i made a monster and i can spawn it with commands and obgects like the monster spawner but when i tried to add it to a planet spawn pool it didnt work, that the code that i used. Code: [ { "op":"add", "path":"/spawnProfile/groups/-", "value":{ "select" : 1, "pool" : [ [ 0.5, "hesha" ], [ 0.5, "poptop" ] ] } } ] "hesha" is my monster, i did it at desert.biome.patch and in every second planet i couldnt spawn ( and at the others poptops spawn like it ment to be) does any one knows why i cant spawn the modded monster like that? (when i try to get to the planet i get back to the ship)
im assuming something is wrong with your monster. can post an error log? Since the poptop spawns fine, it seems its only messing up when attempting to spawn your monster. It could be anything from its movements to aggro action
no error log, i just spown back to the ship insted of the planet https://streamable.com/o8tge BTW what happend at the first time didnt happend before.
There is still an error log. Log in, beam down and get teleported back to your ship. Then go to your Starbound folder, open the Storage folder, then open Starbound.log Copy the entire contents of that log and paste them here. Make sure to use the CODE tags so it doesnt convert have your log into smiley faces.