Thanks for the update! Do the various packages for this mod that already exist need to be rewritten? I get a crash when I use Androxilogin's mods, but that might be me doing something silly.
Be happy to. Game crashes when I load and/or create a new game. Happens when I use Androxilogin's mods (Expandexd Crevices, VIP, Tree Life, Cleanup Crew). Problem stops if I remove them from ALL's location folder.
@SunTide Thanks for reporting it! I'll take a look and post a new update soon. If you remove Expanded Crevices temporarily, the other location mods should work fine. I also suggest moving the "backup", "Editor", and "Suntide backup" folders out of C:\Users\Nathan\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Saves to avoid the other errors in your log.
@Pookachu_ You can get the latest version from Nexus. In general I suggest checking the mod compatibility list, which shows where to find the latest versions for each mod.
That works! All of the mods I mentioned in my last post load correctly and function just fine. Thanks! It's good to have ALL back.
Advanced Location Loader 1.4.5 is now available! (For Stardew Valley 1.3.31 beta or later.) Release notes: Fixed error validating non-seasonal tilesheets in Stardew Valley 1.3. Fixed error overriding in-game locations.
Oh man I feel like a jerk making more requests when you've done so much, but would it be non-trivial to compile a 1.3.28 version of ALL? As you know, 1.3.29 broke almost everything, and it will be a long time before some of my favorite mods get updated. I would just stick to 1.3.28, but ALL has a had a weird update history and skipped that SDV version. I would be super happy if we had a non-beta ALL and I could just opt out of the beta and go back to using my precious precious mods
@SunTide Sorry! I'd rather update more mods instead of maintaining multiple versions of each update, but hopefully Stardew Valley 1.3.31 will be out of beta soon. The mod is open-source if someone wants to create an unofficial update for 1.3.28 though.
No worries, I 100% understand. I was hoping it would be something simple, like just compiling under slightly different conditions or something. I agree that your (limited, unpaid) time and energy is best spent progressing other mods. Here's hoping that SDV stops breaking so many mods each update.
Unfortunately that isnt the case, if a version of SDV breaks a mod that is because a assumption that the mod makes about SDV (As is required when not having a proxy in place, like with SDV) is no longer true. Thus, parts of the mod (It can be as small as changing capitalization, to as large as completely rewriting a class) need to be modified for this change. Unless pathos sees fit to create a proxy interface in SMAPI, SDV updates are always going to end up breaking at least some mods, and the more complex a mod is, the more likely it is to break
Advanced Location Loader 1.4.6 is now available! Release notes: Updated for the upcoming SMAPI 3.0. Updated translations. Thanks to Nanogamer7 (added German)! Fixed error loading shop portraits from content packs. Fixed typo.
Do you have an error log, or anything to go along with the "this doesn't work" claim? No one is able to solve your problem unless they can see the error
This is the error log that comes up for me: [SMAPI] Skipped mods [SMAPI] -------------------------------------------------- [SMAPI] These mods could not be added to your game. [SMAPI] - Advanced Location Loader 1.4.6 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a new version at or
@naengmewn You can check to know whether a mod is compatible. Unfortunately this one hasn't been updated for the beta yet.