Pixel Spear's Pixel Hut

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by SergeantSpears, Jul 13, 2012.


How to you feel about these peices?

  1. Eh, good

  2. Nice

  3. Sweet!


  1. Avitus261

    Avitus261 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Very Nice, Can't wait to see what you will create!
  2. SergeantSpears

    SergeantSpears Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Sure, so you want me to make an astro suit versoin of your terminator thing?
  3. Avitus261

    Avitus261 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  4. SergeantSpears

    SergeantSpears Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Added a few new projects to the "Current Projects" list on the OP.
    Steam Pirate likes this.
  5. Steam Pirate

    Steam Pirate Space Kumquat

    Hey Spear, i have been working on suits too. You like?
  6. Scruffy

    Scruffy Pangalactic Porcupine

    Nice pixel art,
    Nice suits, I like them
    Steam Pirate likes this.
  7. SergeantSpears

    SergeantSpears Subatomic Cosmonaut

    SWEET! :D
    Steam Pirate likes this.
  8. SergeantSpears

    SergeantSpears Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Whats a..... "Pulvia" ?
  9. Nymz

    Nymz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Very nice!
  10. SergeantSpears

    SergeantSpears Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Ok guys I've reached the 10 image max on the OP, and i have tons more to post, can someone tell me how to make a little button that opens into a sort of window roll that goes down the screen, it has more space.
  11. Steam Pirate

    Steam Pirate Space Kumquat

    Post the same pictures in the same picture.
  12. Lennon1398

    Lennon1398 Star Wrangler

    Could you make a Sprite of my Suit? Just make it Cobalt blue with a blood red ring around the neck where every few pixels (3-4) it goes down by 3 (a line just goes down, it's still stays going right around the top of the neck) with a charcoal black edging around the lower portion of the ring (follows the lines downwards). For the face just take the base face sprite and make a normal dark blond hair thing like my hair in the picture (so basically just very normal hair, not long, short, but not just flat the whole way, some hairs go up slightly further then others) and for the face make it completely invisible with pure white eyes (if the eyes don't show up because they're pure white make them just 1 single point into 1 color so it's still very white and unnoticeable but shows up). You're not the only one I'm asking to do this.
  13. SergeantSpears

    SergeantSpears Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I can do that..... but, can i please have a reference picture? If you have one?
  14. Lennon1398

    Lennon1398 Star Wrangler

    Sure don't... If you want one you could always use the normal base sprite from Ghostar's thread, my suit is airtight so just re-texture the skin to the correct colors.
  15. SergeantSpears

    SergeantSpears Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Ok, but I'm not sure i understand the blood red ring around the neck, going down every few pixels? What do you mean by that?
  16. Lennon1398

    Lennon1398 Star Wrangler

    a line goes down, not the one circling the neck, a different one that ends after a few pixels (like 3).
  17. SergeantSpears

    SergeantSpears Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Is the second line vertical or horizontal? lol.
  18. Lennon1398

    Lennon1398 Star Wrangler

    the one that goes down, vertical.
  19. SergeantSpears

    SergeantSpears Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Like this? [​IMG]
  20. hi there, may I have request. I am going to try to make a race and I need some sprites for it :3

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