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Stardew Valley Multiplayer Beta: Known Issues & Fixes

Discussion in 'Support' started by Katzeus, Apr 30, 2018.

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  1. AkoyaP6618

    AkoyaP6618 Space Hobo

    On the day we unlocked the community center we are not able to save anymore.
    When the first crash happened, the only non-host was having a conversation with an npc while the host triggered the community center sequence.
    This caused the non-host to crash. After rejoining we crashed at the end of the day when the game was saving.

    After trying again we both triggered the community center sequence without crash but ended up crashing again at the end of the day.

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    • Storm505

      Storm505 Aquatic Astronaut

      - When I loaded up both of my previous saves there were issues with the wallpaper not being displayed fully. Some parts of it would just show up as the normal wall. When I would go to put a wallpaper on it, it would not show.

      - I also saw that I could not see the duration of how long the coffee would last whenever I put my cursor over the speed icon.

      - Im not sure if this is a bug, but Pierre's store was open from 9am-9pm. However Pierre would only be at the counter till 5pm.

      - Also I noticed that multiple people can sleep in one bed ( I thought this kinda creepy, idk if this is actually supposed to be like that).

      - This happened 3 times in a row. When I was in the Emily's 2-heart event, and my friend who was in a different region pressed "M" for map, the game would crash for him, not me. Also my head icon was not shown on the map even though I was in the town in Haley's and Emily's house.

      - Also for the community center. My friend completed the spring foraging bundle in the crafts room. When I would open up the community center tab (cct) outside the community center on my screen, the bundle was still intact, and not open like it should be. When I went inside the community center and opened in cct in my menu, it showed the bundle open. I went back outside, and opened the cct again, and the bundle was closed again. To go along with this I was not allowed to cycle through each of the rooms in the community center from my cct outside the community center. It was stuck on the first room. Only when I went inside the community center it allowed me to cycle through and see each one.

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        Last edited: May 2, 2018
        Deenamyte likes this.
      • kyuukurochan

        kyuukurochan Space Hobo

        EDIT: The newest build has fixed this problem, I can now leave bed, I will keep this here for future reference, thanks!

        I am also having problems loading my Year 3 save as a couple other people have. I attempt to get out of bed, and it'll crash to desktop. My other Year 1 saves both work, and can be played normally. No mods running, and playing in fullscreen on an Nvidia GTX 670 if the display might be the problem? I can't think of what else it could be.

        I also added my save file, finally got a zip file for it.


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          Last edited: May 1, 2018
          kaycake143 likes this.
        • Soup64

          Soup64 Space Hobo

          I found a few.
          (I was host, new game, 3 total players)
          > Emily crashes game if you talk to her during the workout session
          > Demetrius crashes game if you talk to him while he's dancing with Robin in the bar
          > Friend tried to "kill a slime with an antenna" and it crashed his game
          > Weird graphical glitch occurred when trying to fish on floor 20 of the mine (screenshot) ---> https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....463/74DECCB8B44903AEE5754A51357BF435622EE03A/
          > Everyone disappeared in the bar after I played Journey of the Prairie King late at night (screenshot) ---> https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....684/19E598B71C4C64F5EE27F800C48E208FF84C5D11/

          If I remember the rest / find more I'll post them
          • Caruryn

            Caruryn Space Hobo

            I've recently noticed one bug on my friend's end, and one on mine, the host. I don't have screenshots though

            When farmhands wake up, after they reach a new level, they will see the new recipes they have unlocked and the leveling screen while sleeping every single night. This happens even if they have already seen the level up screen the night before. Don't know if people have already reported this.

            Also, it seems like sometimes I get the animation of picking up a book randomly with other items. Whenever I drop an item to pick up a book with a full inventory, then pick up the book, it will display "You found *insert whatever*!". I'll try to get it to happen again and grab a screenshot.
            • JasmynTea

              JasmynTea Master Chief

              Unable to see the time remaining for buffs
              • LittleLisi

                LittleLisi Space Hobo

              • hehbur

                hehbur Void-Bound Voyager

                Talking to the wizard while he's standing at the river crashed my game 3 times, but I can talk to him while he's walking over there just fine.
                • Soothsayre

                  Soothsayre Orbital Explorer

                  I was in town, wife was in the field south of the farm. I was running southeast from Pierre's towards Penny, hit the talk button, and my game crashed. Every attempt to log back in to my wife's game after that resulted in a crash.

