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Tutorial Starbound Server Management Console Release

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Icer, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. shibdib

    shibdib Starship Captain

  2. Mortalsinn

    Mortalsinn Zero Gravity Genie

    Which config do you find this option under? have you tried it?
  3. Mortalsinn

    Mortalsinn Zero Gravity Genie

    I'll be trying it out on my Windows 2012 server in an hour or so and will let you know!
  4. supernet2

    supernet2 Existential Complex

    Starbound.config in the root directory of starbound folder. Also.. i'd like to know if it works on windows server 2012. I have windows server 2008 R2, Windows 8.1, windows server 2012, Debian 7, and win7 64bit. Haven't updated to new console.. ill do so now as soon as the members go offline. or should i say at 1am when i do server maintenance
  5. shibdib

    shibdib Starship Captain

    I run with that config on true and it works. But it also blocks people using harmless mods like custom music

    And an auto restarter is extremely easy to do using task scheduler. I use the following .bat and have tash scheduler set to run it every 90 minutes

    taskkill /F /IM chrome.exe /T
    taskkill /F /IM javaw.exe /T
    taskkill /F /IM starbound_server.exe /T
    PING -n 1 -w 5000 >NUL
    start javaw -jar C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\SBServer\Console\321.jar
    - chrome.exe should be changed to the internet browser you use (prevents duplicate admin panels)
    - javaw.exe not sure this is necessary anymore as it runs headless now, but was used to kill the old panel.
    - server kills the headless server
    - ping pauses the .bat for 5 seconds
    - that start command restarts the server (requires you to set your java/bin folder as a path in system variables)
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2013
    supernet2 likes this.
  6. shibdib

    shibdib Starship Captain

    ip restriction, using works but localhost does not. Only an issue because it launches as localhost
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2013
  7. Valikus

    Valikus Poptop Tamer

    so, my ISSMConsolePlayerList.xml is not populating.. is there a reason why? I'm also going to assume this is where I would set the admin password ?
  8. shibdib

    shibdib Starship Captain

    anyway you can require the admin password to access the console? I know how to do this with html but me recompiling it doesn't seem to work.
  9. supernet2

    supernet2 Existential Complex

    Well it works, the problems though? Local login, Static login, and someone on the same network, on a static ip defined cannot remotely kick or see a updating log. Only remotely does the automatic updates happen. Long as your ip is apart of the ip of admins, alongside also being not on the same LAN as the host machine.

    As for the admin login passwords. Those do not work period. Tried static, lan, and remotely. It doesn't work, only the port forwarding aspect works. Until this is resolved i think this is a "minor" issue. Sorta. Thanks to the locking admin status to IP address (why not ip address, UUID or both ip address & UUID?) this basically counter acts the require of a password. Regardless of if it is enabled or disabled.

    Web Gui Populates fine for me. Tested working on win7 64bit. Problem? auto-refreshing of the chat log, applying kick/ban functions (should it have a auto prompt so that it works?) if it does that would probably remedy it and ignore the update (i've only tried locally on host machine).. although it would serve i guess as a update as well. If it could keep a 1-5 second rolling log to update to said admins it would be epic. The fact that the stop buttons their, makes me want to ask. Please add a restart function, this enables other admins to reboot the server if the issue persists, and also gives a extra option to well... enable to set automatic reloading. Love the setup though! Thanks! Oh and the things i sent you via inbox would be the icing on the cake to this lil thing, the rest is just gravy.

    Also the things starrybound is doing is something to take note of, if you'd implement the exact same thing, considering they made their data open source, it would definitely benefit this project. Thats just large scale thinking, but your program as is is flawless so far at least in my testing. Great job seriously great job!

    heres a image of it working for me and someone else testing it. Only thing is for local login, or logging in on same network or LAN from separate system with added ip (static) it still doesn't let me kick people. Only if i do it remotely From a ip i define in the configs thats not on the same Network/LAN the host machine is on

    Last edited: Dec 27, 2013
  10. Erp_01

    Erp_01 Intergalactic Tourist

      • ISSMConsolePlayerList.xml was not created after run jar file. Only ISSMConsole.properties was create.
      • So, how i can be came admin? where i should write:
      • <AllowedPlayer></AllowedPlayer>,
      • <ServerAdmin></ServerAdmin>
  11. supernet2

    supernet2 Existential Complex

    Where ever your ISSMConsole.properties is create a new file using text

    use this exact copy and paste layout

    copy and paste that in a text file and select the drag and drop when saving as, save the file as filename ISSMConsolePlayerList.xml

    Their you go you got one ready.

