[STABLE] Content Updates & Bug Fixes!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Mar 3, 2014.

  1. Archer

    Archer Spaceman Spiff

    NPC duplicating bug still not fixed either...


    If you do nothing about it they'll keep doing this, especially annoying with nearby tombs etc, they will become hundreds in no-time.
  2. icaruswinged

    icaruswinged Void-Bound Voyager

    All character creation mods do not work at all.

    The interface cuts off anything which is not in the original character creation window and so that means I can't click on any custom races :c
    I have roamed the forums and found that everyone running the latest version is having the same problem no matter what creation mod we are using
  3. afunnYthing

    afunnYthing Space Spelunker

    what happened to all my characters???????
  4. Ciaran_D

    Ciaran_D Zero Gravity Genie

    Brilliant News Mollygos and thanks to everyone!

    My only little suggestion is to make us wait!!!...

    Make us wait a little longer than usual, maybe a full 2 weeks, or 3, or even a month!!!!... or more! (WOW! that's AGES!) lol

    Make us wait for a massive update with new features, polished processing and patching etc and a loaaad of planned content which will inevitably be in the final release and maybe even a few massively important mods that you mentioned maybe being implemented into the game much like the Syrail, to hugely add to the brilliant in-house work you guys do in this time!

    You will re invent the activity on the forums with a burst of new content, goodies and features to spark activity and promotion of the game much like the content updates with the pets features (understandably not complete I know) which will inadvertently increase/create fan based, viral advertising and promotion meaning a better community, more sales, and a massive leap towards the final product rather than 1 or 2 updates every week or so with much less perspective on progression and development.

    Now that your almost fully settled into your new crib in the grandiose Great Britain, you should dedicate this next update in which I speak of, to proving and testing the co-ordination and ability of the workforce now being all under one roof.

    It's multiple monsters with one arrow so to speak! Its an absolute must in my opinion!...

    I just hope this is read by the appropriate body of power to at least be considered ;)

    Many thanks, Ciaran!
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2014
    Jardi-Gol likes this.
  5. NonBritGit

    NonBritGit Cosmic Narwhal

    What build is this? I'm not getting it on Steam.
  6. Your Buddy Bill

    Your Buddy Bill Existential Complex

    I've managed to do it without getting deleted before, I guess. I do have a backup somewhere so I could repost it if it got wiped by someone who didn't like being criticized.
    And I posted plenty in the agaran thread lol
    Anyways, yeah, the Heartthrobbow and Heartstringsbow needs fixing. I reported that bug LAST TIME they patched the game and they DIDN'T FIX IT. Do I need to send the devs a PM about it or what?
    Varixai and Archer like this.
  7. Jardi-Gol

    Jardi-Gol Big Damn Hero

    Well, before adding stuff to the game I think will be better to work in the performance of the game. For example, file optimization and stability for people could play together without server crash because not support many actions at the same time.
    The game is faster but still crash and restart our servers after some time of play. Many of this crash's are from servers couldn't read some items from mod's or planet's exceptions.
    After this part solved, then ok, go on with inventory, tiers and other kind of things.
    Ciaran_D likes this.
  8. Jardi-Gol

    Jardi-Gol Big Damn Hero

    Sorry, i've forgot to tell that, when a server restarts, after a huge universe is created, the load to start again goes under 20 minutes to be able to play again...bad optimization for a slow read of the assets too.

    Info: Server version 'Beta v. Enraged Koala - Update 6', protocol 642
    Info: Running from : c:\games\173_199_72_23_21025\1095609\starbound\win32\starbound_server.exe
    Warn: Recovering SimpleDatabase at device: ..\universe\universe.chunks

    The universe.chunks is a file that takes too long to be readed. Why?
    people, first optimize the game, then start modding him and adding stuff.
  9. Your Buddy Bill

    Your Buddy Bill Existential Complex

    Also, I have another thing to report: My universe size is far larger than the planets I have visited. The title screen actually generates planets and saves them to the universe. I despise this because I want only one planet predefined in my universe, the one that I am already on. Makes things so much easier since I never leave anyway.
  10. Ciaran_D

    Ciaran_D Zero Gravity Genie

    Are you, or anyone else using mods?
  11. Ciaran_D

    Ciaran_D Zero Gravity Genie

    It seems that just about everyone has to play this game as a maximized window and not in fullscreen... at least me and all my friends do.

    (Sorry for double post)
  12. Jardi-Gol

    Jardi-Gol Big Damn Hero

    3 Races. Why you ask?
  13. Archer

    Archer Spaceman Spiff

    Funny since it was explicitly stated that people should reply to the thread if any issues were to be found.. I wonder what happened to that.. I saw your post too indeed.
  14. Jardi-Gol

    Jardi-Gol Big Damn Hero

    Have you tried Xbawks Character Creation Mod? Is the one I use.
  15. Ciaran_D

    Ciaran_D Zero Gravity Genie

    Oh just because I know that by using mods you are not technically testing the beta game as there are mod files which may interfere or replace or "add too" folders and certain criteria, also meaning that you will be the most likely receiver of errors, crashes and less common bugs. I use a 1gig, busy public server which is strictly Vanilla and we don't experience any problems I've read mod servers experience in the past.

    Although I DO agree, allot needs to be patched and further developed, I am only suggesting this may be the cause of some of the problems you are having.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2014
    Jardi-Gol likes this.
  16. Your Buddy Bill

    Your Buddy Bill Existential Complex

    Holy doritoes, a post in this thread lead me to discover that not only did they NOT FIX IT, THEY MADE IT WORSE! They tried to add the "goathead" hat item... by adding "bonehead" to the file. There is no "bonehead".
  17. Ciaran_D

    Ciaran_D Zero Gravity Genie

    Oh! does this fix the "no fullscreen" bug?
  18. Jardi-Gol

    Jardi-Gol Big Damn Hero

    Ok, I will test it and let you know later. Thanks for the advice.
  19. Your Buddy Bill

    Your Buddy Bill Existential Complex

    Thank you, I actually missed this in my changelog. They bugged the treasure pool even worse. Not only are the heartstringsbow and heartthrobbow invalid, they ADDED MORE INVALID ITEMS!
    Also I think I live in the same city as you, if your username is anything to go by.
  20. Ciaran_D

    Ciaran_D Zero Gravity Genie

    No problem mate, try testing it without the mod, even just by yourself, see if the problem persists...
    If the problem no longer exists, let the mod Author know the problem for him to fix :)
    Jardi-Gol likes this.

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