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Bug/Issue [SOLVED] Unable to interact with my children

Discussion in 'Support' started by aRandomRaven, Mar 28, 2016.

  1. aRandomRaven

    aRandomRaven Void-Bound Voyager

    The only stage of my son's life I was able to interact with him was when he was standing on the crib and I could throw him in the air like a good father I am. After he grown up from that stage I was unable to give gifts or interact with him at all. He is currently in the final toddler stage and just completely ignores my existence.

    I wonder if there is any save file tweak I could do to fix this, since it doesn't seem like a lot of people is experiencing the same.
    • uberlobster

      uberlobster Void-Bound Voyager

      In my game, the kid is a toddler (stage 4 per wiki) but I can't give any gifts yet. A heart will pop-up when I first talk to her in a day but that's it. Just to clarify, you don't receive any heart pop-up when 'talking' to your kid?

      I really need to get around to perusing save-game file editing since I don't know anything to help you. Follow the Save File Editing Guide and search for various words related to the subject matter (child, child's name, etc.)
      • aRandomRaven

        aRandomRaven Void-Bound Voyager

        Nothing, no hearts popping up, the affection doesn't increase. I tried tweaking the affection value on the save file to see if that was gonna change anything, but it had no effect.
        I avoid tweaking values that I don't know what they are for...

        Perhaps you could help me by sharing what your save file looks like in the character section of your child? So I could compare?

        I'd appreciate if you could.
        • uberlobster

          uberlobster Void-Bound Voyager

          I'm not at home and I won't be able to oblige for a few more hours.
            aRandomRaven likes this.
          • uberlobster

            uberlobster Void-Bound Voyager

            Here you go:
            <NPC xsi:type="Child"><name>Jessica</name><isEmoting>false</isEmoting><isCharging>false</isCharging><willDestroyObjectsUnderfoot>true</willDestroyObjectsUnderfoot><isGlowing>false</isGlowing><coloredBorder>false</coloredBorder><flip>false</flip><drawOnTop>false</drawOnTop><faceTowardFarmer>false</faceTowardFarmer><faceAwayFromFarmer>false</faceAwayFromFarmer><scale>1</scale><timeBeforeAIMovementAgain>0</timeBeforeAIMovementAgain><glowingTransparency>0</glowingTransparency><glowRate>0</glowRate><Position><X>448</X><Y>1216</Y></Position><Speed>2</Speed><IsEmoting>false</IsEmoting><CurrentEmote>20</CurrentEmote><defaultMap>FarmHouse</defaultMap><age>3</age><manners>0</manners><socialAnxiety>0</socialAnxiety><optimism>0</optimism><gender>1</gender><id>-1</id><homeRegion>0</homeRegion><daysUntilBirthing>-1</daysUntilBirthing><daysAfterLastBirth>-1</daysAfterLastBirth><birthday_Day>0</birthday_Day><moveTowardPlayerThreshold>0</moveTowardPlayerThreshold><isInvisible>false</isInvisible><followSchedule>true</followSchedule><datable>false</datable><datingFarmer>false</datingFarmer><daysMarried>0</daysMarried><DefaultFacingDirection>0</DefaultFacingDirection><DefaultMap>FarmHouse</DefaultMap><DefaultPosition><X>0</X><Y>0</Y></DefaultPosition><IsWalkingInSquare>false</IsWalkingInSquare><IsWalkingTowardPlayer>false</IsWalkingTowardPlayer><daysOld>60</daysOld><idOfParent>-6666666</idOfParent><darkSkinned>false</darkSkinned></NPC>

              Attached Files:

              aRandomRaven likes this.
            • aRandomRaven

              aRandomRaven Void-Bound Voyager

              Thanks for the help. The problem was mod related however, I managed to get around it after being instructed to run a day without mods and save the game.

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