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Closed Starbound BETA: Bugs Database LU 8.29.14 (Not for nightly)

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by Alucard I, Dec 6, 2013.


Are *you* helping developers to fix all the bugs?

  1. Of course! I'm the most helpful here! :)

  2. Nah, I'm too busy playing this awesome game. :D

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  1. Trilynne

    Trilynne Big Damn Hero

    Okay, the tooltip just needs to be changed then, because the Diamond ore says it can be used to repair things.
  2. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

  3. Rob117

    Rob117 Space Hobo

    I think Magma and Volcanic planets are broken. I wasted about 800 units of fuel trying to fly to Delta sector today. The ship just doesn't arrive at the planets, i get stuck while "jumping"! I had to restart the game and the fuel was gone... Me still in Gamma sector :-( .

    I play the mac version... Starting the game is also a problem, it takes about 2-3 tries because it crashes after the chucklefish logo frequently.
  4. Zhivago

    Zhivago Void-Bound Voyager

    I have the same problem with warping to Volcanic and Magma worlds. My ship simply doesn't drop out of warp. Only way to fix it is to restart the game, and you end up at the previous planet. Ironically, I wanted to go to those worlds because I've come under the impression that coal is plentiful there. And yes, as far as I know, this has only happened in Delta Sector.
  5. Gimbernard

    Gimbernard Seal Broken

    flying fish.png
    He had a buddy that went up higher, I just couldn't get to him for the picture :notworthy:
    Aywren likes this.
  6. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

    i've seen this, it happens on low gravity planets.
  7. superafroboy

    superafroboy Void-Bound Voyager

  8. Ven1800

    Ven1800 Aquatic Astronaut

    Every thing on my ship vanished...all of my hard work. From my metalwork station, and robotic worktable, to all my precious resources and treasures along with the needed materials to make another metalwork station and robotic worktable. Idk know if there is a way to recover any of my lost things? And I would hate for this to happen again, and possibly to other players as well.
    Tamorr likes this.
  9. Cassio

    Cassio Void-Bound Voyager

    The refinery only show 4 digits of Pixels, I reached 10.500 pixels there and it shows just "0500"
  10. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

    Did this, perchance, happen on the 26th?
    There was a global character/world wipe; the devs were changing the way chars & worlds were coded in a way that would break old ones. In the last update, they promised characters and ships will not be wiped in future, and they suggested worlds might not need any wipes in future.
  11. Meanbeans

    Meanbeans Star Wrangler

    Birds are still following me ... forever. Have to bury myself to get them to stop. I know this was fixed before, but maybe with the new patch it went untouched.
  12. Aywren

    Aywren Void-Bound Voyager

    Not sure if this is a reported bug or not. But here goes!

    Last night I was hosting a private server and two other friends were connected. I was switching between characters on my game, trying to get them teleported to the proper home planet, and the Starbound game crashed on me. This froze my server and forced me to shut it down.

    When I restarted and we all logged in, the home planet, where everyone was logged in during the crash, was completely reverted back to it's original form. Our base and all of our progress was gone. Checking other planets, where we built temporary mini-bases, those planets were untouched. Characters and ships were untouched. It was just the main home planet.

    I did have this planet set as the log-in planet in the config file, if that matters.
  13. renderedpotato

    renderedpotato Yeah, You!

    the fruitpicker prime crashes the game when used
  14. Muddimus

    Muddimus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i think there is a bug within the lua scripting, specifically the 'storage.' table, sometimes when an object loads, if it ends up with an id that was previously used by another object, there storage information gets muddled, or completely replaced, im not sure why this happens, im working on and electricity system, and my relay nodes keep track of where the object they are connected to by its position, since ids change with each save/load beam in/out, and most of the time it works just fine, could be remedied if they would allow us to get ids for objects connected by wires....
  15. DepressedNerd

    DepressedNerd Hey, You!

    Flaming snipers rifles have the range of spears
    And there's no bullet coming out but a cloud of flame.
  16. Valkyrie_pl

    Valkyrie_pl Big Damn Hero

    Not sure if that got posted already, and I am not hasty to check 100+ pages of this topic, but ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the ultimate defence against every and all players: Wooden Spikes (up and left from the character).

    As one may assume, they are made of wood, however even with the best armour (one made of Impervium) and with full hp (500) those little bastards will kill you as soon as you touch them. In one hit. Somehow I am convinced that they are not supposed to do that. Just to make it clear - I died to this spikes several times. And I am absolutely sure it's them what murders me so badly.

    Item is named "Wooden Spikes", classified as "other" and have listed cost of 450 pixels. I want a weapon made of this.

    Wood > Impervium
    Aywren likes this.
  17. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    I have experienced something similar, but in multiplayer today. Where I was on someone else's ship with them exploring planet to planet. on one planet we were going to leave and well ended the world not loading, but when I teleported to my ship it was greyed out and nothing was on the ship at all; not even the captain's chair. since I can only save and exit I was able to load in single player with this blank ship. The graphic for the ship is there, but nothing else beyond the obvious invisible border that keeps you on the ship.

    I don't know if it was due to that server or not, but it was a newly generated character today. I did play on 3 different servers in that time with that character, but it was the 3rd and the last time that above happened to me. Not sure what happened.

    Courld that be ship file corruption? Or something else maybe... As removing that file does nothing, so I am assuming I would have to recreate that character. no biggy to do that; just figured I would at least say something about, even if I don't understand it. there was no crash per say, it just was taking long to load terrain is all; that is when I was doing the multiplayer. It seemed to cross over to my single player of that specific character so that is what makes me a bit confused.

    Don't know if the pastebin of the log would help LOG. This I am guessing is probably of the last thing I did, which was load that specific character in single player. if it contains anything beyond that I would not know since I am not savy in that area enough.
  18. VaeliusNoctu

    VaeliusNoctu Pangalactic Porcupine


    - allways i Jump to a Volcanic or Magma Planet Level 10 i stuck in the Hyperdrive
    - game slows massive down in Villages (middle-high), Jails(very high), Dungeons (middle)

    all this Bugs i can reproduce as often as i wish.

    v.Furios Koala
  19. Greydeath212

    Greydeath212 Yeah, You!

    Some of my crops just don't grow at all. I've got carrots and neonmelons still in their first growing phase after waiting several in-game days.
    In that time, I've harvested my wheat, rice, and feathercrown several times over.

    Are they just in the wrong biome, or is there an issue?
  20. Sinvoid

    Sinvoid Phantasmal Quasar

    X Geras Majori sector busted. Cannot transport to any planet in that system

    Coordinates: X 38407240 Y 33864537
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