Ok so @thakyZ I've downloaded 0.1.2a . The config file is worded differently than your previous version. What do we have to change in the settings for a setup of no decay and no random increasing- just increasing naturally as we talk to people? I want to be sure
Here is some documentation for the config. Code: { "enabled": true, // Enables/Disables the entire mod. [Default: true (ON)] "noDecrease": false, // Enables/Disables hearts from decaying. [Default: true (ON)] "noIncrease": false, // Enables/Disables the daily increase of hearts based off of `individualConfigs` [Default: false (OFF)] "randomIncrease": false, // Enables/Disables the daily random increase of hearts. (Requires `noIncrease` to be false). [Default: false (OFF)] "individualConfigs": [ // An JSON Array to make individual amounts to increase for different NPCs. { "name": "Default", // The name of the villager. (NOTE: the value `Default` is for all NPCs). "baseIncrease": 2, // The value to increase after each day without talking to the NPC. "talkIncrease": 5, // The value to increase after each day with talking to the NPC. "max": 2500 // The max amount of hearts to increase. (Warning do not set above the default value of `2500`). } ] } EDIT: So what you want is `"noDecrease": true` and `"randomIncrease": false` and I am guessing you don't want the hearts to increase daily without talking so change `baseIncrease` to 0 EDIT2: Updated errors in the doc.
This code is not what is in the config file of the current download from github linked to this post? The config seems to be an earlier version and says: Code: { "enabled": true, "randomIncrease": false, "individualConfigs": [ { "name": "Default", "baseIncrease": 2, "talkIncrease": 5, "max": 2500 } ] }
Yes that one is the old one, I haven't packaged the new config in yet. Just start up the game but don't load your character, it should then work.
thakyZ updated zDailyIncrease with a new update entry: zDailyIncrease 0.1.3a Read the rest of this update entry...
So I've rattled my head around a half an hour and can't seem to get this to work the way I want (I can't increase the amount of friendship points you get for talking to them daily) So clearly a mod I have is conflicting or there's something I'm missing.
Here is some great news for Mac users who want this mod: @kriana is going to port this mod to Mac along with SMAPI (I do believe she has already ported SMAPI)
It was done last night actually. I didn't port SMAPI myself, all credit goes to MacLeek. You can find the SMAPI download that works for me here: https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/4ypp1a/so_this_is_the_smapi_for_mac/ And here's the release of zDailyIncrease for mac: https://github.com/kriana/zDailyIncrease/releases/tag/0.1.4m
Hi thankyZ, I have been using this mod since you released it but I've updated to SMAPI 1.0 and it no longer loads, I get an error message and there doesn't appear to be any increase. Any chance you'd update this to be compatible?
Oh! Yes I will work on updating it today. I haven't played Stardew Valley in a while. So you can expect a release to come out today.
Well the update is gonna take a while longer because my job is getting in the way right now, so it'll be released by the latest this Friday.
thakyZ updated zDailyIncrease with a new update entry: zDailyIncrease for SMAPI 1.1.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
The mod had been updated to SMAPI 1.1.1! So if anyone has any bugs they found please tell me. While making the mod there were bugs which made the game close without error, so if you get any of those please tell me. Also, more specifically there was an issue with the config for each individual villager so if anyone finds any bugs from that please let me know!
Hmm.. I think it's increasing even though I have noincrease set to true. Wizard was 230 to next heart, played for about 1 in-game week, then he was at 130 to next heart. Never talked to him, never did any events that increase villager hearts. EDIT: Further testing he didn't increase anymore, so not sure why he randomly jumped 100 points.