[STABLE] Content Updates & Bug Fixes!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Mar 3, 2014.

  1. Kittails

    Kittails Void-Bound Voyager

    My plants actually grow when I'm off adventuring now. WHOOO! :)
    Svarr Chanston likes this.
  2. Ghost3Fish

    Ghost3Fish Intergalactic Tourist

    um it says ERROR when I try to open up starbound why?
  3. Ghost3Fish

    Ghost3Fish Intergalactic Tourist

    it says that
  4. Your Buddy Bill

    Your Buddy Bill Existential Complex

    It means you've got a mod that isn't working in the new version, like many many other mods.
    I think my changelog post just got pageloss'd.
  5. odverb

    odverb Aquatic Astronaut

    I did report this and the work around back on friday, on the forum bug thread and unstable thread, and on Saturday on the bugs in the unstable version thread (after it was created).

    I'm not complaining. I love what you guys have done and are doing, and understanding how dificult programming projects are to manage am really impressed.

    But, perhaps you need to look a bit closer at the bug reports you have received on the unstable version, particularly given that you specifically asked for them, and the number of people who were effected by this bug. Next time, at least.
    mollygos likes this.
  6. Ghost3Fish

    Ghost3Fish Intergalactic Tourist

    but I don't have any mods : P
  7. odverb

    odverb Aquatic Astronaut

    So for those who want to know, the stable and unstable versions are now the same 'protocol 642', but the unstable version has been updated from the one that has been available for the last few days 'protocol 641'.
  8. Ghost3Fish

    Ghost3Fish Intergalactic Tourist

    dose any one know why?
  9. Danibrynn

    Danibrynn Void-Bound Voyager

    None of the custom songs I downloaded are appearing in game.
    Por que? :(

    Edit: Meh. I found a work-around. But any music in my assets navigation folders isn't showing up. Had to move it to my modded folder.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2014
  10. Ghost3Fish

    Ghost3Fish Intergalactic Tourist

    um how do I know if I have any mods, I don't remember downloading any
  11. Your Buddy Bill

    Your Buddy Bill Existential Complex

    ok I don't know what the issue is then
    sorry man but that error is a vague one and happens to a lot of people

    Most of the new "hoard" objects have a tooltip header of "other" when they should be "decorative"
    This is because most of the new "hoard" objects completely lack the line
    "category" : "decorative",
    In fact they lack the "category" line entirely.
  12. Auren

    Auren Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hmm... at first I thought my race mod wasn't working at all after the patch because the race creation interface mod I normally use was only displaying the default races and the far left side of the custom interface with no race icons, but after loading a different race creation interface I have discovered that there appears to be a width limit to the character creation interface now that is cutting off the far sides of the entire race creation interface for some reason.

    This is still problematic though because I can now see my race selection icon, but the portion that actually shows what the character looks like is now cut off on the side so I can't see any of the actual options to change what the character looks like let alone what the character looks like in the first place.

    Edit: Yep, just loaded a third character creation interface mod I use to test with and I think the way the whole menu is rendered has been changed, because the interface window for the third one is no longer centered the way it was the last time I loaded it and the character display is cut off just like the other two.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2014
  13. I saw the bug mentioned in the unstable thread and reported it, but I think we misunderstood the problem. Next time, though!
  14. LuisMont

    LuisMont Lucky Number 13

    i have a problem :C upload_2014-3-3_20-33-15.png
    i really want to play , pls help :C
    Svarr Chanston likes this.
  15. Antyx

    Antyx Space Hobo

    I get this on my server, everytime i try to switch to a beta sector or i try to move the starmap to see other planets, also when i click find random. I have no mods whatsoever, i have never had any. it crashes everytime as well

