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Closed Starbound BETA: Bugs Database LU 8.29.14 (Not for nightly)

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by Alucard I, Dec 6, 2013.


Are *you* helping developers to fix all the bugs?

  1. Of course! I'm the most helpful here! :)

  2. Nah, I'm too busy playing this awesome game. :D

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  1. zwanglos

    zwanglos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    If you spraypaint the crystal blocks they disappear >.> Which sucks, because I was thinking of making them match the purple of the Violium doors.
  2. chrisc098

    chrisc098 Space Hobo

    Mac Os X here.

    Whenever I set an amount of something to be crafted that exceeds 1000 it only created 1000. I can provide screen shots later on if need be.
  3. Disig

    Disig Pangalactic Porcupine

    Same here, on multiplayer AND singleplayer. you can hear the engines turn off and eventually land but you cannot leave and the moving animation is still there.
    Julimarie likes this.
  4. mriswith

    mriswith Tentacle Wrangler

    The magma planets do indeed seem to be bugged:

    Error: UniverseServer: exception caught: BiomeException: Failed to parse surface
    biome: 'magma'
    caused by: VariantException: Improper conversion to bool from int
      007222A4 starbound_server.exe
      005A0B5D starbound_server.exe
      0099688E starbound_server.exe
      004DED27 starbound_server.exe
      004674C2 starbound_server.exe
      0046D2F5 starbound_server.exe
      00406145 starbound_server.exe
      00406E5C starbound_server.exe
      00407AB0 starbound_server.exe
      0040CCF4 starbound_server.exe
      00AAB7D2 starbound_server.exe
      00401413 starbound_server.exe
      00401585 starbound_server.exe
      77139EF2 ntdll.dll
      77139EC5 ntdll.dll
    Disig likes this.
  5. NSPtheGreat

    NSPtheGreat Seal Broken

    I have a bug on mutliplayer. Firstly I could go to Asteroidfields, without problems. After I've been to a few on sector x and beta the game now teleports me to death on every asteroidfield. That's right! It teleports me to the bottom of the map, where I die instantly. Is there already a fix for this????

  6. magewish4

    magewish4 Pangalactic Porcupine

    'O Dainty Duck O Dear!'

    It happened again! This time snow turned all funky. It happened after I had been playing a while.
  7. Lunsford

    Lunsford Void-Bound Voyager

    Can't travel to any Threat Level 10 Magma/Volcanic planets. Will stay stuck on traveling animation of ship, the information in the travel log will still be running as well, but it will make the sound that you are there, but never stop. You have to quit the game, lose the fuel you used and it will put you back on your planet before you tried to travel. I am aware of actions like alt+tab'ing and opening the game menu causing this bug, but you can just sit there and do nothing once you hit "GO" and it happens every time, tried it about 10 times so far, every time it happens.
  8. Noobverest

    Noobverest Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think I found a bug?

    If you join single player while hosting a server the client crashes then the multiplayer server crashes and everything gets wiped >>
  9. Brass Machine

    Brass Machine Yeah, You!

    Shields still don't have a description.

    1 handed craftable weapons appear to always be better than 2 handed craftable weapons.

    Tents and beds take too long to heal when you have high tier armor.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2014
  10. Alien Lorax

    Alien Lorax Void-Bound Voyager

    I found a weird anti-rain effect.
    On a planet that started raining, I noticed there were water tiles being interspersed with naturally occurring poison tiles. I also noticed that instead of the poison pools overflowing, they lost liquid in the rain. Here is a pic of what it looks like. The pools to the left of my guy was originally level with the ground.

    Attached Files:

  11. Beatrice

    Beatrice Spaceman Spiff

    I'm not sure if that is WAD, but walls of cobblestone bricks and packed dirt can't be recolored via the painting tool, in contrast to other craftable blocks. This seems weird.
  12. Comassion

    Comassion Space Hobo

    Just thought I'd report the Volcanic bug as well (was in Delta quadrant, so not threat level 10). Ship just remained in travelling animation after playing the landing sound. It also used up fuel. I saved and quit and restarted, and the game placed me back at the planet I travelled from, fuel used was gone.
  13. elusiveTranscendent

    elusiveTranscendent Pangalactic Porcupine

    I joined a server and I crash every time I try beaming down to a planet. I tried different planets in different sectors, but I always crashed anyway. I would beam down and the planet would begin loading before crashing seconds later.

    Attached Files:

  14. Bolo

    Bolo Orbital Explorer

    Yeah I have the same problem.
  15. kvchaos

    kvchaos Void-Bound Voyager

    Getting stuck too often in warp speed when travelling to a different system.
    edit: think it's the same problem as the above.
    Thrive likes this.
  16. thykka

    thykka Void-Bound Voyager

    I got this when trying to warp to a volcanic biome planet:

