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Stardew Valley Multiplayer Beta: Known Issues & Fixes

Discussion in 'Support' started by Katzeus, Apr 30, 2018.

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  1. rawchickenbreast

    rawchickenbreast Void-Bound Voyager

    i was a farmhand n passed out at 2. ended up being kicked from game n was brought to the loading screen but with no buttons on it?? (like no co-op, start, or exit buttons). right before this i had entered a level in the caves overrun with monsters. i killed all the monsters but no stairs to the next floor appeared
    • Art3misPrim3

      Art3misPrim3 Intergalactic Tourist

      Stardew Valley Fair Fishing Game Broken
      This happens in single player mode for me. When doing the fishing game, 2 cursors appear as soon as you go into the tent. Players are unable to move inside the tent (before and after attempting to fish). Number of star points doesn't seem to matter; tested with 0, 1, and 2 star points.
      Trying to cast always freezes the game, whether waiting until after the whistle blows or casting at the same time as it blows. Pole only appears when starting to cast; if the player clicks again, the distance meter remains above the player's head, but there is no pole, and the character switches to just standing animation. Switching between full screen and windowed mode brings up the menu on the game options tab, but it is not possible to switch tabs or exit to title. From this menu screen you can only close the game window (hard quitting the game completely); even though mouse-over text still shows, no options are able to be clicked on nor can you scroll down. I was able to get into the community bundles screen once, but haven't been able to replicate it, and was unable to do anything else in this screen, even though mouse-over pop-ups still showed.
      If the player does not cast the pole at all and lets the timer run out normally, the game does not freeze, but will go to the fishing completion screen (with no score of course), and then places the player back in the stardew valley fair.
      Hitting Escape runs the timer to 0 (as mentioned by @marsthehero). If the player has not cast his/her pole, the fishing completion screen is shown (with a score of 0 of course), and then the player is placed back at the Stardew Valley fair.

      Freezing issue appears to stem from casting the fishing pole.
      • Nickers

        Nickers Space Hobo

        Alright so we are in Summer year 2 and keep crashing when we go to sleep. Currently playing multiplayer with one other person. I have attached the log, thanks for any help

        Picked Crops (2 chilies, 1 corn, 5 sunflowers, 40+ starfruit)
        Picked 2 of each fruit tree inside the greenhouse
        Tilled around 10 greenhouse squares
        Harvested Honey
        Crafted Silver Bars
        Sold 100k+ items at pierre's
        Cut Scene with George
        Cut Scene with Robbin
        Bought Furniture Catalog
        Upgraded to Tier 3 house
        Petted all animals
        Hatched Dinosaur Egg
        Milked Cows/Goats
        Put Animal products in churns and what not
        Put Salmonberries in Preserve Jars
        Planted two wild seeds
        Put Cobblestone Path Down

          Attached Files:

        • northpm

          northpm Void-Bound Voyager

          Farmhand cabin fridge got emptied out, possibly with cabin upgrade construction completed. Lost many many items.

          Fishing tackles still breaking after single use. Seems be be tackles we make, not tackles we win or purchase.
          • Munchma

            Munchma Intergalactic Tourist

            After the 10 heart event with Emily, the rain sound from the next morning started during the "sold stuff" tally, and then in the morning I was still in the secret forest but not on screen. Was still able to bring up the menu to quit normally.

              Attached Files:

            • bokodasu

              bokodasu Poptop Tamer

              I'm getting bugs with giving gifts too. I had a game that was started in the older version, and when I upgraded it it started not resetting gifts. (Always shows two gifts already given this week, for three weeks in a row). Also it would say that I'd already given a gift that day when I hadn't.
              Gave up and started a brand new singleplayer game, and it's already doing it on Day 2. I give a gift, and it takes the item away, but it just says that I've already given a gift today.
                snowvic likes this.
              • snowvic

                snowvic Intergalactic Tourist

                Same here, it says I've already given two gifts this week but I clearly haven't. It seems to only do it on the second gift of the week though.

                  Attached Files:

                • teedy15

                  teedy15 Orbital Explorer

                  Even worse now because it seems like he's already decided to take a break from fixing game bugs, some of these issues really should have been caught in testing and shouldn't even have to be an issue when it took so long to release anyway.
                  • PeterPants

                    PeterPants Void-Bound Voyager

                    Please read this. The carnival tent games are so broken, The fishing one freezes and you can no longer progress unless you exit. The hit the target one has some weird cursor showing around. (The event on fall, The fair)
                    • PeterPants

                      PeterPants Void-Bound Voyager

                      Please read this. The carnival tent games are so broken, The fishing one freezes and you can no longer progress unless you exit. The hit the target one has some weird cursor showing around. (The event on fall, The fair)
                      • gtasthehunter

