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Stardew Valley Multiplayer Beta: Known Issues & Fixes

Discussion in 'Support' started by Katzeus, Apr 30, 2018.

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  1. anna_banana88

    anna_banana88 Space Hobo

    So since updating do the new beta i am struggling with giving out gifts to people in the game, it keeps saying i have already given everyone two gifts this week but i know i haven't. i downloaded the beta in the spring and now its winter and its still saying it. i need help!! I've attached my save file for anyone who can help me.

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      crookedspin likes this.
    • Masogir

      Masogir Orbital Explorer

      A few things I want to report/note that myself (host) and my client found:
      1. I was swinging my newly acquired galaxy sword around non-stop in the desert while my client was in her galaxy sword cut-scene. My client told me to stop swinging my sword because it was breaking the the cut-scene. I think I kept resetting her cut-scene every time I swung my galaxy sword multiple times.
      2. My client told me that she couldn't open the Junimo Huts that I purchased from the Wizard.
      3. During the wedding cut-scene (single player and multiplayer beta), sometimes the bride/groom is not wearing the appropriate wedding attire. First image is my single player world cut-scene with Abigail, second image is my client and I marriage cut-scene in beta 1.3.11. One of us is also slightly out of position in the 1.3.11 screenshot.
        [​IMG] [​IMG]
      • Poshi6576

        Poshi6576 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        Some bugs I've been having while playing multiplayer with my friend. If it matters, I'm in a cabin, while he's in the house. A few of these are pretty well-known, but I might as well write them out, too :p

        • Even if an item is donated to the museum, I see "Gunther can tell you more about this" when I hover over them
        • The little button on the inventory that lets me check the community center when I'm not there doesn't work; it shows everything as empty, even if I've filled in all the bundles.
        • Quest bugs. I have two "initiation" quests to get into the adventurer's guild, one that's permanently stuck at kill 10 green slimes, one that just says "Enter the Guild." I also had trouble with the community center/wizard quest.
        • Can't trade weapons/tools/rings. Have to put them in the chest.
        • Problems while playing "event" fishing minigames like the fall festival or winter ice fishing. My sprite freezes and I can't move or continue fishing; i have to wait out the timer.
        • Friend can hear me killing soot sprites in the mines even if he's all the way on the beach (Telepathy!?)
        • Koihime Nakamura

          Koihime Nakamura Ketchup Robot

          This has been in since 1.0 and is clearly an unintended bug. =/
          • Tsukimagi

            Tsukimagi Intergalactic Tourist

            Hello ! I give my axe for upgrade it and back 2 days laters but Clint ... loose it ? He seems to forget my request... What can I do ? ><' I'm the player 2 !
            • DoctorDDub

              DoctorDDub Void-Bound Voyager

              I can't even open the game anymore. It's been a few days since I've tried, but I can't open it from steam, my desktop shortcut, the .exe file, I've even tried uninstalling and reinstalling and I can't open it...
              • ldkv

                ldkv Void-Bound Voyager

                Not sure if reported or not but I just found 2 new bugs in the game, one of which is quite a breaking one.

                1. Stuck inside travelling cart after opening the shop menu with horse (see photo). This bug happened when I walked to open the cart menu while the horse autofollowed me (which is an annoying problem by itself, not sure intentional or not). After closing the menu sometimes I would be stuck inside the cart and cannot move out at all, I could only hop on/off the horse which was also stuck inside. I had to wait until passing out to escape (or use SMAPI to warp home)

                2. BREAKING BUG: using Return Scepter will teleport BOTH me and the host to home.

                  Attached Files:

                • Blorp

                  Blorp Big Damn Hero

                  Try this

                    Attached Files:

                  • Celarri

                    Celarri Space Spelunker

                    I am experiencing extreme lag when I boot up the game. The first time I had lag was the first day of the beta. I attempted to host a farm. After rebooting, I was able to join a friend's farm. However, single player and multi is so laggy it is unplayable. It starts as soon as I load into the game. Rebooting no longer helps. I tried reinstalling the game, have removed all mods, and tried wiping out all of my old saves. This happens every time I load up the game. I am not experiencing any lag in any other game on my pc.
                    SDV version 1.3.11

                    I am using Windows 10 Home version 10.0.17134 Build 17134.

                    Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz, 4001 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)
                    BIOS Version/Date American Megatrends Inc. 1701, 3/25/2016
                    Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 32.0 GB
                    2 graphics cards: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 & NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
                    • gtasthehunter

                      gtasthehunter Intergalactic Tourist

                      The game doesn't pause on co-op online as it does on single player. But they will need to let it pause at certain moments and most if not all heart events those take a lot of time and the one/s watching will lose a lot of time while watching them. I've read some even go past 2am and it bugs out! I will be annoying for others who aren't watching events to be pause for too long.

