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Closed Starbound BETA: Bugs Database LU 8.29.14 (Not for nightly)

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by Alucard I, Dec 6, 2013.


Are *you* helping developers to fix all the bugs?

  1. Of course! I'm the most helpful here! :)

  2. Nah, I'm too busy playing this awesome game. :D

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  1. Ramus73

    Ramus73 Starship Captain

    I think of you pick the bed up and put it back down again it should work.
  2. Werekitty39501

    Werekitty39501 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Tried it. It didn't work. Tres strange. I haven't tried the iron bed, but the wood bed is not letting my poor character nap.
  3. Zuvaii

    Zuvaii Heliosphere

    I recently started a new character and discovered that my game will start to lag at regular intervals when there are enemies nearby or when gathering resources such as chopping down trees. This is happening in Single Player, and I never experienced any lag of any sort in single-player prior to this update. If needed, I can post what mods and OS I'm running, but I'm not certain those are what's influencing the lag.
  4. FormyZee

    FormyZee Void-Bound Voyager

    aaw..o well a new char again then, and autobackup saves every 10s :rolleyes:
  5. Sadron

    Sadron Ketchup Robot

    Typo bug with the blue Star Trek top, "This top will energize it's wearer." You got It's (it is) and Its (ownership) mixed up. That should say "its wearer".
  6. judge1

    judge1 Void-Bound Voyager

    i started a new character after the new patch (before the hot fixes) and i found that i couldn't set my home world and even with the hot fixes (up to 4) when i click "go to home world" i teleport and then the focus stay on the ship while my character is gone (i can still move the fov around the ship)
    devrock3033 likes this.
  7. MikanPachi

    MikanPachi Void-Bound Voyager

    Dunno if this is posted or not, but the planet I'm on there's a glitch village left of spawn. The shop NPCs work normal, but when I try to open a chest or cooking pot there the game crashes.

    here's the cords. It's in alpha sector.
    X -83300057
    Y -89032778
  8. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    Actually, you can mine golden bunnies. I found that it just takes a while.
  9. hobs

    hobs Tentacle Wrangler

    Had a similar problem as listed, chests and ship just crash the game on accessing them, for multiple characters on that server.
  10. Shamgar

    Shamgar Intergalactic Tourist

    I have the exact same problem. Have you found a solution yet?
  11. Skizelli

    Skizelli Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    A few things to report.

    1) As of Enraged (possibly after one of the hot patches), I can no longer pass in front of a Stone Furnace if a second Stone Furnace is stacked on top of it. It becomes wall-like. Removing the top furnace fixes the issue, however.

    2) While on my ship, the framerate seems to be worse. It used to run a lot smoother prior to the patch, but now it's a bit choppy for me.

    3) The player sits on this Wooden Stool incorrectly when itt's facing left.


    It's fine when facing right though.

    Last edited: Feb 21, 2014
  12. pixiesquisher

    pixiesquisher Big Damn Hero

    Same problem here for me. Can't set a home planet.

    Also, any container I had prior to Enraged Koala crashes the game when opened.
  13. Kazazeil

    Kazazeil Void-Bound Voyager

    So far I haven't come across any particular bugs on the 48+ hours I've been playing the beta solo,however when I was playing with a friend the day before the Enraged Koala patch whenever my friend added fuel to his ship most if not ALL of his fuel would disappear from his fuel tank,I have no idea if it is a consistent bug or him having a terrible case of bad luck,as we were the only two playing for the duration of the night.

    My main problem to address atm is the same day before Enraged Koala we were all playing with some pretty stellar mods,and I save/quit with two of the mod items in my character's hotkey,so now whenever I load this character the game crashes and I get an "ItemException: Overwriting item in PlayerInventory::setItem" error message....

    it doesn't seem to fix itself when the up-to-date mod is added or deleted,I have no knowledge on how to fix this.
  14. Aurtose

    Aurtose Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Got the same thing, tried using an inventory editor to remove it but still get the error and can't load the character, could be due to modded techs perhaps?
  15. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    That's not new. For a while now, a few updates before enraged, if 2 objects or just a fridge are against both a floor and a ceiling, they cannot be passed through.
  16. Tleno

    Tleno Spaceman Spiff

    This has something to do with colliding with surfaces you can pass trough and stand on at same time... tested with platforms, crates and other things like that, always the same story.
  17. Grimmturd

    Grimmturd Cosmic Narwhal

    When going into caverns, I will sometimes break open poison pools to let them all accumulate together so as not to step on them on the way back up, or just to get them out of the way. I only do this when i'm deep enough underground when they cannot be drained through the background or I just didn't feel like putting a dirt block over it to just make it disappear entirely. But I noticed that the poison water does not mix with regular liquid. Like oil. Kind of a neat thing, actually, but I'm pretty sure it's not meant this way. Couldn't find in the search if this was already reported, and this thread is soooo daunting to look through. Disregard if this has already been reported elsewhere.

    Edit: The poison still acts as poison water, and if the pool it is in changes shape, it can also spread or move around. as I was hitting some blocks to the side of the pool in the pic, it spread to be about 3 times the size, and eventually crept up on me like the lake beast in the move The Raft from Creepshow 2:eek:
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2014
  18. Skizelli

    Skizelli Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I've had two furnaces stacked on top of each other on my ship since Furious, which fit snugly between a platform and the ceiling (as you can make out in my screenshots), and I've had no issues with it. This changed after Enraged was released. Perhaps it was fixed and then broken again? You're right about the ceiling though.
  19. Sirsir94

    Sirsir94 Orbital Explorer

    access violation detected at 0x5106fe (read of address 0x134)

    Runtime Error
    This application has requested that Runtime terminate it in an unusual way

    This only happens to my main, and the only thing I can think of thats different is that yesterday I built all the Valentines day stuff...
  20. noxturno

    noxturno Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    multiplayer is broken when setting use defaultworld to true, people stuck in a black void with their ships game crashes when they try to go to the cockpit
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