                        gtasthehunter Intergalactic Tourist

                        Well in single player for me! There was a bug where if it was supposed to rain or storm tomorrow and you exited the game in anyway before the tomorrow it would then change and not rain or storm tomorrow seems like this should have been fixed but I'll need to try this again I've been avoiding exiting the game before these rainy/stormy days. So those frequent disconnects could have been on days just before it was supposed to rain or storm, and summer is when you really want storms so you can get battery packs. Make Rain Totems if you need rain. Just don't use before festivals!
                        • Art3misPrim3

                          Art3misPrim3 Intergalactic Tourist

                          Talking to Animals?
                          At the Stardew Valley Fair (and other unreachable animals), there is a speech bubble for talking to the animals. It's water-marked/washed out, but still appears when hovering the pointer over the animals.

                            Attached Files:

                          • maidofaspects

                            maidofaspects Yeah, You!

                            I played a couple of weeks ago, but haven't played for a while. Just booted up the game today and the most recent file I was playing on (Minnie) is bugged somehow now. Even though it was my most recently played file it is now at the bottom of the list. When I try to click on that file the game crashes.

                            EDIT: Somehow I was opted out of the beta, so I went back in to Steam and re-enabled beta access and now it's working properly. leaving this here in case it happens to anyone else.

                            Error log and screenshot of affected save file attached.

                            Pastebin of error log: https://pastebin.com/a36Jc8KH

                            Screenshot of bugged file on selection screen:
                              Last edited: May 19, 2018
                            • Art3misPrim3

                              Art3misPrim3 Intergalactic Tourist

                              In the most recent patch notes, it mentions that this has been fixed. I'd also seen the same behavior previous to the most recent patch (exiting before the next rainy day would cause the next day to be sunny instead). Since the patch, I've tested this and it no longer occurs. Now if the weather says the next day will be rainy, it will be rainy regardless of whether you save and quit or not.
                              • Art3misPrim3

                                Art3misPrim3 Intergalactic Tourist

                                I believe this is a hold-over from the pre-beta version. In one play-through (before installing the beta version) I had also completed two community center rooms, and saw the junimo animation for only one of them that night.
                                • dumbblonde13

                                  dumbblonde13 Poptop Tamer

                                  The game stole my axe!!! I went to upgrade my axe to silver for 500 gold. My friend is hosting. We slept and continued to the next day. During this next day, my game froze so I had to restart my client. Now it's been 3 or 4 days since I dropped of my axe at the blacksmith's, and my axe hasn't been returned. Clint also is giving me the option to upgrade my other tools, implying that he doesn't have my axe. Is there a possible fix for this?
                                  • gtasthehunter

                                    gtasthehunter Intergalactic Tourist

                                    Well, shouldn't only the host be selling stuff? Or a toggle setting to stop farmhands from selling, dropping or even trashing stuff and can only put in a chest. Or a way to see what farmhands have placed in the selling ben or sold to store and able to pull them back out of ben or just buy them back. There is something like a buy-back at Pierre's store but not sure how that works how does stuff get added and what gets added?

                                    (This toggle setting is going to be needed I can already see it soon or later! Griefers removing, blowing up crops, trees, selling or trashing everything you are trying to save for the community center, or save for quests, gifts or for cooking most items can be placed in bundles right away but sometimes you'll need to save some items till you have the amount that is needed)

                                    And maybe till earnings screen is fixed if it can be I would say the host should be the only one that should get the professions that increases the sell price of items. And the host should only sell those types of items just to be safe. But that should be tested too.
                                    • Sehrvis

                                      Sehrvis Space Hobo

                                      Whenever we sell cranberries in multiplayer it crashes the game. That one is driving us nuts.

                                      Players who join my game end up with really buggy horse behavior. The server doesn't seem to know that they got off the horse so from my perspective they're still on the horse, and from their perspective the horse follows them around.
                                      • ktulk

                                        ktulk Space Hobo

                                        When I tried to open Stardew Valley, it started to download a new update... no problem, I thought. Thought it would be for some beta bug fixes. When the update was completed, I opened Stardew to play, when -- to my surprise -- my main character was bald! My time played was zero! My money was zero! And my year was 1, day 1. I know for a fact, that when I saved last, I was starting year 8 day 1, and my character was most certainly not bald, nor broke. My backup file was affected by the update too. Help!
                                        • Zach Lykos

                                          Zach Lykos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                          Concernedape has said on his twitter the no 1 request is to make chests have loot for everyone.

                                          "#1 request has been to make the mine chests shared rather than one-time-use. I agree that it would be better that way. It'll be changed before beta is over"

                                          Anyone else want to suddenly wait for release after reading this thread? So many crashes and breaking of events.....
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