Star Explorer - Mobile App for logging Star Systems

Discussion in 'Other Fan Creations' started by Ninjaxim, Jul 26, 2016.

  1. Ninjaxim

    Ninjaxim Orbital Explorer


    Last night I was trying to find an Avian Tomb when this thought came to me. Wouldn't it be cool to have a community driven app for discovering star systems in Starbound? This could aid players who are looking for specific things on planets (like an Avian Tomb!).

    Basically when you find an uncharted system, you enter the name, star type and location into the app and add the planets to it. The planets will show all the info that they do in the game, and more (such as what has been found on the planet (like an Avian Tomb!)).

    There will also be some sort of "verification" system in place, where players can press a "verified" button when they check whether or not the entry is accurate in-game. This should hopefully help show which entries are real and which ones aren't.

    I've already started development on it. I was just curious to see how much the Starbound community would be interested in such a tool, as the content is user generated and can only grow as players use it.

    Oh, and it will also log who first discovered each system kind of like No Man's Sky (e.g. Discovered by MyAwesomeUsername on 7/26/2016).

    Let me know what you guys think!

    Here's the Google Play Open Alpha link for anyone with an Android device that's interested in trying it out as I update it:

    Edit edit:
    I took the version on the Play Store down, but here's a desktop version for those who are still interested in it:
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2017
    LtBlujay, Inf_Wolf14 and Kyyttyy like this.
  2. erubian warlord

    erubian warlord Big Damn Hero

    sound like a great idea
  3. Ninjaxim

    Ninjaxim Orbital Explorer


    Features so far (v0.2.3):
    Anyone can:
    • Send Feedback (a simple way to give me feedback directly from the app)
    • Login / Register
    • View Star Systems
    • View Planets
    Registered users can:
    • Add Star Systems
    • Edit (your own) Star Systems
    • Archive (your own) Star Systems
    • Verify Star System Accuracy
    • Add Planets to Star Systems
    • Edit (your own OR planets that are added to your Star Systems) Planets
    • Archive (your own OR planets that are added to your Star Systems) Planets

    Future features:
    • Verify Planet Accuracy
    • Better looking UI
    • Search
    • Possibly some kind of chat or comment feature for Star Systems and Planets
    • and more...! probably
    Inf_Wolf14 likes this.
  4. Ninjaxim

    Ninjaxim Orbital Explorer

    Thanks everyone for trying it out! Sorry I've been busy with some other things recently, but I'm still trying to update this as well.

    I noticed a lot of you don't receive the registration email to activate your account, so I've removed that requirement. All newly registered accounts through the app will automatically be activated and available for use instantly. I have also deleted all unactivated accounts for those who would like to use the same info as before for a new account.

    I've also made some GUI improvements in the recent updates.
  5. LtBlujay

    LtBlujay Void-Bound Voyager

    This would be a wonderful idea. Seeing as the map website I've used for a while went down, I need a new planet database.
  6. Ninjaxim

    Ninjaxim Orbital Explorer

    Thanks for the interest! Unfortunately I ended up taking the app off the store due to a severe lack of real StarBound players using it. There were a lot of users, but most of them seemed to not know what they were doing or what the purpose of the app was for.

    Perhaps I could revive it and just create a desktop app instead. Random non StarBound players wouldn't be able to find it as easily that way. Would you still be interested if I did that?
  7. LtBlujay

    LtBlujay Void-Bound Voyager

    Definitely! A desktop app would actually be more convenient for me. :)

    Thanks again!
  8. Ninjaxim

    Ninjaxim Orbital Explorer

    Here's a working version of it for windows / osx:

    I can create a launcher for it that keeps it up to date automatically if there's enough interest, but for now you'll need to download each update from there. I can't promise I'll have time to add any new features to it currently, but hopefully it helps you out a little bit.

    I'll update the first post with the new download link.
    LtBlujay likes this.
  9. LtBlujay

    LtBlujay Void-Bound Voyager

  10. VoidGuy

    VoidGuy Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Time to make the Milky Way Galaxy.
    LtBlujay likes this.
  11. thakyZ

    thakyZ Cosmic Narwhal

    I cannot seem to register my account. I get a 404 error when I visit the page.

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