Modding Help Starbound World Crash

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by sirpokesprite, Aug 27, 2018.

  1. sirpokesprite

    sirpokesprite Void-Bound Voyager

    I have been having a semi-major problem recently for starbound as I've been playing through it. Frequently, I will crash as I'm adventuring through a world. This isn't too bad as it hasn't happened so often that I'm entirely unable to play. However, I'm still curious as to what might be causing the problem and I'd like to see if I'm NOT the only one with it or if there is a way I can resolve that issue, just so I have one less problem to deal with.

    Attached Files:

  2. The Avelon

    The Avelon Phantasmal Quasar

    I've had this crash before, too. It isn't common, but it's happened planetside a couple of times and once in an Ancient Gateway. Poison themed dungeon.

    The mods I have installed with a /monsters folder:
    Avikan, Felin, Frackin' Universe, Galactic Shops, Gardenbot2, Pandora's Box, p_Pets, Wulf's Custom Creatures.

    I have a feeling that it isn't the ship pets mod because that shouldn't be spawning anything without the items. I THINK I have seen every creature in Elithian Races, but never in an Ancient Gate dungeon so I don't think that one either.

    I am not sure if I have seen the Felin ROUS or not and the only other thing is the pet. In either case it doesn't spawn in gateways.

    Do you have any of the remaining mods I listed?
  3. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    What mods do you have? Typically crashing on a planet means an issue with a mod trying to generate something that is invalid. If you have Frakin Universe, then access violations are sometimes a relatively common issue with no solution.
  4. The Avelon

    The Avelon Phantasmal Quasar

    (Very) respectfully, in programming there cannot be no solution. In particular this is something apparently fairly well known but not yet identified and I'm pretty confident that a solution is possible. The only way it could be impossible is if there was an engine bug. As I know you know all of that, and I really mean no disrespect, if you have any more info about FU's access violations I'd be very interested in learning about them.

    Would you please let us know if you do, or PM me? And thanks for pointing this out; I for one didn't know that.
  5. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    FU has been giving access violation errors for years. If there is a solution, it isn't one we can do ourselves. It is most likely an engine bug, or even a straight up limitation.

    And sure, anything is possible, but arguing that doesnt help anything here. One can infer a "yet" to the end of that sentence. "... with no solution yet.". But that is all semantics, which I am not interested in getting into.
  6. sirpokesprite

    sirpokesprite Void-Bound Voyager

    I've removed Frackin Universe from my mods and I have still gotten the same crash as before. If "The Avelon" is getting the same crash, I think I can narrow down the list to a few shared mods. I have Pandora's Box, Wulf's Custom Creatures, and Galactic Shops. So from what I can tell it would have to be one of those three.
  7. The Avelon

    The Avelon Phantasmal Quasar

    Are you aware of any threads about this, or do you have any additional info? My post was meant to confer that I am willing and able to take a crack at this. If it's a limitation being breached I might be able to find a way to code around it and if it's an engine bug it should be throwing the same violation unmodded (hence I need to know if this or any other FU related AVs are sometimes thrown by the engine without FU; if FU just exascerbates an existing problem it still might be possible to decrease its occurrence rate and CF can be made aware)

    I also have no interest in semantics. I knew what you meant and I acknowledge your contributions to the community, so all respect.

    I THINK Galactic Shops doesn't spawn anything but am not sure. I'll do some digging in spawnlists and see if I can find a bad reference for Wulf's and Pandora's.
  8. sirpokesprite

    sirpokesprite Void-Bound Voyager

    I decided to remove Wulf's and even got rid of an addon for Galactic Shops that gave Animal Guards. I once more have received this crash which leads me to think it might be a Pandora's problem. However, there is still a chance that it could be rooted else where. If it provides any help, I can get my most recent Starbound.log and upload it here. I would presume it would list off all of my mods, which would be good to know in case there are some others that could be tampering with the /monster file.

    EDIT: I went into the starbound.log and scrolled down to find the most recent error and noticed that there was a steam workshop number. So, I found a way to go to the mod and the error seems to have been made with Pandora's Box. The error then leads to another one involving the Penguin Costume? before finally wrapping up with the crash log from before.

    EDIT 2: Once more read through the Starbound.log and found out that this crash involving Pandora's Box had happened MUCH earlier on. The most recent crash within the Starbound.log, there was a crash that had a different access violation string of numbers than the original crash. However, the rest of the crash appears to be structured very similarly to the initial crash of these posts. Capturestack, Monster family, Monster variant.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2018
  9. The Avelon

    The Avelon Phantasmal Quasar

    PB does make the most sense. I'm trying to figure out how ancient vaults choose which spawns to use since that's where I found my error. If I know what is being called for by a poison themed vault that narrows down the search considerably.
  10. sirpokesprite

    sirpokesprite Void-Bound Voyager

    I suppose that I will have to live with the crash for the moment. I don't want to get rid of Pandora's Box because of how much it adds AND the fact that it starts you off with some Capture Pods. However, it's starting to seem like that is the only option if I want to get rid of the crash. What I THINK might be causing it is the spawn of Mini-bosses from Supper's Monster Additions, as I've never seen one and it WOULD make sense for the conflict. Along with that, I've only ever seen one of these crashes per planet and I've only ever seen one of those mini-bosses per planet.
  11. The Avelon

    The Avelon Phantasmal Quasar

    Ah, yeah, Supper's gave me frequent crashes sadly. I ended up uninstalling it and didn't get quiet CTDs anymore. I do still have the occasional access violation and FU exascerbates Starbound's inherent memory allocation problems if you idle around machines or visit and fully explore a lot of planets in one session, but the memory thing is a known engine issue and it's good to restart the game every now and then.
  12. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    That is difficult because the crashes are not predictable, and its hard to distinguish if the access violation is caused by FU or not. But the creator of the mod has expressed that FU is known to occasionally cause such crashes. I have also seen such crashes be resolved by eliminating FU.
  13. sirpokesprite

    sirpokesprite Void-Bound Voyager

    Okay, so I fixed the issue. What I had to do was delete my universe and player folders, then load the universe folder WITHOUT Pandora's Box. Then I add it in and everything works fine. This way I can also have Supper's Monster Additions which pretty much adds the closest thing I'll get to world bosses. This is just a note in case anyone else is having problems with the same set of mods.

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