I am the one hosting, while they are both clients. With some testing it seems that launching the game through the SMAPI api is the reason behind this glitch. When we tested it by launching Stardew Valley through the vanilla client, we kept our individual characters without swapping skin tones and eye colors.
      • MysticTempest

        MysticTempest Spaceman Spiff

        Yea, the Galaxy stuff is GOG's API that the devs used to create the Multiplayer framework.
        Here's what a working output looks like in the current Beta.
        OS: Ubuntu Mate 16.04 - 64bit
        Version: Steam
        Note: I have not had an issue with any of the multiplayer features on Linux so far; I'm just providing some extra information for you to compare to.

        $ ./StardewValley
        Please use SDL 2.0.5 or higher.
        setGameMode( 'titleScreenGameMode (0)' )
        loadPreferences(); begin - languageCode=en
        savePreferences(); async=False, languageCode=en
        Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 413150
        Steam_SetMinidumpSteamID:  Caching Steam ID:  76561198054134194 [API loaded no]
        Steam logged on: True
        Initializing GalaxySDK
        Requesting Steam app ticket
        loadPreferences(); begin - languageCode=en
        savePreferences(); async=False, languageCode=en
        Signing into GalaxySDK
        Galaxy auth success
        Galaxy signed in
        Galaxy logged on
        gameMode was 'titleScreenGameMode (0)', set to 'loadingMode (6)'.
        TextBox.Selected is now 'True'.
        TextBox.Selected is now 'False'.
        gameMode was 'loadingMode (6)', set to 'playingGameMode (3)'.
        Starting server. Protocol version: 1.3-25
        Starting LAN server
        Starting Galaxy server
        Creating lobby...
        Lobby entered: 123235583260974696
        Steam lobby entered: 109775244904662195
        Stopping LAN server
        Stopping Galaxy server
        //Game closed.
        ./StardewValley: line 38: 25754 Killed
        Edit: Just adding the note that I'm using the Steam version of the game in case it wasn't obvious. And, am on a 64bit OS.
          Last edited: May 2, 2018
        • Darler132

          Darler132 Void-Bound Voyager

          The buttons to invite/Show invite code don't appear, even my friends have this issue and they can't even enter to the others farm
            viobeth22 likes this.
          • squeezer

            squeezer Void-Bound Voyager

            We had the exact same problem. One of us could enter where the others couldn't.
            • catquach234

              catquach234 Void-Bound Voyager

              If you find something in a trashcan, load a new area, and come back, the trashcan will have the same object in it again, and this can be repeated indefinitely.
              • Caluchi

                Caluchi Space Hobo

                My game has been crashing at times when I'm loading into a new location. The only one I've noticed details of is on day 7 when walking into Mayor Lewis' house.
                • Kathiisu

                  Kathiisu Orbital Explorer

                  I am a farmhand on my friend's server, she is the host. When I went to upgrade my cabin at Robin's, she took my upgrade payment (10,000g and 450 wood) and said she would work on it starting tomorrow. Then the next day came and Robin was not on our farm working on my cabin. The next day after that it was moonlight jellies and the following days she didn't work on my cabin at all. I also tried talking to her and it opened up her shop (bypassed the dialogue menu). My friend, the host, tried moving my cabin as well to see if anything happens but Robin still did not upgrade my cabin. Now we are short 10,000g and 450 wood for no reason.

                  UPDATE: After a few days the cabin was upgraded, however Robin did not show the animation of working on it on the farm.
                    Last edited: May 3, 2018
                  • Caluchi

                    Caluchi Space Hobo

                    My game has also crashed twice in a row while trying to join a multiplayer session
                    • Curryparmesan

                      Curryparmesan Space Hobo

                      Inviting friends from Steam friend list. Friends aren't receiving the invite.

                      I'm getting severe frame drops (1-2 fps) when loading into the farm along with friends. Currently unplayable. Not sure if it's a host issue or connected player issue.

                      If a player faints and it's not the host. The group will have to wait until the fainted player leaves to get out of the black loading screen.
                        Last edited: May 2, 2018
                      • jaredinsc

                        jaredinsc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                        Me and my friends are getting about 1-2 FPS when it's raining and at night. We can't really think of what it is. It's pretty unplayable right now so hopefully you can figure out whats causing it! We weren't having it earlier.

                        P.S. It's been happening during Summer.
                        • totallynotevil

                          totallynotevil Void-Bound Voyager

                          On the slot machine, I get an arrow and a hand which are a couple inches apart and both follow my mouse.

                            Attached Files:

                          • viobeth22

                            viobeth22 Space Hobo

                            Sadly the only option I have is to connect via wifi and I've had this issue ever since the multiplayer came out.
                            • Caluchi

                              Caluchi Space Hobo

                              Here are all my error logs

                                Attached Files:

                              • Mythica

                                Mythica Intergalactic Tourist

                                OUR GROUP HAS LOCATED THE FRAME DROP IN THE FARM ... at least we're pretty sure this is for real the cause.

                                It is the recycling machine for those who have it out on the farm. We had two and we put them inside of one of the farmhands' houses.
                                We haven't run into lag since then (we're in the summer right now).

                                Will update if it is just because of the recycling machine or if there's other factors but it's like 99% because of that. We didn't have lag before we put in the machines and only when it's recycling certain items it seems.
                                • Moby D1ckhead

                                  Moby D1ckhead Intergalactic Tourist

                                  Well, I've been playing with my sis for a while, and during the day, we were into the mines, and suddenly game crashed for her, and I slept to save what we got, and when she reconnected, some journal missions disappeared, like the one that gives you the furnace (she can't craft it cause it doesn't show on crafting menu, which means she didn't get the blueprints from Clint) and the one that asks you to kill slimes to allow you to enter the adventurer's guild, she can't enter neither. Really messed up, I don't want to reset the whole game again. Can't attach the log file cause there is none, and I don't think it's something that a log can contain.
                                  • TetraZelda

                                    TetraZelda Space Hobo

                                    Was playing solo after downloading beta and got to the Fall Festival. When I tried to play the fishing minigame my game froze and I was unable to fish or leave the minigame, and instead had to force close the game. Not sure if I included all the right files with this but I def added my save file.

                                      Attached Files:

                                    • novajk345

                                      novajk345 Intergalactic Tourist

                                      Me and my friend's have done some testing and we noticed that after the first month when summer starts after 6pm or 8pm that the farm would start to make fps drop for some reason something to do with it turning night time. And when we got to fall it got worse it would start at 5pm. And there maybe some other issue with furnaces causing frame drop. When the frames drop the game is almost unplayable and it only happens on the farm everywhere else is fine the cave the houses anywhere that wasn't on the farm. Anyway hope this helps with the multiplayer issues.
                                      • sgtnapalm

                                        sgtnapalm Void-Bound Voyager

                                        I decided to see what happens if I stayed in a cutscene while my host did stuff, and eventually hit the 2:00 AM mark. He was in his house and his screen faded to black while I was still in a cutscene with a character as a client. After that happened, I ended the cutscene and the next day immediately began. I didn't pass out; instead, I was in the exact location I left off at with no penalty. Also, I noticed that certain sound cues played on my client when they shouldn't have. The character I was talking with was moving around on the server and opening and closing doors and making sounds but was frozen in place before me.

                                        I'll need to test later to see what happens if the host stays in a cutscene and the client doesn't.
                                        • kuchikishu

                                          kuchikishu Space Hobo

                                          I have issues that stuck in loading screen while on Multiplayer.
                                          I thought it was lag, so I was wait, but it take so long.
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