                      The host can use /pause to pause the game if windows are open they should stay open to be able to read or organize inventories while they are open can still craft stuff too or to organize stuff in chests but would have to use /pause each time to pause for each chest.
                        Last edited: May 22, 2018
                      • Titowam

                        Titowam Void-Bound Voyager


                        My game just crashed as I went to bed. I didn't even get to the earnings screen. I do have some mods installed, but I don't think they caused the crash. I looked through the error file and it seems like it happened without any mods.

                        It's a LARGE error file (we played for like 6 hours) so I made a pastebin of a few minutes prior to the crash. I don't think y'all need to see our chat logs. I can't upload the file (it's too big), nor can I put it on pastebin (it's over 2 megabytes big), but let me know if you need the full file!

                        Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/535Uhxbx
                        • GhostPine

                          GhostPine Intergalactic Tourist

                          Can someone verify:

                          We had a session last night where the host could see completed community center quests from the menu, but they were out of sync by my friend who tried to view them. If the person connecting went to the community center they were correct, but when viewing those from the menu they weren't correct.
                          • HowIMineForFish

                            HowIMineForFish Space Hobo

                            I connected to my friend's server, but then my character kept automatically and repeatedly using whatever item is currently selected in her inventory. She gave out several geodes, tried to mine dirt, and the chat window kept coming up. When she tried to fish on the pier, the entire game locked up and I could only exit by Alt+Tabbing. My friend did not have this issue, which occurred even after I closed and restarted the game.
                            • LordStormclaw

                              LordStormclaw Space Hobo

                              Both players have the latest update for Stardew;
                              Host = player who created world
                              Friend = player who joins

                              1) When friend puts food into fridge in their cabin and logs out the food disappears when they log back in, also friend cannot cook in main house with stock inside the main fridge

                              2) All floors in the house and cabin randomly change to match the kitchen area floor when a player enters. It is random, cannot recreate it.

                              3) Friend cannot open the chest in the maze on Spirits Eve

                              4) Still cannot move friends cabin when speaking to Robin.
                              • KeroKeroCars

                                KeroKeroCars Void-Bound Voyager

                                Bug on the purple shorts quest in single player mode.
                                Saw this was posted by a few other people as well but adding in my experience with it.

                                Had a regular single player game in my save files before updating to the multiplayer beta.
                                After joining the beta and playing on Co-op for a little I went back to my single player game.
                                Was able to enter Marnie's room to grab the purple shorts. First click I got the message saying I found the lucky shorts and the journal update icon appeared.
                                The shorts still appeared to be on the floor with the green + so I grabbed them again. This time there was an animation of grabbing mayonnaise and then the shorts on the floor vanished and I had 2 in my inventory. I hadn't opened my inventory before clicking the second time so I don't know if I picked the shorts up twice or if I got two the second time around. I'm fairly certain there was mayonnaise in my inventory at the time which might be why I saw the mayo animation and others have seen different items on pickup. Turned one pair into Lewis and completed the quest with no issues.
                                • RPGAngel

                                  RPGAngel Phantasmal Quasar

                                  RPGAngel wrote:"Just wanted to let you know the wallpaper/flooring disapearing/resetting in the houses issue is still a major problem. It is in both multiplayer and single player. It seems to be the first and second upgrades to the houses that have the issue. The first house and final upgrade seem to be fine. I can't add a save because my single player is to the final upgrade and on the multiplayer I am just a farmhand so don't have access to the save. I also found out the farmhands in multiplayer can't get the final house upgrade, which would not really be a big problem if it didn't mean they are forever stuck with the wall/floor bug once they start upgrading their house."

                                  I just wanted to give more info on this. The resetting seems to happen when someone other than the owner of the cabin/house walks in and when you leave the world and come back most of the time it happens(more the first one though). The walls/floors either turn into what they first were or into different, random ones. I know that when my friend walked in, causing mine to change, it wasn't to what he had but some random ones. Though it did look like the floor in the main room changed into the floor from the kid's room and the floor in another room became the floor from one of the other rooms. And I remember the wall in the main room in my friend's house becoming the wall from the kid's room along with a floor in another room becoming the floor from the kid's room(both the ones that room starts with) Also his bedroom kept reverting back to what it had started with. I hope this extra info will help with fixing this.