    Error: UniverseServer: exception caught: BiomeException: Failed to parse surface biome: 'volcanic'
    ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star13StarExceptionC1ERKSsRKSt9exception+0x126) [0xdc5656]
    ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star14BiomeExceptionC1ERKSsRKSt9exception+0x11) [0x929d31]
    ./starbound_server(_ZNK4Star13BiomeDatabase19createSurfaceBiomesERKNS_6StringEmff+0x2760) [0x928340]
    ./starbound_server(_ZNK4Star15PlanetGenerator15getPlanetConfigERKNS_15WorldCoordinateE+0xe73) [0xafcca3]
    ./starbound_server(_ZNK4Star15PlanetGenerator14generatePlanetERKNS_15WorldCoordinateE+0x34) [0xb01be4]
    ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star14UniverseServer11createWorldERKNS_15WorldCoordinateE+0x324) [0x834534]
    ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star14UniverseServer14clientMoveShipEjRKNS_15WorldCoordinateEb+0x152) [0x8361e2]
    ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star14UniverseServer17handleQueuedWarpsEv+0x300) [0x83b8c0]
    ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star14UniverseServer3runEv+0x32c) [0x83bdfc]
    ./starbound_server(main+0x572) [0x7c67b2]
    ./libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf5) [0x7f778fce9de5]
    ./starbound_server() [0x7cc43d]
    caused by: VariantException: Improper conversion to bool from int
    ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star13StarExceptionC2ERKNS_6StringE+0x105) [0xdc4c75]
    ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star16VariantExceptionC2ERKNS_6StringE+0x11) [0xdaee81]
    ./starbound_server(_ZNK4Star7Variant6toBoolEv+0x6b) [0xda8c0b]
    ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star8Parallax10buildLayerENS_3MapINS_6StringENS_7VariantESt13unordered_mapIS2_S3_NS_4hashIS2_vEESt8equal_toIS2_ESaISt4pairIKS2_S3_EEEEES2_SE_+0x79b) [0xaceecb]
    ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star8ParallaxC2ENS_6StringEmffNS_5MaybeINS_11TreeVariantEEE+0x4ca) [0xad05ba]
    ./starbound_server(_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorIN4Star8ParallaxEE9constructIS2_IRNS1_6StringERmRfS8_NS1_5MaybeINS1_11TreeVariantEEEEEEvPT_DpOT0_+0xba) [0x92eafa]
    ./starbound_server(_ZNSt23_Sp_counted_ptr_inplaceIN4Star8ParallaxESaIS1_ELN9__gnu_cxx12_Lock_policyE2EEC1IJRNS0_6StringERmRfSA_NS0_5MaybeINS0_11TreeVariantEEEEEES2_DpOT_+0x53) [0x92ebc3]
    ./starbound_server(_ZNSt14__shared_countILN9__gnu_cxx12_Lock_policyE2EEC1IN4Star8ParallaxESaIS5_EIRNS4_6StringERmRfSA_NS4_5MaybeINS4_11TreeVariantEEEEEESt19_Sp_make_shared_tagPT_RKT0_DpOT1_+0x62) [0x92ec42]
    ./starbound_server(_ZNSt12__shared_ptrIN4Star8ParallaxELN9__gnu_cxx12_Lock_policyE2EEC1ISaIS1_EJRNS0_6StringERmRfSA_NS0_5MaybeINS0_11TreeVariantEEEEEESt19_Sp_make_shared_tagRKT_DpOT0_+0x3c) [0x92eccc]
    ./starbound_server(_ZNK4Star13BiomeDatabase19createSurfaceBiomesERKNS_6StringEmff+0xa5c) [0x92663c]
    ./starbound_server(_ZNK4Star15PlanetGenerator15getPlanetConfigERKNS_15WorldCoordinateE+0xe73) [0xafcca3]
    ./starbound_server(_ZNK4Star15PlanetGenerator14generatePlanetERKNS_15WorldCoordinateE+0x34) [0xb01be4]
    ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star14UniverseServer11createWorldERKNS_15WorldCoordinateE+0x324) [0x834534]
    ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star14UniverseServer14clientMoveShipEjRKNS_15WorldCoordinateEb+0x152) [0x8361e2]
    ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star14UniverseServer17handleQueuedWarpsEv+0x300) [0x83b8c0]
    ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star14UniverseServer3runEv+0x32c) [0x83bdfc]
    ./starbound_server(main+0x572) [0x7c67b2]
    ./libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf5) [0x7f778fce9de5]
    ./starbound_server() [0x7cc43d]
    Left me in my ship, warping forever. Lost my precious fuel too ;__;
  17. MoonLitBlaze

    MoonLitBlaze Big Damn Hero

    I found a small minor bug where on my friends space ship if we sat in a chair it would make us face the wrong direction. Also this is with the create your own ship mod, not for sure if thats whats causing it. Heres photo proof [​IMG]
  18. ThePwn

    ThePwn Astral Cartographer

    I noticed that if I disconnect underground and then reconnect to the multiplayer server my ship will be in the middle of space and not allow me to access the control panel. I fixed it by simply teleporting to world and teleporting back to my ship. The background reappears and then allows you to access the ships control. Idk if this is a new bug on the current patch or if it only happens in multiplayer, however I did not notice this before the update.
  19. gardeford

    gardeford Tentacle Wrangler

    So on low gravity planets fish are flying out of the water and into the sky, has happened on 3 planets so far. and they don't come back down that i can see.

    EDIT- woops that was at the end of one of the lists. nvm.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2014
  20. alienated1021

    alienated1021 Aquatic Astronaut

    If you place a Tesla Spike on the ceiling of the ship, and then have a captured animal jump straight up into it, then their capture pod will be stuck on the roof outside of the ship, and cannot be re-collected.
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