    BlockStorage::checkFreeIndexBlock(unsigned int)
    BlockStorage::readFreeIndexBlock(unsigned int)
    void BlockStorage::reserveBlocks<back_insert_iterator<LinkedList<unsigned int> > >(unsigned int, back_insert_iterator<LinkedList<unsigned int> >)
    BTreeDatabase<ByteArray, ByteArray>::fixFreeCache()
    BTreeDatabase<ByteArray, ByteArray>::reserveBlock()
    BTreeDatabase<ByteArray, ByteArray>::writeToCurrentLeaf(char*, unsigned int)
    BTreeDatabase<ByteArray, ByteArray>::LeafIODevice::writePartial(char*, unsigned int)
    IODevice::writeFull(char*, unsigned int)
    SimpleDatabase::writeData(DataStream, ByteArray)
    BTreeDatabase<ByteArray, ByteArray>::BTreeImpl::storeLeaf(shared_ptr<SimpleBTreeLeaf<ByteArray, ByteArray, unsigned int> >)
    BTreeMixin<BTreeDatabase<ByteArray, ByteArray>::BTreeImpl>::modify(shared_ptr<SimpleBTreeLeaf<ByteArray, ByteArray, unsigned int> >, BTreeMixin<BTreeDatabase<ByteArray, ByteArray>::BTreeImpl>::ModifyInfo)
    BTreeMixin<BTreeDatabase<ByteArray, ByteArray>::BTreeImpl>::modify(shared_ptr<SimpleBTreeIndex<ByteArray, unsigned int> >, BTreeMixin<BTreeDatabase<ByteArray, ByteArray>::BTreeImpl>::ModifyInfo)
    BTreeMixin<BTreeDatabase<ByteArray, ByteArray>::BTreeImpl>::modify(shared_ptr<SimpleBTreeIndex<ByteArray, unsigned int> >, BTreeMixin<BTreeDatabase<ByteArray, ByteArray>::BTreeImpl>::ModifyInfo)
    BTreeMixin<BTreeDatabase<ByteArray, ByteArray>::BTreeImpl>::modify(BTreeMixin<BTreeDatabase<ByteArray, ByteArray>::BTreeImpl>::DataElement, BTreeMixin<BTreeDatabase<ByteArray, ByteArray>::BTreeImpl>::ModifyAction)
    BTreeDatabase<ByteArray, ByteArray>::insert(ByteArray, ByteArray)
    SimpleDatabase::insert(ByteArray, ByteArray)
    SimpleSha256Database::insert(ByteArray, ByteArray)
    CelestialMasterDatabase::respondToRequests(List<Either<CelestialChunkLocation, CelestialSystemLocation>, deque<Either<CelestialChunkLocation, CelestialSystemLocation>, allocator<Either<CelestialChunkLocation, CelestialSystemLocation> > > >)
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2014
  16. Your Buddy Bill

    Your Buddy Bill Existential Complex

    Looks like the above two users have the same problem. Maybe someone should look into this.
  17. Antyx

    Antyx Space Hobo

    I have no problems on singleplayer mode, just on multiplayer. Im using the server from the starbound launcher in a local area network.
  18. Your Buddy Bill

    Your Buddy Bill Existential Complex

    Is there a way to disable automatic emotes here? just curious, it's getting annoying when I have to use colons and things turn into smilies.
    Calabrese likes this.
  19. Varixai

    Varixai Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Yea, it looks like all music files were moved out of Starbound\assets\music and into the .pak file. The old music folder is left there empty on my screen, but I think that's just because Windows left it there instead of deleting it.

    The ApexMockSign's color key was likely changed because of it's new look, as seen in this post.

    The heartthrobbow and heartstringsbow issues are pretty big and have been reported a lot. I really hope those get fixed because they still crash my game if I touch the wrong thing in the Heck Biome..

    Also, just a friendly tip- I haven't been around here long enough to see how many moderators/admins work on these forums.. but on other game forums I've had very helpful posts like yours taken down because I got a little too edgy with the extra commentary. Personally, I think you'd be safer to keep it out of patch-notes-type posts and instead post it on its own where those discussions are held. (The Agaran thread for your Agaran thoughts for example.)

    I'll edit this post if I see you edit yours in any way.

    See the BB Code guide here, there is a section for that.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2014
  20. loganwirtz

    loganwirtz Orbital Explorer

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