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Closed Starbound BETA: Bugs Database LU 8.29.14 (Not for nightly)

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by Alucard I, Dec 6, 2013.


Are *you* helping developers to fix all the bugs?

  1. Of course! I'm the most helpful here! :)

  2. Nah, I'm too busy playing this awesome game. :D

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  1. Insydius

    Insydius Void-Bound Voyager

    Not sure if this should be in the bug section but I just had a power outage,re-started the game and my character was gone.
    Was up to the third Boss...ouch!!
  2. adigregorio

    adigregorio Orbital Explorer

    This seems to be a non-large bug. As in it doesn't affect many folks; however, some of us have had the sting from this bug.

    Consoles/Switches/Levers are not showing up as craft worthy items. Which is to say they are NOT listed under their respective crafting stations.

    In order to get them to show up, you have to add them via inventory editor(s). Scan them into your ship's printer, and then head to the proper crafting station to craft them. (The rest of this post is copied from a thread here, this is the "fix" to the bug as it stands now.)

    <><><><><>Thread: http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/where-did-the-consoles-go.67690/#post-1751289 <><><><><>

    I have been able to edit my inventory to add the iron console, just to test.

    I can add the item, and I can scan it to the tech printer; however, it does not show up on any of the crafting devices. (Other than the tech printer)

    The editor I used: http://c4isbad.com/starreader/
    (It's web browser based)
    **Make a BACKUP of your save before proceeding (as always)**

    The code you will need to import took me some digging, since I have not modded the game at all ect. So here it is in case you're as noobish as I:

    Find an empty inventory slot listed, click "more" then "import" and enter the above code into the prompt. Then save/download the edited file and replace it in the player folder. (Don't forget about backups!!)

    Load game, and the Iron Console will be in your inventory. If you want the others, you will need to change the name of "ironswitch" in the code. I do not know what the other consoles are called, if you unpacked your pak you can hunt the data down from there.

    Oh yeah, I can't craft the consoles by the way :p


    I have tested another console "Impervium" this one can be inserted into the inventory the same way as above, just replace ironswitch with tier10switch (And as you can guess, tier9 tier8 etc.)

    Once you do that with Impervium (tier10switch) you CAN scan it into the printer, and it WILL show up under the metalworking station. Have not tried with any others, just ironswtich and tier10switch (impervium).

    Hope this helps!
  3. Cowrie1974

    Cowrie1974 Void-Bound Voyager

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Version Furious Koala

    Hello fellow Starbound Players.
    Not sure if its a client side bug, but every time I go to Beta Kipkron 7995 II a (x= -39013846 y= -15307307) jungle biome it will start out normal and as I progress to the left or the right, monsters will freeze/you can't chop down or mine/weather such as rain isolated to just your area. And then, as you continue past the frozen monsters left or right you'll notice the land sharply cuts off even rain can't go past and you can get stuck in the air if you try to jump past it. Only solution is to beam back on your ship. I'll check later to see if others are experiencing this. Thanks in advance!
  4. Twix45

    Twix45 Space Hobo

    I don't know if someone's posted this bug before, but every time I try to put items into the ships locker it makes the game crash.
  5. RenaldiForumStar

    RenaldiForumStar Big Damn Hero

    A bit late but still important: v. Angry koala (christmas Update) Santa's back armor was an actual item but nonexistent in the actual game(not craftable). Called Santa's Sack, no code available to actually implement it...
  6. Dragon64

    Dragon64 Yeah, You!

