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So I can make...

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Zekk, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Zekk

    Zekk Void-Bound Voyager

    a brain extractor thingy, that shoots electricity that makes creatures and peoples brains pop out... But I can't make a gun?

    Not to mention that I can build a killer robot, but not better armor than a medival iron plate :rofl:

    Not flaming or anything, I just find this little bit of design choice hilarious :p
    Is there more similar stuff I havn't thought about yet in the game?
  2. Ellthan

    Ellthan Big Damn Hero

    What about that with ALL the advanced high tech technology in the universe, we pilot a spaceship and use FTL drives, yet we fight pigs with a wooden sword to get meat so we don't starve?
  3. Letalis

    Letalis Subatomic Cosmonaut

    yeah that pretty much explains the absurdity. LOL
  4. SloppyMayor

    SloppyMayor Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    There are also robots stuck in the dark ages.
  5. RvLesh

    RvLesh Parsec Taste Tester

    Many of these features are outlined/planned.

    For release.

    Not for this stage of the beta.
  6. Guswut

    Guswut Ketchup Robot

    Your starship is a steampunk marvel as it flies on coal, although later it works off of two radioactive isotopes (which incidentally also commonly produce power by a process similar enough to a coal steam engine to make the similarities obvious).

    But how fun would the game be if you started out with an AutoKill9000 Mk. 4, and an exosuit with built in 10.3 speakers? At least, for how long would it be glorious? Not very.
  7. Zekk

    Zekk Void-Bound Voyager

    If you hadn't noticed, I wasn't being serious :up:

    Admitedly not very... but starting out with medival weapons and armor AND a spaceship? That combination is pretty hilarious, at least to me:cool: I think that it would fit better if you found the ship during the tutorial missions;)
  8. Trylobyte

    Trylobyte Yeah, You!

    My Floran's spaceship is clearly powered by captive wizards locked in the engine and fed a steady diet of coal and radiation. That's how she understands it, anyway.
    Guswut likes this.
  9. Guswut

    Guswut Ketchup Robot

    Given, though, that the spaceship appears to be a turnkey device (insert fuel on a specific range of material types, outputs FTL movement), it may be best to think about the ship less as a spaceship that you've found yourself in control and mastery over, and more as a vehicle that you may understand a bit about how to operate and refuel, but servicing, modifications, and the like are well beyond you. How many people, in today's society, know how to fully and completely service their own cars? It's no wonder that those same people cannot build a fully automatic assault weapon from similar pieces of technology.


    That is close to how many people understand today's technology, and just goes to show that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Thank you, Clarke!

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