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Stardew Valley Multiplayer Beta: Known Issues & Fixes

Discussion in 'Support' started by Katzeus, Apr 30, 2018.

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  1. summer2z

    summer2z Space Hobo

    Whenever the blacksmith or robin is upgarding (a barn or a steel axe to a gold axe) it cancels whenever I get disconnected due to my poor connection, and it doesnt give back the items or money I used to upgarde it
    • Zergii

      Zergii Space Hobo

      We were playing co-op and I was fishing. There were some worms next to me and I forgot my hoe, so asked GF to come and dig them up. She used the hoe while I was reeling in a fat bass. One of the items that appeared was a book, and while I was doing the reel minigame my character picked it up, glitching me and locking me in place. I couldnt move anymore, not use any items, and even unable to open the menu. We figured it would resolve once the day ended, but we were permanently stuck at 02:00, and had to close the game to fix this. Trading items didnt work either.
      fishing glitch.jpg
      • Majinique

        Majinique Void-Bound Voyager

        The sleep bug is still active throwing away all our progress
        • OperaGoose

          OperaGoose Void-Bound Voyager

          Bugs noticed 05/19/18:
          - Rocks and logs spawning for host over the top of growing plants. Not visible to second player, destroying the logs and rocks destroys the plant underneath for all players
          - Bundles! As second player on someone else's farm, the bundles in the inventory do not update as to the community centre's - ie when a bundle is finished or an object is entered in to the bundle by the host player, it doesn't show up in my inventory tab. Can't see what has been finished. No prizes able to be collected for the visiting player once the host has completed a bundle.
          - Fishing still glitching a bit, seeing Host player near Pierre's when they are fishing at the bridge.
          - Being transported to a cut-scene's location when the Host player triggers a cut scene.
          - Mines:
          • Random animations of breaking objects while in the mines when neither player has destroyed the object in question
          • Levels do not reset for each player, so no prizes available for completing levels
          • Level 30 of the mines does not have a chest for first visitor
          • Tempest2004

            Tempest2004 Space Hobo


            I'm having an issue where my chickens, ducks and rabbits are acting like they're starving even though there's plenty of hay in the manger (automatic feeder) and tons of grass of in the paddock. The only way I've found in game to fix it is to force rainy day so they have to go inside and eat.

            Hope you're all having a good day!
            • Kennananana

              Kennananana Space Hobo

              Hello! I have 3 bugs that I have found while playing. I run Windows 10 Home Version 1709, currently running Stardew version 1.3.11, and always play with a Xbox 360 Gamepad.

              #1 and #2 might not fall under 1.3.11. Those happened a couple days ago and I just didn't have a chance to post before now

              #1 Is the Fishing minigame for the County Fair. Once entering the tent, I can do nothing. No moving, no fishing, nothing. The timer counts down but once it hits 0 I don't exit the tent and have to completely reload. Once I reloaded it did the exact same thing. Screenshot (23).png

              #2 is part one of the 7 heart event with Shane. Partway through the entire background disappears and its just black. Dialogue still shows. Screenshot (24).png

              #3, This morning I was playing and this happened.
              Every time I hit the right trigger to cycle through my hotbar it activates the tool, but when I use the left trigger it does not. None of my control settings have been changed and I even reset to default and it still does it.

              Thank you guys for all you do to make an amazing game!
              <3 Kenna

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              • Thewopperchop

                Thewopperchop Void-Bound Voyager

                hey!so my friend and i are experiencing a bug where when he sells stuff it shows him a greater amount at the end of the day. yet when the nex day starts we have the amount of money me (the host) made. now hes taken different skills then me such as greater artisan selling price. yet we dont make the money for the skill?
                • tgainsbrough

                  tgainsbrough Intergalactic Tourist

                  Here are some issues I've noticed with multiplayer (other than the one still being looked into where characters are all over the place when fishing):

                  1) When trying to put bait in a crab pot, the player is getting an "Inventory Full" message. The crab pot at this time is shaking like it has bait, but the image of the crab pot is empty and there will be no item to collect the next day. This happens when there is no bait in there and it cannot be picked up. Sleeping to the next day normally resets this and allows bait to be place in the crab pot. During this issue, each player can walk up and have the same line of "Inventory full" with no one able to interact farther than that with them.

