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RELEASED Starbound 40k: Weapons of the Imperium 1.3.3 Heavy Bolters

Adds craftable Imperial weapons from Warhammer 40k.

  1. AlbertoRota

    AlbertoRota Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Jajaja! I just wanted the first impression to be IMPRESSIVE, feel absolutely free to change/edit/use/delete/ignore it as much as you want, melting is way too deadly, I know it :nurunega:
    P.S.: If you need any help with custom weapons or effects, let me know and I will try to help :nuruwink:
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2016
  2. Gratuitous Lurking

    Gratuitous Lurking Space Kumquat

    Yeah, much as I like the nod to lore may I suggest at least a toned-down effect for the plasmagun if that's apparently what happens X3
  3. leinglo

    leinglo Phantasmal Quasar

    Shortening the effect duration from 3 to 1 seemed to do the trick. Takes out a sizable chunk of health, leaves a momentary burning effect, but not an instakill. Course, that's with no armor at all, so maybe the effect should be a little longer to take that into account...I don't know, there'll be a bit more refining to it.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2016
  4. Gratuitous Lurking

    Gratuitous Lurking Space Kumquat

    always room to balance as ya go, no probs! Just don't want the players to feel like they were cheaped out of a good chunk of pixels (or worse, depending on survival/hardcore)
  5. leinglo

    leinglo Phantasmal Quasar

    There'll need to be some kind of warning either way. Can't expect everyone who uses the mod to know how dangerous plasma weapons are supposed to be, or even the people that do to know that danger is actually represented in-game. Why would they? I'm pretty sure this is the first time something like this has ever been done.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2016
  6. AlbertoRota

    AlbertoRota Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Other option is to make a custom "Plasma burning" status effect and make it's damage proportional to the damage/level of the weapon who caused it.

    That way, lvl1 weapons won't OBLITERATE you and lvl6+ weapons will still be dangerous to overshot.
  7. Gratuitous Lurking

    Gratuitous Lurking Space Kumquat

    There's an idea. If yer able to do such, it would certainly help with the balance for long-term stuff.
  8. cesarjunior233

    cesarjunior233 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    :lickitung::nuruflirt: I WANT DA ORK THINGS
  9. AlbertoRota

    AlbertoRota Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hello everyone!
    I've been doing some weapon scripts for Manufacturer's touch, I'm particularly proud of the "Manaticon" ones (Link to the post), and i thing that they can be used for this mod too.

    Super-fire script: Can be used both for "Plasma explosion" self damage and for "Melta-guns" (Initial damage proportional to weapon damage, increases the longer you mantain the debuff)
    Super-ice script: Replacing ice particles with electric ones... Tau stun grenades? Thunder Hammer stun? Power fist? (Initial slow proportional to weapon damage, increases the longer you mantain the debuff)
    Super-shock script: Chaos Chains of Torment. (Improved standard shock)
    Super-poison script: Nurgle / Tyranids. (Infest the enemy with a parasite, when the enemy dies, spawn a monster based on the type of the monster)

    If you want any of those scripts, just let me know.:nuruwink:
  10. Warboss_Spriggs

    Warboss_Spriggs Pangalactic Porcupine

    Will the Adepta Sororitas weaponry be added as well? Wants me some Sisters of Battle. Also! Are you strictly doing weapons, or will you be doing armors as well? I know, I know, I could search the site, but I'm tired, lazy, and super entitled and want answers NOW! Or at your earliest convenience. Or you could simply ignore the latter part and wait for me to look for myself. :D
  11. leinglo

    leinglo Phantasmal Quasar

    Somebody did ask me that a while back, and though I don't think I ever got around to answering, I have thought about it. The thing is, the Sisters don't really have an arsenal unique to them. Apart from the addition of fleur-de-lis icons (which would be almost impossible to recognizably represent at that scale), Sororitas weaponry is basically just Space Marine weaponry. The weapons I make for the mod need to be individually distinct, in either form or function, and since Sororitas weapons are neither, there wouldn't be much point in it.

