Digital Some Starbound Characters

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Ram, Apr 20, 2013.

  1. Noeh

    Noeh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Yessssss. Blacksmith power! -highfives- Now they need to put monster hunter weapons in the game so I can wield an anvil on a stick.
    NiosDark and Ram like this.
  2. Gentleman

    Gentleman Star Wrangler

    Even with a talking fish (No offence), you can make it look amazing!
    NiosDark likes this.
  3. Noeh

    Noeh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I believe the official term fish badass!
    Arch-Mage Zandor, Ram and NiosDark like this.
  4. GabirilosGR

    GabirilosGR Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I could fall in love with her :rainbow: !!!
    NiosDark likes this.
  5. NiosDark

    NiosDark Big Damn Hero

    GabirilosGR likes this.
  6. Ram

    Ram Big Damn Hero

    Almost seven day with almost non-stop drawing now... good thing that I'm a glitch, or my hand would probably fall off, and if it did I could just screw It back on again.

    Just some information, I'll finish the last two easy first, then I'll do the last two Normal.
    (I need to find a better name to those two then normal and easy)
    NiosDark likes this.
  7. GabirilosGR

    GabirilosGR Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    you can change easy with Quick Drawn and Normal with Detailed Drawn or something like that :wut:
    NiosDark likes this.
  8. Ram

    Ram Big Damn Hero

    This is probably the last one for today.

    Sounds better, I'll keep them in mind.
  9. GabirilosGR

    GabirilosGR Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It looks awesome thanks xD X3
    Ram and NiosDark like this.
  10. Gentleman

    Gentleman Star Wrangler

    Looks nice as always Mr.Ram
    Sadly you are nearly done with your request...
    But I guess you need your're rest.
    NiosDark and Ram like this.
  11. Ram

    Ram Big Damn Hero

    I can't wait to start Rest.exe

    No problem.

    I'm just going to assume that you like the picture.
    I'll start and probably finish the last easy or quickie tomorrow.
    NiosDark and GabirilosGR like this.
  12. Noeh

    Noeh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    A well deserved rest for the Ram robot!
    NiosDark likes this.
  13. Zac091

    Zac091 Star Wrangler

    When will this shop be open again? I would love to know! This is beautiful artwork you have here. :)
  14. GabirilosGR

    GabirilosGR Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You need rest my friend, take your time.:zzz:
    NiosDark likes this.
  15. Ram

    Ram Big Damn Hero

    I'm not sure when I'll be taking requests again.
    The best answer I can give is when stuff is green, then it's open.
    NiosDark likes this.
  16. Ram

    Ram Big Damn Hero

    This is what the last Easy looks like at them moment, I'm going to redo it later today, but this is what is looks like now
    NabuK and NiosDark like this.
  17. Six_Of_Hearts

    Six_Of_Hearts Void-Bound Voyager

    I love it! :love:
    Ram and NiosDark like this.
  18. NiosDark

    NiosDark Big Damn Hero

    The power of robo boobs.:rainbow:(Nice)
  19. Ram

    Ram Big Damn Hero

    One out of two lists finished. :DD

    Here's the better version.
    NiosDark likes this.
  20. Gentleman

    Gentleman Star Wrangler

    As always, it's most delightful!
    NiosDark likes this.

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