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Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by Alucard I, Dec 21, 2014.

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  1. roflburger2010

    roflburger2010 Void-Bound Voyager

    X: -524773296
    Y: 341777331
    Epsilon Stegamagister 3174 V
  2. zorc

    zorc Space Hobo

    game crash bug report :

    x:-570700873 y:-337948586
    Eye planet

    game crash bug report :


    in this planet, game crash when go left or go right about some distance

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 10, 2015
  3. Alucard I

    Alucard I King Homestuck I

    Everything underground updated normally for me. But when I started moving to the left, I met an unloaded chunk.2 seconds after I found a chest in this chunk, and deleted thorn grenades in it. After that I didn't see any other unloaded chunks. Just a minor guess, but could you do the same? Maybe that's the reason?
  4. SleepySquidd

    SleepySquidd Tragically Magic Hands

    Try uninstalling your mods, they may be outdated and be causing your crashing.
  5. level1imp

    level1imp Master Chief

    Would just like to mention this happened to me as well.

    If it helps, I was running the 64-bit OGL version. Haven't checked if the same thing happens on the others.
  6. Seth Phoenix

    Seth Phoenix Big Damn Hero

    Damn. I rather liked the idea of having a FFVII Soldier Uniform. Oh well. I hope the mod gets updated soon.
  7. Jezla

    Jezla Void-Bound Voyager

    As far as I know. What could cause this?
  8. DavunKolsune

    DavunKolsune Void-Bound Voyager

    ----Graphical Bug----

    EDIT: After playing more, I have found that this bug only occurs for me in Single-player. There is no real noticeable separation in multiplayer.

    Today I noticed a bug with running animations for humans. Don't know if this extends to other races or not.

    My human female character's head separates from her body when running. Tested with different armor/clothing, and it happens all the same. I have uploaded an example screenshot.

    The screenshot shows separation but it's actually a bit more severe than that. This is what I could get, however.


    System Info if it matters:

    W7 x64
    Upbeat Giraffe (latest stable build as of this posting)
    x64 OpenGL Client
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2015
  9. JNFischer30

    JNFischer30 Big Damn Hero

    Windows 7, 64 bit
    Upbeat Giraffe
    Moderate Bug
    Feb, 12 2015

    All this started just this morning. The game is extremely laggy. Objects I interact with do not respond for 10 seconds. This only happens on planets, there is no lag on my ship. Enemies sometimes freeze up and liquid is almost impossible to collect, as it freezes up as soon as it begins moving. I've restarted the game a few times and even restarted my computer. I'm still getting the problems.

    OK, just now everything but my character froze. Even the tiny meteors froze in the sky. I could still move around just fine, but none of my actions registered with the other objects, except or the collision detection against the ground.

    It finally stopped on the first world I visited but then is started up again when I went to a new planet. I guess it's just the world generation.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2015
  10. Alucard I

    Alucard I King Homestuck I


    Please reply today or tomorrow if you're really going to help me with bugs or not. We're probably going to do a lot more work then now, as requested by moderators and devs.
  11. zorc

    zorc Space Hobo

    Vines staining result map error

    Attached Files:

  12. Alucard I

    Alucard I King Homestuck I

    Same thing happens with Pile of Eyes block.
  13. level1imp

    level1imp Master Chief

    OS: Windows 8.1 x64
    • Client: Upbeat Giraffe U2 P666
    • Bug classification: 2
    Bug: NPCs spawn inside terrain.
    They still function and can be interacted with. In the case of the merchant on the left, she actually managed to escape (suddenly appeared above ground and walked about as normal), the cultist was unable to free himself though.​

  14. Lord Sinclair

    Lord Sinclair Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm not sure if it's a bug, but I found an issue with the NPC Quests system.

    After finding an object to complete one of the later quests, I returned to the outpost and spoke to the NPC to receive my reward. However, I did not realize that my inventory was full at the time, so I was unable to receive the reward, which included a blank tech card.

    Despite not receiving the objects, the item boxes appeared at the bottom of my screen to suggest that I had received the items, so I returned to my ship. Upon discovering that I didn't have the blank tech card, I returned to the outpost to try to see if the reward had dropped on the ground or whether I could still receive it from the NPC, but I had no success on either count.

    Thus, I am now playing that character with a permanent tech handicap (although I'm far enough into the game that it's only an inconvenience, not game breaking, thankfully).

    HACHE2MORT Void-Bound Voyager

    Version : Upbeat Giraffe
    Classe of bug : Important bug
    Windows XP x 32
    I use Steam.

    I tried to start the game at the selection character screen (with a character already created) but the game won't move, he was stopped.
  16. Alucard I

    Alucard I King Homestuck I

    I don't quite remember this happening to me. Try to replicate the bug one more time, please.
    Also you can find blank tech cards in chests! But they are rare.
  17. TouKing

    TouKing Aquatic Astronaut

    I found an issue with my co-ordinates. If i manually type in co-ordinates the map will just keep saying "Processing"
    If I click away the starmap, nothing in my ship will activate and I will have to restart the game to keep playing
  18. Silveriris

    Silveriris Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Found an issue with bows and the refinery in crafting. Clicking on them while in the crafting menu causes the game to crash.

    Pretty sure there are more items, but so far the iron bow, refinery, and compound bow do this.
  19. Alucard I

    Alucard I King Homestuck I

    Huh? I used to craft Compound bow, and the game didn't crash for me. Does it happen to you every time? Are you using mods? Are you on the latest stable?
  20. Silveriris

    Silveriris Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm on unstable testing things. It happens everytime I click on it.
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