Yes actually, I do expect the content that was advertised. It's also worth noting that artifacts were the 15k goal and they were introduced before arena, which will never get added because let's be real about this.
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It has been stated that looping, for all intents and purposes, takes up the role of Arena mode.
And the point of this is? What kind of rubbish argument are you trying to make? These cases are not even remotely similar, be it the multitude of money they've made AND the quality of the product delivered, if you want to argue a point, argue, leave the exaggeration outside if you don't mind.
Again, RoR is fully functional and still the amazing game it once was for most of its playerbase. Is it shit that it's bugged for some? Absolutely. Should these bugs be patched? Absofuckinglutely, no questions, but these issues are the kind of stuff you would expect from a single man development team, the support for the game will start to suck as time goes on. We all wish this isn't the case, but this is sadly the reality of the situation.
Stay hopeful, stay optimistic, the bug fixes may still happen.
Last edited: Dec 23, 2015