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Stardew Valley Multiplayer Beta: Known Issues & Fixes

Discussion in 'Support' started by Katzeus, Apr 30, 2018.

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  1. davohuncho

    davohuncho Space Hobo

    Pretty big bug (affects marriage capability) regarding the non-repaired beach bridge. I'm quite sad because I've spent all this time building my relationship and I don't have a chance to marry I don't think unless this gets fixed.

    I never repaired the beach bridge. Loaded my save file into the beta, and now the question mark that hovers over it is gone and I don't have an option to repair the bridge. Although if I do hover my mouse over where the question mark the cursor turns into the hand interact symbol, but I still can't interact with it.

    Other info:
    This game file version is one that was loaded into the beta
    I have played one day of multiplayer onto it, however we didn't interact with the beach bridge at all.
    Have continued on singleplayer.
    • Jassassin97

      Jassassin97 Space Hobo

      I am in year 1, in singleplayer and whenever I go to do the fishing contest at the fair in the fall my game freezes up and I have to restart my game. I really want to earn the star tokens but it keeps freezing up and I can't continue. *this only happened once I got the multiplayer update, but I'm playing in singleplayer*
        llamacalamity likes this.
      • Zach Lykos

        Zach Lykos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        I'm not sure why

        Beds regenerating energy in single player

        Was considered a bug. It still cost time. And if anything by having more then 1 player surely it lessens the need for it not calls for it more. Seemed less a bug and more something you could just choose to use, now its more something that favours one group of players over the other....

        Also JmanTK that glitch has been in the game since day 1 for the load menu. Hit back and it'll adjust itself.
          Last edited: May 18, 2018
        • HarshSnow

          HarshSnow Space Hobo

          After marriage, the lounge was picked up and moved. it glitched out and will not go back to normal no matter what i do, Untitled.png

          EDIT: Sam is now forever stuck in the kitchen and will not kiss/hug/or give presents
            Last edited: May 18, 2018
          • singingmiri

            singingmiri Poptop Tamer

            Yes, now that you mention it, I've noticed that as well. In our case only I (the farmhand) brought Lewis his pants back. I just thought it's because the host didn't do it yet. But now, when I think of it... Neither Robin's axe nor Linus' basket stayed when I picked them up, so I guess it must be a bug.
            • Voendomar

              Voendomar Yeah, You!

              I'm also curious if this is intentional or not.
              • Mottahawk

                Mottahawk Space Hobo

                I experienced a crash twice with the exact same error log. After going to sleep, game crashes before the save :'(
                Attaching the save and the error log.

                  Attached Files:

                • jinian

                  jinian Void-Bound Voyager

                  Old Master Cannoli now seems to take the Sweet Gem Berry, but when I went in after my farmhand gave him the berry, he still had a glitched image. We all got our stardrops, though, so this is a low priority I'm sure. :)

                    Attached Files:

                  • Kisa Karasu

                    Kisa Karasu Space Hobo

                    I don't know if this is already fixed/reported but in my friends and my game we cant donate items to the library both. Only one can donate, if the other go to the library and picking up the things the first lay down, the stuff disappear after one sleep and for both stand there those "Gunther can tell you more about this" again. Its sort of annoying because both of us needs those "donate all things to the library" archievement and we would like to reach this on this save file.
                    • Frostdraga

                      Frostdraga Void-Bound Voyager

                      I got the letter from Lewis that I was going to be giving a present to Willy, for the Feast of the Winter Star.

                      Fast forward to the date, I go into town with my friends, only to find out that I was supposed to be giving a present to Sam. We reload, this time it's George. Another reload, it's Maru. The host consistently had Lewis though.

                      Tl;dr: Farmhands kept getting different people to gift presents to.
                        faithstark11 likes this.
                      • snapsolutions

                        snapsolutions Space Hobo

                        after the update to 1.311, in multiplayer mode, two people, whenever we tried to build an additional barn, the game would crash after we fall asleep before the save, after crashing a couple of times we made sure it was because of building the barn, we are at yr2 winter.
                        also, my farmhand's computer would freeze after falling asleep before the save, and the host would be stuck at waiting for player1/2 and would have to force quit.
                        • batsumoto

                          batsumoto Poptop Tamer

                          Another annoying thing still happening in 1.3.11:

                          All players are interrupted with messages about an animal not having any milk when attempting to milk. This occurs even when the other players are not in the area and causes a short freeze as well as stopping whatever the non-milking player is doing
                            llamacalamity and faithstark11 like this.
                          • mclaughlinm1

                            mclaughlinm1 Intergalactic Tourist

                            Do you have a workaround for Mac computers at all?
                            • Wagner1989

                              Wagner1989 Space Hobo

                              We're getting a crash when selling ~30+ golden Blueberries to Pierre in the summer. (See attached log). Same thing happened when shipping them via the box at the end of the day, sadly before saving :(

                                Attached Files:

                              • soniloi

                                soniloi Space Hobo

                                Encountered this crash during a two-player game. At the time, the main farmer was mining the quarry, and the farmhand was on level 2 or 3 of the Skull Cavern mines. The host crashed and the farmhand was later disconnected.

                                  Attached Files:

                                • llamacalamity

                                  llamacalamity Space Hobo

                                  My game freezes when I try the fishing game during the Stardew Fair. These are the circumstances:
                                  I've replayed the day twice now to try and replicate the problem. The character is a legacy character (original, vanilla) and on year 4. The game only froze, so no error report. I married Abigail the morning of the fair. The first time I played through, the wedding happened, then I collected items and went to the fair. I entered and won the display event. Then I went to the fishing game. I was unable to move the character toward the pond, but I could attempt to partially cast the fishing line. It got as far as a progress bar and froze. The game timer continued to tick down to 0. The game was locked up on this screen and I had to force quit. (see photo)

                                  I replayed the day. The wedding did not occur this time. I woke up already married on the exact same day. I collected the same items and went to the fair the same as before. I went back to the fishing game and it did the same thing. My character froze up, couldn't move except I could partially cast the fishing rod. The game froze up and I had to force quit again.
                                  I don't have another character in Fall so I don't know if its the fishing game that is buggy or if it was the wedding that caused this. fishingfairstardew2.jpg
                                  • Munchma

                                    Munchma Intergalactic Tourist

                                    2nd luau in single player beta-only file. There's music this year, but it's the regular seasonal tune. Still not the luau music.
                                    • llamacalamity

                                      llamacalamity Space Hobo

                                      On a two-person Co-op Lan game, my horse glitches out. (I'm farmhand.) Ever since a recent 1.3 update my horse has been sticking to me like a magnet. When I hop off, it follows me where ever I walk and gets in the way of my foraging/clicking. If I walk to another area/screen it does not follow. When I come back to the original screen, I'm suddenly riding the horse. It does stay in its pen though...
                                        Last edited: May 18, 2018
                                      • Relaxis

                                        Relaxis Space Hobo

                                        In our current session (3 player, two connected via lan one via wlan) each of us gets a crash if we sell something at i.e. pierres or willie. Selling over the chest is no problem. Sadly I am not the host so i cannot attach you the requested file but for us the bug is reproduceable ^^
                                        • Grasotus

                                          Grasotus Space Hobo

                                          We were playing on our 4-player server, when suddenly Pierre just started to crash when selling items to him. We can confirm that this bug affects every player on our server. This bug first occourred on the 19th of Autuum.
                                          Thank you in advance and if you need more information, we are willing to test things out!

                                            Attached Files:

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