                                  Edit: just saw the other post about this and it seems both the kitchen and kid's room stuff is being used when the changes happen.
                                  • DragonOmnus

                                    DragonOmnus Void-Bound Voyager

                                    I updated my PC (desktop) to the beta to test it for playing with friends but didn't play with friends yet, only single-player. My games are also completely un-modded.
                                    2 bugs I noticed:

                                    1 - BIG problem (and probably the "lag" people are reporting): Massive FPS drops due to beta game running single-threaded.
                                    Stardew Valley is installed on both my LT (laptop) & PC. The LT is still running the official release (not the MP beta) & has no problems. The PC is updated to the beta 1.3.11 & has massive FPS drops. Checked the CPU/hardware usage of both systems, the LT is still running SV multi-threaded across all cores, but the PC is restricting SV to a single core & maxing out the 1 core when the FPS drops occur.

                                    LT (no FPS problems, game runs multi-threaded)
                                    Windows 8.1 x64
                                    Asus G751
                                    Core i7 4710HQ @ 2.5GHz
                                    24GB DDR3 RAM
                                    NVidia GTX 860M
                                    WD 500GB Blue SSD (Game installed here)
                                    1TB HDD

                                    PC (Major FPS problems, game runs single-threaded)
                                    Windows 7 SP1 x64
                                    Asus B85ME motherboard
                                    Core i7 4790 @3.6/4.0 GHz
                                    16GB DDR3 RAM
                                    AMD Radeon HD 7770 2GB (was just thinking about upgrading when the damn GPU-cryptocurrency miners screwed the market. :'( Will be soon, though.)
                                    WD 500GB Blue SSD (Game installed here)
                                    3TB HGST Enterprise HDD

                                    2 - Character/horse animations glitched
                                    The character alone appears to be fine, but I experience multiple different problems randomly when I try to ride the horse.
                                    1-The horse sometimes doesn't "animate" at all when I hop on. It still displays the animation as if it was standing still & doesn't play the running sound, but it moves with me.
                                    2-The horse sometimes vanishes or moves out of place when I enter/exit a zone.

                                    I can send you my save file if you want it.
                                      Last edited: May 22, 2018
                                    • crazykilller

                                      crazykilller Space Hobo

                                      Just wanted to report some of the bugs me and my friends have found on my current save file in our multiplayer:
                                      1. Player 2 can basically have an "infinite day" by manually clicking the journal icon and opening the journal as the day hits 2 am and will be allowed to move and interact w/ the game as normal.
                                      2. The extra players on my farm can't seem to upgrade any of their tools, when giving the tools to clint, he seems to lose the tool, the money, and the resources necessary to upgrade the tool.
                                      3. players that aren't the main owner of the farm can disconnect and reconnect to restore their energy. (only seems to work on some players, for example one person on my 3 person farm is able to execute this repeatedly while the other player just crashes when he attempts this).
                                      4. For farmhands if they take the horse outside of the farm and dismount the horse will "slide" towards them until they automatically remount w/o meaning too. This persists through entering buildings (so if someone goes into a building the horse will attempt to follow them inside and they will automatically mount upon leaving the room).
                                      • fiverx313

                                        fiverx313 Intergalactic Tourist

                                        i just wanted to clarify, i realized that steam somehow switched my game out of beta mode. i put it back and everything is back to normal. just me being derp, sorry...
                                        • DetectiveDonut

                                          DetectiveDonut Intergalactic Tourist

                                          I have compiled a list of a few bugs I've noticed (note: I am not the host, I am a farmhand joining a friend's game)

                                          1) Any items I put in my fridge disappear when the game is closed out and the server re-launched. Items in the host's fridge are unaffected.
                                          2) Host keeps getting animal alerts when I try to milk an animal that isn't ready ("Snacko doesn't have any milk right now"). It interrupts what the host is doing, even across town.
                                          3) Artifacts in my inventory do not reflect whether they have been donated or not. No matter what, the item description is "Gunther can tell you more...", even if I have already donated the item. I have to check the collections tab to see if I've donated it or not.
                                          4) My secret gift partner for the Festival of the Winter Star was overwritten by the host. Host was assigned Demetrius, while I was assigned Abigail. Host gave Demetrius a gift, then when I talked to Abigail I could no longer give her a gift, and had to give one to Demetrius instead.
                                          5) Host and I see different amounts of profits at the end-of-day summary screen (based on our skills, such as increased sell price for artisan goods).
                                          6) XP may be bugged. Hit the same level in a skill multiple days in a row.

                                          Hopefully this is helpful!
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