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Stardew Valley Multiplayer Beta: Known Issues & Fixes

Discussion in 'Support' started by Katzeus, Apr 30, 2018.

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  1. Togie

    Togie Space Hobo

    In the new multiplayer beta, I've found a small cosmetic bug with the chest and assigning the color of the chest

    The first picture shows a stump with a colored sign behind it, the second picture correctly shows the chest after you select a color.
    • SquarelyCircle

      SquarelyCircle Cosmic Narwhal

      Queen of sauce just keeps teaching us coleslaw and stir fry over and over (and it's different for each person).
      • Fierceflame

        Fierceflame Phantasmal Quasar

        Try using a wireless connection, your router may be restricting the Steam client from matchmaking through LAN. (Maybe even the Steam servers themselves if its too secure.) At least that's a theory based on my experience with being stuck on a "connecting.." screen when attempting to get a invite code.
        • keytars

          keytars Void-Bound Voyager

          Having an issue where the host gets the new Queen of Sauce recipes, but connecting player gets the same re-run over and over; this is in a new file. Also have a friend who only has the LAN option show up; they're on a Mac using Steam.
          • Ky95er

            Ky95er Seal Broken

            I was able to catch a sunfish while fishing in the rain.
            • SquarelyCircle

              SquarelyCircle Cosmic Narwhal

              After a rainy day, half our crops died as if it hadn't rained.
              • wendymarlowe

                wendymarlowe Intergalactic Tourist


                This one was interesting - I was able to move around and mine, but instead of getting items I got this graphical glitch instead. I went down the ladder with no problems and the next level was back to normal. I'm hosting and the other two players were back at the farm bickering over trees because they're sisters and apparently that's what Stardew Valley is all about.

                Second bug (I assume) - I made three cabins on my farm. Oldest daughter joined no problem. Second daughter joined - and while she was in the character creation screen, my older daughter was able to go into one of the other two cabins and loot all the tools. My second daughter got assigned to the other cabin so I don't know if that was random chance or what, but we've got an extra axe/hoe/pickaxe/watering can floating around.

                (Apologies if these were already covered - I'm new to the forum and this is a really freaking long thread.)
                • mralegaming

                  mralegaming Aquatic Astronaut

                  My friend just got a random crash while the game was loading from one part of the map to another.

                    Attached Files:

                  • Akiiese

                    Akiiese Intergalactic Tourist

                    Some bugs I discovered today:

                    1. The two gift limit is not resetting on Sundays
                    2. The weather reports are being inaccurate almost every game day (Had 6 days of rain when it was supposed to be sunny. Chain only broke due to a festival)
                    3. Multiple bachelors/bachelorettes who have been given the bouquet and are at 10 hearts now have the last two hearts grayed out, and are all now "single". (The 10 hearts are still there despite being grayed out as giving them a bouquet again shows all 10)
                    4. Sometimes players can't see where crops have been planted by others.

                    Numbers 1-3 are occurring in a pre-existing save file in single player. Number 4 occurred in Co-op.
                      Last edited: May 2, 2018
                    • Claiger

                      Claiger Poptop Tamer

                      The recycling machine itself seems to be the issue. Our team all experienced lag on the main farm when the machine was placed. When moved to cindersap, lag persisted in the main farm AND began in cindersap. This began in the morning right away. Removing the recycling machine corrected the issue once you start your next day.

                      Also, it seems that the flying insects in the mines have a sound bleed. Someone who wasn't in the mines got stuck hearing that sound until the next day.

                      Another complaint is that when the community center scene first triggers, it pulls other players out of what they are doing and forces them into town.

                      EDIT: Giving items to a team mate one at a time is awful.
                      • blueman192

                        blueman192 Seal Broken

                        Me and my friends are coming across bugs related to holidays (Easter holiday). The game prompts us for all players present and then it doesn't take us to the holiday. Instead it just takes us to the regular town.
                          angelbread22 likes this.
                        • angelbread22

                          angelbread22 Big Damn Hero

                          My friend and I are also experiencing this! We get to the festival, but it just shows the regular town map.
                          • bananaseverywhere

                            bananaseverywhere Poptop Tamer

                            Hello, I'm also getting the infamous "LAN Only" Issue. Can anyone identify which ports need to be configured for forwarding in order to play online? I'm using a Comcast modem/router, and I'm wondering if it is preventing opening up some ports. Steam overlay is present when running game, Windows 10, Stardew v1.3.4.

                              VerticalWindows and viobeth22 like this.
                            • Lordvan526

                              Lordvan526 Aquatic Astronaut

                            • Ky95er

                              Ky95er Seal Broken

                              Hi! I was able to get the backpack upgrade, and when my guest bought it, they had it right away, but upon restarting their game they no longer had the upgraded pack.
                                Last edited: May 2, 2018
                                Macho__ likes this.
                              • pixelexip

                                pixelexip Yeah, You!

                                Another bug I found is that the Travelling Merchant was immediately out of stock. (Preexisting save, singleplayer)
                                • goodtails

                                  goodtails Space Hobo

                                  when I would talk to npcs while hosting a game (new game connecting through ip if that matters), the npcs would walk away while I was still in the dialogue box. this happened multiple times.

                                    Attached Files:

                                  • AceRedLeo

                                    AceRedLeo Space Hobo

                                    viobeth22 likes this.
                                  • pixelexip

                                    pixelexip Yeah, You!

                                    The chat icon appears when you hover over the horse, both on and off the horse.
                                    • Onybakemono

                                      Onybakemono Space Hobo

                                      upload_2018-5-1_22-39-51.png upload_2018-5-1_22-40-4.png

                                      As a guest player I cannot build anything even with the necessary level. The scarecrow is unable to build as you can see.
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