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Closed Starbound BETA: Bugs Database LU 8.29.14 (Not for nightly)

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by Alucard I, Dec 6, 2013.


Are *you* helping developers to fix all the bugs?

  1. Of course! I'm the most helpful here! :)

  2. Nah, I'm too busy playing this awesome game. :D

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  1. Mattyhew

    Mattyhew Space Hobo

    I have a bug where its not allowing me to use the "Starmap Upgrade MK2" every time i try to consume it the little note comes up saying i am allowed to new beta sectors but it doesn't do anything after that and i am unable to move to the new sector.
  2. Degenerate Pixel

    Degenerate Pixel Phantasmal Quasar

    Since Furious Koala, and still in Enraged Koala, I'm having trouble with heavy rain entering my underground base. It does not seem intended since all open air is blocked off, all walls are sealed with player-placed blocks, hand placed by myself, and many areas are blocked by doors. The rain seems to be actually falling from my ceilings, which doesn't make any sense, since as I said before, most of my walls are hand-placed Pressurized Steel, and all have walls behind them as well.
  3. sklazinga

    sklazinga Space Penguin Leader

    So, since the enraged update my buddy and I have lost access to the Alpha sector. Is this a known bug? Can it be fixed?
    No Alpha.jpg
    Potato Shogun likes this.
  4. Shadox2.0

    Shadox2.0 Spaceman Spiff

    In one planet i've find a blue moonstone become red when mining , just for say , i don't use mod at all.


    bonus : you can find a tech chest on the surface , and a town (for me it was gravity bubble and an avian town).
    Tleno likes this.
  5. Davy Crockett

    Davy Crockett Poptop Tamer

    After downloading the newest update, Enraged Koala, I created a new character and after unlocking the beta sector, I realized that I was unable to travel back to alpha sector because the square with the "A" in it was not where it was supposed to be in the pilot window. I do not have any mods installed and have not altered the game in any way.
    Potato Shogun likes this.
  6. Omolong

    Omolong Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I've found a pretty minor bug that should be under either Items or Weapons and Armor. The High-Vis Jacket (filename is miner.chest) and Miner's Helmet (filename is miner.head) both have the ColdProtection amount set to "1" (including the quote marks), which causes them to become Perfectly Generic Objects if you find them/use a mod that lets you get them. One of the updates made it so that you couldn't have values for amount in quote marks, and it seems that all other items have been fixed apart from this one. Hope this helps.
  7. Ligeia

    Ligeia Space Hobo

    Hi! I've got a really serious bug.
    I've actualized Starbound on 19th February and I've been playing without problems but, suddenly yesterday while I was playing online, it crashes Moreover, everytime I selected any one of my pj, it crashes. I can't play on sigle or multiplayer. I send you a capture:

    Afther that, Microsost visual library crashes too.
    Sin título.jpg
  8. Shadox2.0

    Shadox2.0 Spaceman Spiff

    Maybe try delette the "builder" folder ? (in "User" folder) I don't realy know what is for , but the game will must create a new one and all must work in my opinion.

    Copy and past your folders somewhere before for be able to cancel your action if it's worst after that.

    i can't help you more sorry
  9. conorf1807

    conorf1807 Void-Bound Voyager

    Hylotl rear engine 'flame' is missaligned.
  10. Pallladium

    Pallladium Space Spelunker

    ok i dont know where to put this but i have to say the tags about the stuf i pick up are annoying cuz there always in the middle of the screen change them put them bottom left of the screen or something move them i have seeing 50 tags pop when im mining or something
  11. thelarchmage

    thelarchmage Space Spelunker

    It seems that the bug with 2-handed effect weapons having a different right hand use effect also applies to single-handed weapons.
    I have a poison weapon and an electric weapon (both one-handed) and when I dual-wield, whichever one in my right hand will have a fire effect.
  12. Sirsir94

    Sirsir94 Orbital Explorer

    The bed appears over other mobs when you are sleeping in it.
  13. OnlyOwly

    OnlyOwly Yeah, You!

    After last update can't start it on my mac again. >:
  14. medic123de

    medic123de Intergalactic Tourist

  15. Inny

    Inny Cosmic Narwhal

    Hi, there is a problem with your new biome.
    Error: WorldServerThread exception caught: StarException: Unknown treasure chest set 'heckChest'
  16. SheepHurdurr

    SheepHurdurr Orbital Explorer

  17. Zurgh

    Zurgh Void-Bound Voyager

    Crop Farming bug?

    Started a large farm at the beginning of Furious Koala in the alpha sector. Made it my home world. No issues then.

    Came back after Enraged Koala, hotfix 2. Everywhere I had crops growing and within a screen length or three -the frame rate went to almost unplayabley choppy along with the music. Reaped all the crops and that seemed to fix things. Haven't replanted them yet.

    I use only the Fully Customizable Ship Mod.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2014
  18. Zardo

    Zardo Void-Bound Voyager

    Heck Biome Bug. I discovered a Heck Biome and began mining. After a few minutes i clicked to mine an area and I was unable to click on the foreground or background with my mouse and have any effect. This was localized to this specific area. Once that occurred I could not register any mouse clicks right or left regardless of biome. It was like a dead spot that killed mouse support. It was repeatable by quitting and coming back to that same area with the exact same results. Maybe a data corruption? I'm using the latest version of SB and have no mods implemented.
    Thanks and good luck.
  19. catmonkshiro

    catmonkshiro Phantasmal Quasar

    it's not just sandstone chests. i have round ice chests, rainbow chests and eye chests, a flesh chest and a cell chest i can no longer scan as well.

    but you can still scan the old chests and all the current racial chests.
    whatever it is it seems to have effected all the chests you can find blueprints for. perhaps it's a bug, but perhaps they intentionally made them not scan-able?
    i haven't the first idea where to look to confirm this, it's just sort of a theory, but based on the evidence I've seen thus far, it's a rather plausible one.
  20. Inny

    Inny Cosmic Narwhal

    It is intended. Those items are craftable, so making them scanable made the recipe useless.
    They now all have "printable" : false in their property file.
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