[STABLE] Pleased Giraffe Update 5

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Sep 11, 2015.

  1. Ironbeak

    Ironbeak Big Damn Hero

    [​IMG] Yes. Good.
  2. DragonsForce

    DragonsForce Weight of the Sky

    I was talking about the creation of this thread. The daily updates are usually posted in the evening (european time), which is only natural as this is the end of CF's workday. I do realize that this isn't really the daily update, but I was confused about seeing a new official thread pop up at this unusual time.

    By the way you (@Varixai ) are doing a great job to keep us informed, thank you for that! :up:
    Varixai likes this.
  3. Killing

    Killing Void-Bound Voyager

    First off sorry it took us quite so long to rollout update 5, we had quite a bit of trouble getting it built due to it requiring a totally new c++ library version.

    Given the potential ramifications of such a large change if you are still seeing server crashes please let us know we can look at the crash dumps.
  4. TheWalrusNet

    TheWalrusNet Phantasmal Quasar

    I had quite a lengthy discussion with multiplay support and we were unable to solve the issue, still seem to be the only one reporting it to. Very strange.
  5. Silverstride

    Silverstride Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    thanks to this new update, no one on my server can play, keep getting "client server connection no longer valid " It's a multiplay server, and I've been talking to support, but nothing has been figured out so far.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2015
  6. hikarinodearu

    hikarinodearu Big Damn Hero

    I have the same problem!

    When i play singleplayer don't problem, but i open multiplayer in my server, and the game close instantly....

    Help me please! :,(
  7. Zombielogic101

    Zombielogic101 Phantasmal Quasar

    I try to play single player and even after starting a new file and wiping out everything the moment I make a charterer and try to beam down to a planet I keep getting beamed back to my ship if I can get down at all.
  8. Silverstride

    Silverstride Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Multiplay customer service tells me to check my client to see if it's up to date, but my steam game is up to date and I still get the same error and can't play
  9. darkmateo

    darkmateo Void-Bound Voyager

    this update wiped my ship. When I returned to ship, it had been reset, and since there was no option to reboot the AI, i was trapped inside forcing me to recreate everything
  10. VailTheWolf

    VailTheWolf Void-Bound Voyager

    The only problem I have this update is a noticeable longer start-up time. Not sure if this has to do with Avali Triage mod or not. None the less I still enjoy the game to the fullest of my abilities.
  11. Bierbart

    Bierbart Void-Bound Voyager

    That's a kind of crash protection, as far as i've noticed. Got any mods that do something on planets? Get rid of 'em or update them.

    Also, bubble swords and cactus maces still don't have sell prices.
  12. tino579

    tino579 Lucky Number 13

    im kinda a noob when it comes to forums especially under pretenses such as these. i could very well b in th wrong thread. but il give it a shot. and apologize if im out of line.

    i think noticed a few bugs...i could just b an idiot too lol

    and i should proly mention im playing STABLE version

    1 - creating sandstone bricks is no longer an available option. i thought perhaps it was bc of th new update but started a new character and am still not able to do so.

    2 - saplings of th same type wont stack (in inventory) if they had been planted for even a brief period.

    3 - friendly NPCs will not stop crowding around any teleporter set in their approximate vicinity.

    4 - stirring/steel spoon can no longer b created (not certain if this is only on my old characters).

    thats all i can recall at th moment, but i have a couple of suggestions as well. hope theyre helpful

    1 - being able to paint storage boxes/items would b really helpful

    2 - being able to utilize one of those generators that prevents areas from being altered would b handy.

    3 - being able to use a pump/piping system would b th tits (not sure if thats an option already but havent found it yet and im out of playable missions in one character)

    4 - being able to keep creatures from randomly spawning in my houses would b cool too

    thanks yal - love this game btw
    General Nuclear and Bierbart like this.
  13. tino579

    tino579 Lucky Number 13

    o and another bug i noticed:

    when cactus is harvested not all th blocks/pieces appear at once (as they usually do) instead th pieces pop up at random shortly (within about 30sec-1min) after harvesting a cactus.
  14. khalismur

    khalismur Big Damn Hero

    No performance gain on GNU/Linux. (Average FPS is just as high as before but I still get low spikes sometimes)
  15. General Nuclear

    General Nuclear Supernova

    :DDim proud of the work you devs have done...or who ever you guys are,anyway really good thanks guys you guys deserves a salary increase :party:

    but there are some few small minor things that are annoying like for ones i can't get to the quset givers because of the npcs are standing in my way i like that they are more live like but i don't like that they are standing in my way i don't want to talk to them i just want to turn in my quset. kinda reminds me of this form wow just with the npcs instead

    also why are every npc jumping on the coffee machine they seen so hyperactive
    and wheres my microwave oven i never got to try puting a egg in it or a copper ore :.(

    by the way can we truly change the personality of our characters some day i don't like the way my glitch talk must be the worst poker players ever (poker playing glitch) nervous, i raise...lie, i mean confident. panic, i mean.. i mean aaAAAAaa!(flips tabel):they do have freewill so maybe some of them have fixsed that. or maybe i would like to make a gentleman floran that has learn to speak without over useing the letter S (don't remove the over used s form the floran almost everbody love that) (gentleman floran) My good sir you insult my intelligence i challenges you to stabicuffs and..HEY GET BACK HERE YOU HONORLESS COVERD!: or a punk hyklot or a geek novakid etc you get the point not everone need to be a stereotype but most should be

    every items should have a application or more and the recipes should make sence i love that you have puted more recipes for copper by the way why are there not clay in the cooking tabel for the plates or glass for the copper lamps and ohter lamps or oil and fabric for the oil lamp or copper or microchip for the comeputers

    [= also something even more minor]
    theres nothing on the tv item but buzzing snow and sometimes big ape maybe make it so for every time you press e you change the channel or atleast put some intergalaxtic cat channels on or something
    :kitten: :kitten2:
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2015
  16. CaptainxEdd

    CaptainxEdd Aquatic Astronaut

    Is there some way I can force download this update or a manual download of it I can use? I have literally gotten no updates for my Starbound...
  17. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Have you checked your Steam settings if they allow it to update?
    Axe Garian likes this.
  18. Derpforger

    Derpforger Aquatic Astronaut

    the penguin race, is desired
    tino579 and Bierbart like this.
  19. tino579

    tino579 Lucky Number 13

    frog race is lookn pretty cool as well...
  20. Sam Church

    Sam Church Orbital Explorer

    This is all great but I would love it if you guys could get the shopkeepers to stop walking away during or even right before a transaction. It gets infuriating trying to buy stuff from one of the villages and have all of the shopkeepers walk away WHILE I'm talking to them.
    "Hello, I'd like to buy some of your-"
    "Sorry, my shift just ended"
    Oxidis, Derpforger, Jonesy and 4 others like this.

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