    Whenever I try to go to a volcanic planet I get stuck in hyperspace
  7. Meanbeans

    Meanbeans Star Wrangler

    There is definitely something wrong with planting and growing and pulling said plants.
    I just now pulled up (according to my little pop up) 29 wheat, but when I looked at my inventory, there's only 13.
  8. Cowrie1974

    Cowrie1974 Void-Bound Voyager

    Update : I went back to the planet and only went left and made it all the way to the temple but when I tried to go right of where you spawn/teleport the monsters freeze again and the land truncates so you have to teleport back to your ship. Anyone else having problems on this planet? Some of the water icons suspend as blue little squares over the tar or where you recently mined as well.
  9. ValentiniousIV

    ValentiniousIV Intergalactic Tourist

    pulse jump tech doesn't work on my human character. it does on my avian and hylotl. I don't know if it's a bug or I did something wrong, but as far as I know I did the same as with the other two characters.
  10. Pigmole

    Pigmole Master Chief

    I was playing as an Avian in single player on a forest world. I looted a lot of neon melons underground, in what I called the "underground garden." There's sand and spiral flowers. However, upon jumping into a pit to my death, I respawned and started storing my loot. I was unable to find any of the supposed neon melon fruit, only the neon melon seeds, which makes this a little easier to swallow, but I find this to be an irritating bug. I also know that I had several inventory slots open, as well. Thanks for looking into this!

    PS: if it matters, I collected well over fifteen melon seeds.
    Cowrie1974 likes this.
  11. Madae

    Madae Zero Gravity Genie

    Noticed a lot of dungeons aren't loading properly. I've found two Apex Courses; one said "level 1, go ape" and it was just a long hallway with a chest at the end, and another that had all kinds of puzzles and then ended abruptly with no chest.

    Maybe should mention water or poison pools not forming correctly either. In one case, it looked like a dungeon was stamped right in the middle of the planet with no regard to what was next to it, and didn't meld properly with the pools next to it. Looks like they're being held up by nothing.
    Cowrie1974 likes this.
  12. Cowrie1974

    Cowrie1974 Void-Bound Voyager

    Finally got a picture of the water glitching.
  13. RenaldiForumStar

    RenaldiForumStar Big Damn Hero

    images.jpg .....
  14. Renger45

    Renger45 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It not a very smart decision to do that try using copper ore instead saves diamonds :0
  15. Valkyrie_pl

    Valkyrie_pl Big Damn Hero

    Durasteel doors seem to be placed half a block to the right from the intended holographic preview. Haven't done that myself, but my friend playing Floran did it several times on his spaceship. No screens, sorry.

    At least this part I can directly address, it happens to me when my server cannot keep up to load the terrain of the planet. Chunks will miss and attempting to enter them will result in your character levitating in the air on the border of an unloaded chunk. When chunk finally loads, everything will continue as normal. So maybe your problems come from not being able to load data on time. Why this is a case on just that one planet I don't know. Also all your pictures don't work for me for some reason.

    Still, when this happens, try giving your game some time to perhaps load missing terrain.
  16. meyerfire

    meyerfire Star Wrangler

    My spawned NPCs are disappearing.
  17. Lunsford

    Lunsford Void-Bound Voyager

    Sometimes when traveling to new planets the ship will make the sound that it has arrived at the new planet, (thrusters kicking off), but will remain on the traveling animation. A few things I've found that tend to make this happen more often that not are alt+tab'ing when beginning the traveling process, opening the menu (esc), and playing a musical instrument. The only fix for this I've found is to exit the game, and come back, which puts you at the planet you were on before you warped. You still lose the fuel though.
    zwanglos likes this.
  18. zwanglos

    zwanglos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Have had this happen multiple times.

    On another note, I have an Avian guard that seems to be ... replicating itself. There was originally one Avian that looked like this, but every time I warp back to the planet there seem to be more >.>

  19. Meanbeans

    Meanbeans Star Wrangler

    Okay, so, I don't know if this would be a bug or not, but it's kind of irritating. Ever since the patch before this one, the planets no longer look distinct. For instance, Jungle planets appear like desert planets, etc. Now, something even more disturbing has been happening, I go to an actual "desert" biome, and it's full of magma and lava ... is that supposed to be happening??
  20. Julimarie

    Julimarie Void-Bound Voyager

    every time I try to land on a volcanic or magma planet, my spaceship remains in hyperspace. The only thing that helps is a relog, but im back at the last Planet and my fuell is gone :(
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