Digital Some Starbound Characters

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Ram, Apr 20, 2013.

  1. Shock

    Shock Spaceman Spiff

    I don't know, maybe include the one shown on the most recent livestream, the somewhat medieval type. I don't necessarily know what it will look like as a final result, so I'll let you decide.
    NiosDark likes this.
  2. Ram

    Ram Big Damn Hero

    Could you give me a link or tell me where this livestream was?
    NiosDark likes this.
  3. GabirilosGR

    GabirilosGR Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Can you make me an Avian so I can use it as my avatar? PLZ!
    NiosDark likes this.
  4. Ram

    Ram Big Damn Hero

    That depends on if you want it in my normal style or the easy style.
    My normal style is currently full.
    NiosDark likes this.
  5. Shock

    Shock Spaceman Spiff

    NiosDark likes this.
  6. Ram

    Ram Big Damn Hero

    The black and yellow one?
    NiosDark likes this.
  7. GabirilosGR

    GabirilosGR Scruffy Nerf-Herder can do the easy style now.
    And if you have free time someday you can make it Normal style too, if you want

    Anyways here it is
    αρχείο λήψης.png
    NiosDark likes this.
  8. Shock

    Shock Spaceman Spiff

    Yes, please. :D Also, I don't know if I should have the helmet or not, considering I have a bunny head.
    NiosDark likes this.
  9. Ram

    Ram Big Damn Hero

    Ok... so I really didn't want to show this... In my opinion it looks horrible...
    but I did find my current weakness, I can only draw one character each picture.

    We have the Power.png

    Um... Sorry SpaceSprawler...
    NiosDark, Noeh and SpaceSprawler like this.
  10. Gentleman

    Gentleman Star Wrangler

    I find it the most delightful picture!
    But I wonder and ponder why he didn't want to have the helmet on...
    But anyways,
    Good job once again!
    (This is going on my desktop!)
    But the only problem I see, are the capes, they have a start, but you don't see them on the back,
    or does it go after the angle?
    Otherwise it's a wonderful portrait of me and Sir Bors.
    NiosDark and SpaceSprawler like this.
  11. Ram

    Ram Big Damn Hero

    I know, but you really DON'T want to see what the capes looked like.
    NiosDark and SpaceSprawler like this.
  12. SpaceSprawler

    SpaceSprawler Star Wrangler

    I loves it, Ram! Don't know why you're apologizing. <3
    NiosDark and Noeh like this.
  13. GabirilosGR

    GabirilosGR Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It looks cool
    NiosDark likes this.
  14. Ram

    Ram Big Damn Hero

    Well I guess it's more important that the requester likes it then the guy making them.
    SpaceSprawler and NiosDark like this.
  15. Gentleman

    Gentleman Star Wrangler

    I just noticed now, but I saw the glitch that you made when you where bored, that's me?
    I only saw the text beside the glitch now, so thanks again Mr.Ram!
  16. NiosDark

    NiosDark Big Damn Hero

    That is true but in this situation we are happy that you have not ignored us and you trying your best to make our requests possible.
    Thanks Ram.:love:
    Staxirius likes this.
  17. Six_Of_Hearts

    Six_Of_Hearts Void-Bound Voyager

    Could you make me a glitch in your easy style please?~ • w •
    Here is reference:
    I would greatly appreciate this, Sir. ◕ _ ◕
  18. Ram

    Ram Big Damn Hero

  19. Six_Of_Hearts

    Six_Of_Hearts Void-Bound Voyager

    Thank you!! ^ ヮ ^
  20. Noeh

    Noeh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    The image of the two knights is great! I used to do a lot of artsy things before and people loved my art even though I never really thought they looked good, too. It's an artist thing sometimes, Ram :p
    NiosDark and Ram like this.

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