each dye has a color index, go in your unpacked files, find the dye files, and you'll know which dye has which color index, also the color index starts at 1 not 0 because.... LUA? and the index is relative to the position of the color option in the color options array
first how the f**k does that happen and second, simply unpack the game assets again if you can't access them, you should always use your unpacked files as a reference when modding, 50-90% of the answers most people ask about how to do things can be answers by simply looking through them.
Well... I think I was trying to open it back when I didn't understand files... and, well this happened... I have no idea how to fix it. I can't find anything that will tell me how... lol
"Open As" does not work for pak files. You need to unpack it following the instructions of this forums tutorial.
i'm just going to ignore the fact that you seem to have no idea what unpacked files are and just tell you to unzip the file that comes with this message, put thins in your win32/win36 folder and run the bat file by double clicking it, once you are done go explore the folder called file in your assets folder.
exploration and learning, that how i learnt everything, and that's pretty much the best way to fix a lot of problems