    As for the second question, yes, I'm focused on just weaponry. Clothes and armor, besides being far more difficult to sprite due to how animated they have to be, are also a little outside my artistic ability to sprite with any degree of quality. Waddington was working on some very well-made guardsmen armor a bit ago, though, and posted some previews on the last page. Not sure what became of that, though for all I know he's like me and just going through a period of particular unproductivity.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2016
  12. williamcll

    williamcll Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hi, are there drawable versions of these weapons?
  13. Warboss_Spriggs

    Warboss_Spriggs Pangalactic Porcupine

    That's understandable. Thanks for answering. :nuruhappy:
  14. Gratuitous Lurking

    Gratuitous Lurking Space Kumquat

    Thaaat was me. I was asking in particular about the Godwyn Deaz iirc, and you replied similarly up there. Sadly yeah, most Sisterhood weapons minus the Godwyn Deaz tends to be either Ultima pattern or similar enough to where it doesn't make too much difference. The only thing of note would be the flashy as all hell Inferno Pistols used by the Cannoness and Seraphium, which are just fancy as all hell Melta handguns.
  15. leinglo

    leinglo Phantasmal Quasar

    That, I probably will end up doing as a variant pattern of the meltagun, once I finally get it released.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2016
    Warboss_Spriggs likes this.
  16. Imp0815

    Imp0815 Space Hobo

    Hi, i already wrote a half ass'd comment in steam about this.
    According to the Gaunt books from Dan Abnett the lasers of the Imperial Guard rifles are white and bright as the Light of the Emperor. Only heretics fire red lasers!
    Also the Leaser should be an instant beam not a flying projectile.(Like in Fallout or the Dawn of War Series(BUT NOT RED!))
    I know that only nagging and being a wise ass is not good and annoys the creator, so i went and already tried to make these changes myself.
    The problem is that Starbound doesn't seem to like the concept of an automatic beam rifle so my first attempts of reverse engineering some beam weapons falls flat on its face.
    Now i'm at the point of just cheating and making the Projectile sprite 600 pixels wide and cut it in half. Then give the Projectile a speed of 9999. The end product should be convincing as long as the player doesn't shoot in the air.
    I'm not really versatile with all the attributes, parameters and variables in the Starbound scripts so maybe you know a better way to make these changes than me.

    Here is a Plasmagun i just made. [​IMG] its not perfect but you can use it if you don't already have one.
    Also a Pistol and the corresponding projectiles [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]
    Ok i've done it i used big chunks of this WH40k mod http://community.playstarbound.com/resources/astra-militarum-armory.4008/ and now the lasguns behave like "real" lasguns.
    I'm now really comfortable with the modding. I made two patterns now shooting the canon lasers and i modded the overcharged shot to be an Overcharged shot of a Lasgun[​IMG] .
    Also i added a Fullauto alt-fire that does spray and pray. I still have some minor problems like muzzle flash not showing because of some frame issues but all after all i can now convert all weapons to be canon lasguns. I plan to give some lasgun patterns different alt-fires and/or ranges.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2016
  17. leinglo

    leinglo Phantasmal Quasar

    The problem with lasguns is that every book and game depicts lasbolts differently, and the Gaunt's Ghosts books (while awesome) are based on rather outdated lore at this point. The red lasbolt I used on is based on how lasguns are shown in the Dawn of War and Space Marine video games (and in the latter case the bad guys shoot green lasbolts). As for the projectile itself, I was trying to extend it enough to make it a bit more of a "beam" while still remaining a projectile the game will play nice with, but you're right, it's not perfect. I probably will rework it. The beam projectile used by the Avali railgun might be a good place to start there.
    As for the plasma guns, I already have sprites for them.
    I just really need to find the time and energy to actually implement them, which I unfortunately haven't had for the past month or so. A full time job is great for the living expenses but not so much for hobbies.
  18. Imp0815

    Imp0815 Space Hobo

    The last Gaunt book is from 2015 so i would not call it outdated. Also the Gaunt books are officially canon but i don't know about the video games.
    Here is your mod with my modifications so far https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/11260360/WH40KEKS.rar as i sayed i just reused the fire animation scripts to make them shoot straight lasers from the other WH40K mod http://community.playstarbound.com/resources/astra-militarum-armory.4008/. Its a bit messy but maybe you can use my "work" as a base.
    I also work full time, but never forget you work to finance your private life/hobbys. So only work and no hobby is not a good concept ;)
  19. Gratuitous Lurking

    Gratuitous Lurking Space Kumquat

    Probably a bit slowpoke, here, but any new progress having happened with this mod as of late? :S I've kept subscribed to it over on ze steams but not really seen any updates here on progress since October.
  20. williamcll

    williamcll Subatomic Cosmonaut

    time to reinstall this mod again.

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