                  2) During the Stardew Valley Fair, if multiple people are playing the fishing game the lines being cast and the splash can be seen. No bobber, rod or other characters can be seen.

                  3) When a player milks a cow or goat that has no milk the notification "[Name] does not have any milk right now" appears to all the players stopping them from whatever they are doing.

                  4) During Spirit's Eve, if a player opens the treasure chest with the Golden Pumpkin the chest remains closed to all other players. Unsure if it is supposed to be like other treasure chests where only the first person gets it (usually opens and disappears), or multiple people were supposed to get it. However, the other players only see an unopened, closed, chest and are unable to interact with it.

                  5) One of the bigger issues I've noticed is I will go "offline" in the game (with me being the host.) I will still be online on Steam and it will still show I am playing Stardew Valley, but I will be "offline" in game. So when others try to join via the co-op button in game no farm is shown as joinable. Then via the "join game" button on their friends list nothing happens. I have to exit the game altogether and reopen in for it to view me "online" again. This has happened a few times while other people were on my farm and they would get kicked from the farm (only about twice that way.) Normally, however, it usually happens when I'm playing alone waiting for others to join. The players joining are the same ones I've played with since the beginning, so it is definitely not an issue with my settings. In addition, they will join and exit whenever they like in the same play through (of me continuously playing) and run into this issue. Sometimes we do not and they can join and exit 50 times with no issues. Other times I could just load the game and have them try and no farm shows up. The game does not crash during any of this.

                  6) Going off of this same issue above, there are random times the other players will be kicked from the farm with me not going "offline" and have to rejoin. During this they lose no progress (other than where they were standing) and their inventory is still the exact same with how they left it. This also is not the game crashing but just kicking them from the farm back to the main screen. They get kicked to this same screen when I go "offline" as well. I do not know if they are related but I thought I'd mention it.


                  7) Another one is while people are in any combat other players can hear the enemies and death sounds no matter where they are in the game.
                  • Munchma

                    Munchma Intergalactic Tourist

                    Crash: single-player beta-only file on Surface Pro 4 running Win 10. Removing headphones from jack caused Stardew to hang (and nothing else as far as I can tell). I'm trying to upload save files, but the forum says they don't have an allowed extension. Message me for them?
                    • Moasseman

                      Moasseman Intergalactic Tourist

                      @Thewopperchop: Yep, the night shipping box uses ONLY host's professions to calculate the actual income. The earnings screen shows everyone the values according to their OWN professions (leading to differing values per player). If you sell directly to a shop, there should be no issues.

                      This has been reported since day 1-2 of the beta but so far has not even been acknowledged by the devs. Pretty damn frustrating.
                      • Orbitx9

                        Orbitx9 Intergalactic Tourist

                        My wife decided she wanted to be a grape vine.

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                        • Titowam

                          Titowam Void-Bound Voyager


                          Cocoons in the mines arent able to be killed unless you one-hit-KO them. If you hit them and they don't die, you can't kill them until they transform into a bee. It's like they're invincible :(

                          Upgrading a tool while having a full inventory brings up the "Inventory full" popup.
                          • Frostdraga

                            Frostdraga Void-Bound Voyager

                            Hi, here's some of the bugs I noticed in my last play session with my pals (I'm not the host).

                            1. Whenever I try to milk an unmilkable cow/goat, the usual '(Name) does not have any milk' pops up for me. It also pops up for everyone else, which is kinda annoying, but not terribly bad.

                            2. I finally married Haley, but it seems like the kissing/hugging animation is broken? I lean in for a hug, but she stays unmoved. Also, whenever the host/other players interact with her, her dialogue with them is as though they're married to her. Also, I've only managed to hug her once. Every time after I tried, I couldn't even click on her.

                            3. Whenever anyone cuts grass for hay, we all can hear it, and see the hay icon/amount pop up in the bottom right corner, no matter where on the map we are. We can also her the cutting/swooshing noises.