    Put your own ip address in the server admin slot, i put one in as the loopback address, always works for me, over localhost:port
  12. Erp_01

    Erp_01 Intergalactic Tourist

    Thank you, it is working) One more question - where is line for input admin commands in consile?
  13. supernet2

    supernet2 Existential Complex

    i dont know where it is, it hasn't been implemented. Admin commands can be used on the server when you login under your ip. Ex: your logging in on machine hosting server, so its since thats set as admin ip, this means in server you can type /kick USERNAME and it will remove said user (or kick them out). Same goes for ban, etc.. check original post for more details on commands.
    Valikus likes this.
  14. Icer

    Icer Tentacle Wrangler

    All of the 'admin commands' are entered from inside of a client running Starbound. If you are on the list of Admin IPs and you know the password, then you can type those commands into the chat window of the game.

    If my password was abc then I can type /kick Icer abc and it would boot me from the server.
    supernet2 and Valikus like this.
  15. Valikus

    Valikus Poptop Tamer

    WOW! Thank you.. the exact problem I was having =)

    @Icer @supernet2
    Thanks for the response.. I know now how to be an admin of my server and where to create the ISSMConsolePlayerList.xml
    supernet2 likes this.
  16. Valikus

    Valikus Poptop Tamer

    Is there another requirement to kick someone besides changing the port to 21024?
    I've forwarded ports and set the admin pw in consoleplayer list.

    1.) I can't kick from the web GUI =(

    2.) When I do /kick (name here) abc, nothing happens...

    Also, with the new version, I get this error message:

    To view this page, you must be a server administrator, or be running on the same machine on the server
    Your IP Address 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 can not access this document

    I am on the same machine as the server...

    So, I decided to continue using the previous version.. but I wonder why I can't see my own server in .41
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2013
  17. supernet2

    supernet2 Existential Complex

    Same issue i have, i found a bypass but.. your probably not gonna like my idea.

    On your pc run VMware (at least for me on windows), then run a emulated os, any will do. Then run a proxy, or a ip spoofer. Or just attach another device like say a wireless usb device and attach that usb port that the wireless card is attached to to that VMware. After associating it with that, use another network on that wireless card, MAKE SURE to isolate that network strictly to the VMware so it doesn't conflict with your server.

    From within VMware, then you can now finally use your console.

    Also if you know your phones ip on a per tower basis, modify the admin ip and add it in as a admin.

    I set 92 seperate ip's in my area based on the towers i use so anytime i use my phone as a mobile hotspot i can also use that as a acting seperate network as a admin...

    Also i can just login to my secondary/auxiliary network line with FiOS which is another IP altogether.
  18. Valikus

    Valikus Poptop Tamer

    this is in reference to the unauthorized correct?
  19. supernet2

    supernet2 Existential Complex

    No in reference to after getting past that, logging in and then a error on my end. Only on local machine (server system login) and LAN machine (on same network as local machine but a different LAN on same subnet) haven't thought of testing on a different subnet.

    When it auto opens localhost: PORT

    it doesn't load. type in on your host machine. Look at my past time post, the .xml format is already preset for logging in via local system. If you wanna login via static ip, or on same LAN make sure that static ip of the machine logging in is also apart of the .xml that defines admins else it will not work.

    As a added precaution... make sure to setup your port forwarding on your router/modem. If thats not done it isn't going to work other than on the host machine, every other machine wont beable to control it.

    As for my issue... my issue is related to how it doesn't correctly update the web gui during interaction when logged into webgui successfully. This i think is related to it being on the host system, or on the same network as the host system. To remedy this i use VMware, or another computer completely on a seperate network that i define as admin.

    Icer, another suggestion, please give the option to enable/disable the webgui from auto popping up per startup of the ISSMconsole.jar I know its ment for simplicity but sometimes it causes alota grief with the auto restarting scripts im running. Preferably just make it a option that can be ticked/disabled via the .properties file(?)
    Valikus likes this.
  20. shibdib

    shibdib Starship Captain

    Just use instead of localhost
    supernet2 likes this.

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