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Starbound freeze/crash at Chucklefish logo~

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by DJOkamical, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. Aiden14

    Aiden14 Intergalactic Tourist

    not on xp
  2. Robin :)

    Robin :) Orbital Explorer

    Update Fixed It ( or atleast i got past the logo )
    Will report back with more
    XP SP3
    Safemode ( not sure if it works in normal )
  3. imp

    imp Void-Bound Voyager

    ack im playing on xp and was experiencing these errors, hoped the update would fix it but now im getting 'access violation' error?
    doobydude likes this.
  4. Charzir

    Charzir Aquatic Astronaut

    Same proplem.
    doobydude likes this.
  5. Playah

    Playah Phantasmal Quasar

    Aye. Access violation errors. Not even running as Admin fixes 'em.
    doobydude likes this.
  6. Knawojin

    Knawojin Astral Cartographer

    Violation error here as well. But maybe the update isn't actually released yet and is coming shortly.

    *-Update-* I've tried in Safemode as well and it brings back many stacks errors or something, despite only clicking once.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2013
  7. ScoudyDePirate

    ScoudyDePirate Space Hobo

    Guys now i am having a C++ runtime error .__. enyone else have this error?
    Windows XP pro
  8. doobydude

    doobydude Space Spelunker

    i have that exact same error. and NOTHING i tried seems to fix it. quite saddening really.
  9. fw190a8

    fw190a8 Seal Broken

    After a bunch of patches, this still isn't working for me. Windows 7 64-bit, click launch, there's a very short "spinning blue thing" and then it quits out immediately, before any kind of window appears. This is running as admin or not admin, running with overlay enabled and disabled, seems to happen no matter what.

    Would be REALLY disappointed if I'd dropped money on this and it didn't work at all, but luckily I have Ubuntu 13.10 and it works on there. Annoying to have to reboot to change OS every time I want to play though.
  10. fw190a8

    fw190a8 Seal Broken

    Just on my post above, my Steam has only just picked up another patch, which has introduced the launcher. This now successfully launches the game in both DirectX and OpenGL modes. Good work on the fix.
  11. doobydude

    doobydude Space Spelunker

    its seesm the problem with my issue in getting the visual c++ error was something with this file "msvcr71.dll"
  12. BlueTheChucklingManiac

    BlueTheChucklingManiac Void-Bound Voyager

    Run Game in Administrator by going into properties and into compatibility in the .exe file (Go to your starbound files and look at the win32 or win64 files). And then turn off 'Steam Community In-Game' by right clicking Starbound. Then click properties on the small interface that was brought up. (It should open up general as default) Then click the Steam Community In-Game button.
    This works, if you want your Steam UI ingame though. Then try turning the Steam UI on or try troubleshooting using the troubleshooter (Program compatibility).

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