                            Thanks for the great game, guys! Keep it up!
                            • skittlesnbugs

                              skittlesnbugs Aquatic Astronaut

                              Here are our bugs ^_^

                              * When milking animals, notifications for the milking shows up for other players, and interrupts any cut scenes they're in
                              * Fishing bug that's in the known issues list
                              * When we're in skull caverns together, there is no consistency on holes vs ladders. One may show up as a ladder to me, and a hole to him. If we jump in something that shows up as a hole to both of us, we are dropped at different levels
                              * We're now experiencing a crash when we save at night.
                              * The host is the only one that gets a correct message about whether or not Gunther has seen an object, other players may or may not get the correct message.

                              I've attached the error log, as well as our save file.

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                              • snowvic

                                snowvic Intergalactic Tourist

                                Hey, I'm playing the beta but in singleplayer and I can't progress because my game completely gets stuck when I try to do the fishing mini game during the stardew fair. I have to forcefully close it. You can see a picture here and hopefully the save file (i'm not sure i uploaded the right thing). Thank you!

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                                • Rosietron

                                  Rosietron Intergalactic Tourist

                                  I crashed randomly in the fall going into Pierre's shop.

                                  Is passing out in bed when another player didn't make it supposed to happen? It wasn't in prior updates. Also, in another instance of this the game seemed to restart itself without closing and became extremely laggy. I had to force close and restart the game.
                                  • Munchma

                                    Munchma Intergalactic Tourist

                                    A small thing (single-player, beta-only file): completed the vault & then the fish tank on the same day and only got the junimo animation for restoring the bus that night.
                                    • generalfirefox

                                      generalfirefox Tentacle Wrangler

                                      First off, thanks for the awesome mulitplayer beta! Been really enjoying it.

                                      I apologize if these issues have already been reported. I didn't see them in the "Reported" section:
                                      1. Non-host unable to page through Community Center bundles from inventory menu.
                                        1. When I'm hosting, I'm able to page through the community bundles from my inventory menu, but my friend who is playing with me can only see the first bundle page that comes up. Clicking the arrows to view another bundle page does nothing.
                                      2. Non-host Gunther artifacts don't display proper description if already donated to the museum.
                                        1. My friend who is playing with me has noticed that artifacts often have the text saying that "Gunther can tell you more about this item" even if the item has already been donated to Gunther. It doesn't seem to matter whether I or my friend is the one to donate the item.
                                      3. Non-host unable to see gate.
                                        1. As the host, I placed a gate in a section of fence, but my friend playing with me is unable to see that gate. In addition, they walk through that tile as if there is no gate.
                                      4. Non-host fishing glitch.
                                        1. This has only happened once out of several times that my friend playing with me has fished. On one occasion, while my friend was fishing, they went to get the fishing chest that appeared, but after getting it and trying to return to reeling in the fish, the fishing activity glitched out and the reel bar and fish stopped moving, and my friend couldn't do anything. Apparently the fishing activity was still going on because eventually my friend heard the sound of losing the fish and things returned to normal.
                                      5. Non-host unable to see morning sprinkler animation.
                                        1. As the host, I see the sprinkler animation watering our crops every morning, but my friend playing with me is unable to see this animation.
                                        llamacalamity, Majinique and Kyori like this.
                                      • FeralBags

                                        FeralBags Space Hobo

                                        This happened in a single player game, but the game softlocks (running the time out of the minigame does not resume gameplay) while trying to play the fishing minigame during the fair. I was able too recreate this quite simply. after paying to play the fishing minigame immediately try casting your line as the whistle sound is still playing.

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                                          Maniawar3, snowvic and Art3misPrim3 like this.
                                        • marsthehero

                                          marsthehero Void-Bound Voyager

                                          Bug found in the stardew valley fair. when doing the fishing game can't move at all, 2 cursors on screen, and when you try to fish bar appears and freezes, Timer continues to tick down but hitting escape puts timer to zero, switching between full and non full screen with alt +enter makes menu appear and only way out is to close the game. happens in both single and multiplayer. save game attached is day of fair happens everytime i go to fair. also noticed some small bugs on my own save this is my wifes but in multi you can kill the worms before they become coccons in single you cannot, the elevator ding doesnot happen for non host player, the rock crab things still have rock on them till they stop moving after you break it with pickaxe think thats all i got

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                                            Last edited: May 19, 2018
                                            Art3misPrim3 likes this.
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