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Closed Starbound BETA: Bugs Database LU 8.29.14 (Not for nightly)

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by Alucard I, Dec 6, 2013.


Are *you* helping developers to fix all the bugs?

  1. Of course! I'm the most helpful here! :)

  2. Nah, I'm too busy playing this awesome game. :D

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  1. ogboot

    ogboot Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I found a chef spawner over the weekend, put it on my ship. Copied my player file(s) to my laptop, load up the game & the chef is wandering around the ship but the spawner is gone. Expected behavior?
  2. elusiveTranscendent

    elusiveTranscendent Pangalactic Porcupine

    Yup, that's how spawners work. You place them down, leave, come back, and the NPC is where you placed down the spawner.
    ogboot likes this.
  3. LazerusKI

    LazerusKI Phantasmal Quasar

    Dont know if you can call it a bug but...
    The Glitch Mace-Weapons use the Dagger or 1H Sword animation instead of the Hammer.
    Looks weird if you think about it, a mace is used to smash things, not to stab them^^
  4. medic123de

    medic123de Intergalactic Tourist

    Hi, today my gf found a way to crash the server:

    Starbound: Furious Koala
    Server OS: Linux 64bit
    Client OS: Windows 7 64bit

    My Girlfriend had a disconnect and came back with another ip address.
    then she was able to see her "former self" for a couple of seconds, then the whole server-process crashed
    sadly i don't have a corefile for now ... maybe the trace helps.

    Warn: Recovery finished
    Info: UniverseServer: Loading world db for world alpha:-26708590:56256153:-26191
    Info: UniverseServer: Client 'Frauchen' <7> ( connected
    Warn: Perf: UniverseServer::run.innerloop millis: 1572
    Info: UniverseServer: Shutting down world alpha:-26708590:56256153:-26191168:12:
    10 due to inactivity
    Info: UniverseServer: Kicking client 'Frauchen' <6> ( due to
    Warn: I/O error from in NetSocket read loop or device closed
    : NetworkException: tcp recv error: Resource temporarily unavailable
    ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star13StarExceptionC2ERKSs+0xfe) [0xdc5c7e]
    ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star16NetworkExceptionC2ERKSs+0x11) [0xd75811]
    ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star9TcpSocket4readEPcm+0x155) [0xd749a5]
    ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star10DataStream8readDataEPcm+0x1e) [0xd3713e]
    ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star10DataStreamrsERh+0x16) [0xd37466]
    ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star9NetSocket10readerLoopEv+0xf8) [0xa6e598]
    ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star10ThreadImpl9runThreadEPv+0x21) [0xdcc351]
    /lib64/libpthread.so.0(+0x8f3a) [0x7fdd2e6b9f3a]
    /lib64/libc.so.6(clone+0x6d) [0x7fdd2d9d8dad]

    Info: UniverseServer: Shutting down ship world for client 'Frauchen' <6> (92.225
    Info: UniverseServer: Client 'Frauchen' <6> ( disconnected
    Error: Segfault Encountered!
    Error: Stack Trace...
    ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star15innerPrintStackEv+0x2c) [0xdc75bc]
    ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star10fatalErrorEPKcb+0x1d) [0xdc683d]
    /lib64/libc.so.6(+085X3b0) [0x7fdd2d9235b0]
    ./starbound_server(_ZNSt5dequeIjSaIjEE12emplace_backIIjEEEvDpOT_+0) [0x847070]
    ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star9NetSocket10readerLoopEv+0X318) [0xa6e7b8]
    ./starbound_server(_ZN4Star10ThreadImpl9runThreadEPv+0x21) [0xdcc351]
    /lib64/libpthread.so.0(+0x8f3a) [0x7fdd2e6b9f3a]
    /lib64/libc.so.6(clone+0x6d) [0x7fdd2d9d8dad]
  5. Dreamlord

    Dreamlord Void-Bound Voyager

    I just attempted to make Rainbow Wood Planks. I had 888 Rainbow Wood, and tried to make all 888 at once. I received 1000 Planks instead of 2664.
    Gimbernard likes this.
  6. Shadewarp

    Shadewarp Pangalactic Porcupine

    Not really, not all mods can be fixed by simply changing the version. Qait for the modder to update, download the new version and delete the old.
  7. Malthius

    Malthius Space Hobo

    When I start up the Launcher, it changes my development environment. My debug kit can no longer find its data directory. It was moved to C:\Users\Public\Documents. I have to restart my machine before I can debug my code again. I'm trying to track down what is being changed, but Starbound should try to make local changes instead of global ones. And like I said, it's the launcher.
  8. tommygunyeah

    tommygunyeah Aquatic Astronaut

    Computer crashed in game, lost all progress. Everything :p
  9. CaptainFoxx

    CaptainFoxx Pangalactic Porcupine

    Capture pods dont seem to work on small critters

    I found a nice creature, got it down to one peg of health and tossed about 20 pods at it, they all hit but didnt capture the thing
  10. Sinvoid

    Sinvoid Phantasmal Quasar

    Can place more than one defense turret at a time.
  11. Game³oid

    Game³oid Big Damn Hero

    you can regenerate stim packs by warping up to ship and down!
  12. LazerusKI

    LazerusKI Phantasmal Quasar

    Another bug i think:
    Seems like the Airship-Vendors have a wrong scaling.
    Found a Delta-Merchant who sold 18dps weapons, while other weapons were around 50dps.
    Also Apex-Pistols are somehow weird, they have the same values as sniper rifles sometimes.
  13. Sinvoid

    Sinvoid Phantasmal Quasar

    What were you doing that caused this?
  14. Sinvoid

    Sinvoid Phantasmal Quasar

    When having a part of greater than 3 people it seems that one of the portraits of a party member will register on click as yourself.

    For example:
    Steve , john , david and sam join up.

    Steve is the party leader and wants to teleport to sams ship so he right clicks her portrait. It instead says Steve instead of sam.
  15. Probably has been mentioned, but when I place several lockers down, sometimes when I click on each locker it displays items placed in another locker. So I'll have 3 lockers displaying the same items.
  16. DXLelouch

    DXLelouch Void-Bound Voyager

    tried to hit a monster and i got some wierd monster health scissorscript error
  17. Vik2015

    Vik2015 Space Hobo

    Hey there! I got 2 bugs at once:
    When playing on Linux 64 game might crash. Usually I am being saved.
    Not sure if this is a bug. When I hit ores hidden in dirt with big bone sword that damages ground (forgot its name D:), it will take only 2 hits to break ore (which should be harder to break). Dirt takes only 2 hits too.
  18. Xeno8980

    Xeno8980 Aquatic Astronaut

    I just bought the game on steam, and when I go to the launch screen and attempt to launch the game, it plays what sounds like an error message sound and does nothing. It never starts the game (I left my computer running for a while and came back because I had to leave temporarily) and my friends have no idea how to fix it. Do you guys have any idea how to fix it? Should I download it again?
  19. Chazore

    Chazore Space Spelunker

    Don't know if anyone else has encountered the problem yet and I'm not sure if it's due to the update that I just got since I only now can access magma planets, but whenever I try to travel to a magma planet the game locks up in the FTL animation and stays there. I can move and interact with objects, apart from the travel console since it just shows the text scroll and I have to force close the game.
  20. Ache

    Ache Space Hobo

    hi, i havent read much but havent seen anyone else having this problem when i have searched, but my ingame items and character and trees in the environment etc all are glitched and blink constantly. and this never previously happened before this new update. and now it still occurs after the hotfix as well.
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