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                  • JasmynTea

                    JasmynTea Master Chief

                    My game crashed after interacting with the travelling merchant
                    • dollyhaze

                      dollyhaze Space Spelunker

                      same issue, as host, cannot move my cursor on the daily profits screen. this is happening on day 3. i also leveled up fishing the same day, don't know if that's got anything to do with it?
                      • Koihime Nakamura

                        Koihime Nakamura Ketchup Robot

                        Yeah, I wasn't sure about the other tools. I was holding off on investigating since 1.3 was coming out and I was hoping it was fixed in 1.3. I mean, as far as I can tell, the adventure guild bug *was* fixed.
                        • Koihime Nakamura

                          Koihime Nakamura Ketchup Robot

                          If you're operating with SMAPI+mods, please turn those off to confirm it's a vanilla bug.
                          • TheDetective13

                            TheDetective13 Tentacle Wrangler

                            Attempting the fishing mini game at the Stardew Valley Fair gave me two mouse cursors and the timer was forever stuck at 0:00
                            • citree

                              citree Void-Bound Voyager

                              I joined a friend's server online, and after clearing the area of weeds the fiber lagged and i couldn't pick it up, and the weeds lagged so i heard a perpetual cutting sound for ages, until the server caught up and realized i cut them much later. the issue got worse after i tried to interact with a chest and couldn't, and then on the server hosts's side it seemed like i was moving in slow motion. seems like some sort of connection error? now i cant interact with any objects, and the game is bugged slowly trying to catch up. reloading the day without saving fixed the issue, but all progress was lost. I didn't completely clear the map of weeds but the changes were extensive--it might've been an issue with having to load too many changes and items scattered everywhere, but it did make things quite difficult to play
                              • JamyCaty

                                JamyCaty Void-Bound Voyager

                                Me and three other friends were playing multiplayer together online. Two of us in the same room, one of us in canada, and the last one in Illinois. Each with varying degrees of internet and computers. So i figure that has something to do with it but:

                                Each of us, except the two in the same room had different times in game. Along with their being character action lag, and ghosts where a tree was being cut down but no one was there.

                                When one of us would pass out another would get stuck on a black screen but the two not in the room would get stuck trying to sleep in bed an the second day would never come, the two not on black screen would have to quite game.

                                Also we can not open chests. And some cannot open others houses. As well as when we all tried to go to bed it got stuck on 2 out of 4 players no matter how long we waited.
                                • EmpressMieux

                                  EmpressMieux Space Hobo


                                  Two issues were found for myself (host) and friend.
                                  First one was that when doing the "Introductions" Quest, I had 28 people to meet, friend had 27. Small bug, but first thing I noticed.
                                  Second issue was one Day 2 of Spring, Year 1, when going and talking to Emily while she was working out, the game would crash. Friend had this happen to them, then when I did it, it happened against consistently. Here are the logs to that crash.

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                                  • My friend went to talk to Harvey and all it gave him was a string of code.
                                    It happened at the medical building on the 4th day of the new save we had. He also did it after talking to Abigail
                                    We're both using steam but I use windows and he has a Mac.
                                    We tried to replicate the glitch but the next time we talked to him it was fine.
                                    We'll keep trying to replicate it and get a screenshot.
                                    • Prometheorum

                                      Prometheorum Space Hobo

                                      For everyone having the problem with the "Enter Invite Code..." not appearing or just Multiplayer not working.

                                      Does your Steam username contain special characters? Like ö, ü, ä, etc...
                                      If yes, change your username to a normal one with only non-special characters.

                                      If it then works. Write a message here so the Devs will see it!
                                        juliehaerts likes this.
                                      • SwiftFujin

                                        SwiftFujin Space Hobo

                                        Can't go into guild for awhile

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