[STABLE] Content Updates & Bug Fixes!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Mar 3, 2014.

  1. Sinaku

    Sinaku Void-Bound Voyager

    What a lot of you seem to assume, if I'm reading this correctly, is that the content patches we're getting somehow imply that more important work isn't being done; that the content received is all that has been worked on.
    That couldn't be further from the truth; it's ludicrous, and it simply isn't how games are made.
    There are MULTIPLE people working on this game, each with their own responsibilities.
    If someone is busy working on cosmetic items, someone else is working on content and end game (I'd bet several are.)
    The simple fact is that small, innocuous things like "hats" are fairly easy to make and easy to release without much threat of mucking up other things.
    Meanwhile, creating content, balancing content, and testing said content, such as story, quest, endgame, etc. is VERY complex and VERY capable of mucking up other things. Consider also that small updates may help with getting the bugs out before the bigger updates come.
    Would you rather see a stream of small updates while the big stuff is being worked on, or would you rather receive nothing for weeks or months at a time?

    In any case, we all bought a game KNOWING it was in beta with no guarantee of a full release date. Stop complaining, and be glad it's being constantly worked on.
  2. Cryosaur

    Cryosaur Void-Bound Voyager

    I turned off the auto-updater on my Steam launcher and for whatever reason, this Stable version DL'd and updated regardless. Good thing I had a bunch of mods installed, because I also started getting an awesome new instant crash upon launch. Hey, at least there's a way to roll back to the previous version, right? Riiiiiight? Oh, wait. Instead I had to tear out all the mods I had installed and relaunch. Great! That worked, except my primary character, really the only character that I logged any hours with (560+) is rolled back (apparently, judging from the character selection screen; the game crashes when I try to load with him) and his mod-object-filled inventory corrupted.

    Yeah, that's it, I'm done with this alpha mess for a long, long time. Losing stuff is one thing-- Things were getting boring so having to find a bunch more cool stuff is fine by me. However, having to chop down trees for hours on end with the geologically-slow erosive trickle of an electro-pee stream and neolithic crapaxes until I have collected enough resources to burn through the tech advances ONCE AGAIN every other week is not my idea of fun. It is more like watching paint dry, then stripping off the paint, repainting the whole house, watching it dry again, and stripping it off again over and over. Thanks for the memories, Starbound. Call me when you're finished with "beta".
  3. White935

    White935 Big Damn Hero

    I'd like to report a bug.... you've managed to delete all the metal based tables recipes from your pak files.

    I've unpacked the pak file and located that durasteel, impervium, rubium, etc tables don't have a recipe anymore... they exists as a item thou so I've had to make a mod that adds crafting recipes for these.

    just kinda... a thing ya.

    double checked and the items exists, just not the recipe to make them anymore.
  4. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    When did they have the recipes? I have assets for Furious & angry Koala; and the recipes are not in those either.... I don't really think they were added yet, but hope they will make it in....

    Note: I did check Enraged as well...
    Your Buddy Bill likes this.
  5. Your Buddy Bill

    Your Buddy Bill Existential Complex

    I've double-checked, they never had recipes.
    Tamorr likes this.
  6. White935

    White935 Big Damn Hero

    hm, that still outta be bug no ? or a oversight, cus you can make beds, chairs, lights and the lot, and you can make tables for all the other bio domes stuff.
  7. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    Then why are there not recipes for the rest of the furniture that you can find? Especially the hylotl stuff...

    Not really a bug or oversight; just hasn't been made or put in yet. simple as that. Sure they will get around to many of the things, as there are still a lot of content to be added, as well formulas to go with said content. Way I see it. :D
  8. White935

    White935 Big Damn Hero

    ah well, i only found as all the other counterparts to fulfill the set are constructable atm.
    Tamorr likes this.
  9. D-16

    D-16 Spaceman Spiff

    what are you complaining about? you were warned.
  10. Your Buddy Bill

    Your Buddy Bill Existential Complex

    There may or may not have been a "stealth update" recently that added two new agaran hats and a new agaran pod type. It is inconclusive at this time.
  11. pop-yotheweird

    pop-yotheweird Ketchup Robot

    that's kinda dramatic, isn't it?
  12. D-16

    D-16 Spaceman Spiff

    check the front page, unstable updated about a half an hour ago.
  13. Your Buddy Bill

    Your Buddy Bill Existential Complex

    ah, yeah, unstable, got it.
  14. diztanze

    diztanze Orbital Explorer

    No mods at all!
  15. chean

    chean Pangalactic Porcupine

    Admittedly it's probably too late in your case, but... for the record, if someone wants to be 100% sure that Steam won't auto-update the game (which, IIRC, it always will when the game is launched from within Steam, regardless of whether you opt out of the auto-update setting -- AFAICR that setting only stops updates from happening if the game isn't launched), for instance while you wait for mods to be updated, one solution is to not launch the game via Steam; i.e. launch directly using the starbound.exe or starbound_opengl.exe in the Starbound/win32 folder (on Windows; ApplicationSupport/Steam/SteamApps/common/Starbound/Starbound.app on OS X... probably similar on Linux but I haven't tried it on that platform). Steam is handy for getting updates quickly and some multiplayer features, but when playing single-player I personally have no need for it; so thanks again to CF for not forcing us to launch Starbound through Steam! :)
    Tamorr likes this.

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