I decided to try modding the game fridge after seeing numerous threads that said it wasn't possible to mod it. What I need from you Peoples willing to backup one of their save and test the mod. I can rebuild it with SMAPI 0.39.x to 0.40.x. Please post if you are interested and can test an alpha-version of mod with risks of losing one of your save. Page 1 and page 2 of my fridge: [/url] Contents in code: [/url] Currently done Fridge allows up to 4 pages of items (so that's 144 items) The fridge and all pages of items works with crafting recipes The content of the fridge is loaded/saved into the normal game save without issues Scroll between pages of items using the arrows keys Minor things TODO before release When adding/removing an item display the page the item was added/removed from Detect when the fridge menu is exited Save in a per-save SMAPI config so the user can edit his fridge Display page # above the inventory UI DONE Less fragile fridge detection code Compatibility with gamepad/joystick Rebinding previous page/next page keys Click buttons to change pages DONE Future plans Use the same technique to make bigger chests Compatibility with chest labels mod Compatibility with mods that change the ItemGrabMenu File Release thread: http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/extended-fridge-smapi.117348/
Sure, why not. So you're using the in-game save? Neat. I figured there would have to be an external SMAPI save.
SDV 1.07 SMAPI 0.39.2 Default Farmhouse (1st upgrade) Clean save (Year 1) Mods: Extended Fridge, Zoom, TimeSpeed I can't get the added pages to cycle, even if I fill up the first page.
Right, forgot to do an exception when determining wheter to show the next page. If you add one more item by right-clicking on an inventory item it should work because the fridge will have 37 items and the next page currently only show up if the list of items has 1 more items than the total capacity of all the pages filled. Will fix ASAP.
It's just that I am new to the game UI stuff and I didn't place the IClickableMenu.drawBorderLabel correctly on the screen. I ended up making a new class called FridgeGrabMenu, based heavily on ItemGrabMenu. So I can have complete control on the way the chest UI looks for the fridge. When I'm done the release will probably have the source to what I did + a binary DLL for the menu so that the menu can be used in other mods. Thanks for suggesting that I just use pages to display all the items on Discord because it turned out to be the simplest way to handle this
Why do you think CA uses that system himself for things that need more space then the screen supplies?
I'm very interested in trying this out. Would it matter if we have other mods already installed? One is the chest label mod, but i have not renamed my fridge.
This is definitely a wanted mod O.O I'm also interested in trying it out! (Especially since I've been running out of fridge space )
Can you smell this? It's the smell of ozone when you open your BRAND NEW EXTENDED FRIDGE!!!! 0.40.x 0.39.x
Hello! I've been using your mod and it's awesome! However every time I press sort, it crashes. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Are you on SMAPI 0.40.x? There's an update for the 0.40.x version of the mod for hat bug in the mod section or on Nexus