[STABLE] Content Updates & Bug Fixes!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Mar 3, 2014.

  1. Jardi-Gol

    Jardi-Gol Big Damn Hero

    But by the way, how many players you have? My problems are only with more than 7 to 8 players.
    Ciaran_D likes this.
  2. Ciaran_D

    Ciaran_D Zero Gravity Genie

    hmmm... not sure, we've had 20 on at one time before with no problems apart from once or twice when people with modded items have entered the server and tried to use them, thus crashing the server meaning we ban them... then the problem no longer posed any problems
    Jardi-Gol likes this.
  3. Jardi-Gol

    Jardi-Gol Big Damn Hero

    I know that. I only have problems with that too. By the way, I'm allways refreshing the logfile of the server, for that reason I know that he only crash's when Creative Mod Items are used. Races never made errors occured on our server... and we only use 3 races as a mod's: Avali, Familiars and Kemodos.

    I will let server be without the races until tomorrow, but I really know that the races are not the problem.
    Ciaran_D likes this.
  4. Ciaran_D

    Ciaran_D Zero Gravity Genie

    Ah right I see... well if so then my messages are obsolete and serve no purpose lol....

    but I hope you find a fix to your problem and like I said in the other message, I do Not disagree, allot of work is yet to be done, and because of this I also edited my original 1st post regarding making us wait longer for a better update, adding processing and patching to the fray.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2014
    Jardi-Gol likes this.
  5. cedarrapidsboy

    cedarrapidsboy Tentacle Wrangler

    Titanium and Ciaran_D like this.
  6. Your Buddy Bill

    Your Buddy Bill Existential Complex

    They took the broken treasure pool that already had two invalid items
    and they made it worse by adding ANOTHER invalid item
    I think they meant to add "goathead" instead of "bonehead"
    cause "goathead" is the name of that new goat skull hat
    "bonehead" is nothing at all and that's why it's crashy.
    cedarrapidsboy likes this.
  7. Prince Komic

    Prince Komic Tentacle Wrangler

    It still takes forever in the loading screen upon start-up of the game :l
  8. User011232

    User011232 Guest

    Wait, what? I'm still downloading, but as I was just checking the folders out of couriosity, I found all character relevant folders empty.
    Will they reappear after the download is finished?
  9. TurtleFilms

    TurtleFilms Aquatic Astronaut

  10. oceansRising

    oceansRising Pangalactic Porcupine

    Thanks for the bug fixes! Keep up the good work!
    Ciaran_D likes this.
  11. Josh Adamik

    Josh Adamik Industrial Terraformer

    Life in Starbound is going great hope yall are reading everyone's Ideas for the future of starbound
    Ciaran_D likes this.
  12. D-16

    D-16 Spaceman Spiff

    this is not how you develop software. when you are still actively developing and adding new features, that can break many hours worth of optimizations. optimization is part of the "polish" phase of most any software, and that is typically located near the end of development.
    charity236, Calabrese and Akado like this.
  13. Quintuplebeta

    Quintuplebeta Intergalactic Tourist

    I'm sure everybody is sick of hearing this, but when are we getting more information about the Novakid / When will they be released. I'm just having trouble finding information about them.
  14. D-16

    D-16 Spaceman Spiff

    late beta, more than likely late stage 2, early stage 3.
    Calabrese likes this.
  15. pop-yotheweird

    pop-yotheweird Ketchup Robot

    it's a crime.
  16. Daniel345

    Daniel345 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I got a problem with the game:
    I just can't type question marks, actually, the forward slash button doesn't works for me.....
    Weird, as the "slash" button is configured to start commands in-chat in the starbound.config file, so I don't know what is going on, as I must be the only person with this problem.
  17. JediMasterOW

    JediMasterOW Void-Bound Voyager

    I am getting the Incorrect Leaf Block Signature error, help?
  18. Josh Adamik

    Josh Adamik Industrial Terraformer

    When two people warp down to a planet at same time game crashes. :eek:
  19. Titanium

    Titanium Existential Complex

    I've been having this exact same problem. Thanks for posting this! Have you posted this in the bug thread as well?
  20. Jardi-Gol

    Jardi-Gol Big Damn Hero

    Ciaran, the test is done. It happens the same, so, is not the races that give us those errors or crash's on servers that they restart. Is the game himself. Ok that is faster than the old update but still needs some optimizations to support many players doing actions at the same time with their own items. For now I've placed, again, the 3 races on server updated: Avali, Familiars and Kemodos. Let's hope that developers do something about that before working on mod's instead...
    Ciaran_D likes this.

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