RELEASED [SMAPI 1.5] In-Game Cheat Menu v1.13 Beta [01-Jan-2017]

Discussion in 'Cheats' started by CJB, Mar 4, 2016.

  1. Nurio

    Nurio Cosmic Narwhal

    What about Stardew Valley itself? Is that up to date?
    • Nurio

      Nurio Cosmic Narwhal

      Alright. Make sure you're actually running SMAPI instead of Stardew Valley directly
      It might also help to post your logs
      • BaldurAnthology

        BaldurAnthology Phantasmal Quasar

        Aaand I found a solution... I don't know if I need both a folder and the main files in the mods folder, but I made a folder and added an extyra copy of the cheats menu to the folder and it actually shows up in game now >_<
        • RoastedCoconutz

          RoastedCoconutz Pangalactic Porcupine

          I've got a funny little bug: I insta-grew my fruit trees after putting flooring tiles down first and they're not giving me any fruit. Tested it out without the floor tiles, and they're reverting to saplings the next day. Is there a fix for this yet?

          Another thing--insta-growing wild seeds gives me only one type of the fruits. In this case summer seeds give me nothing but spice berries. It's really great that they can be harvested with the scythe now, but I kinda need the other fruits for the CC bundles.
          • BaldurAnthology

            BaldurAnthology Phantasmal Quasar

            It's already been said in this topic a few times that instagrowing any form of food/fruits is buggy and that the trees will bear no fruit. Only solution.. grow the trees normally .. it takes a month or two in game but produces fruit daily during the seasons they are part of.. as for the bundles.. just work on your harvest skill and go exploring the town... I beat every single bundle myself without cheats before i even looked into cheating.. believe me some of those fish took forever..
              Last edited: May 17, 2016
              RoastedCoconutz likes this.
            • RoastedCoconutz

              RoastedCoconutz Pangalactic Porcupine

              I found a perfect solution to the wild seeds: Plant a field of them, insta-grow, chuck them in the seed machines, then do it all over again a few more times. Once I had a few hundred seeds I left them to grow normally.

              You're right about the foraging--I ended up finding the stuff I needed within a few in-game days. On my last playthrough I got everything except some of the rare fish through hard work, no cheats until Year 5 or so. It's nice not to have to do so much grinding this time though.
              • BaldurAnthology

                BaldurAnthology Phantasmal Quasar

                Nah.. grinding is half the fun.. I mean you could be greedy mcmoneybags and just pay JovaCorp or whatever it is to fix all the town and not have to do the bundles, or you could work hard and earn back a good community center. One gets you a cola machine, the other gets you an award as the best citizen of the town, a bunch of benefits to the town like the people like you and you unlock all the same stuff.. and you restore the original center of the community.. make that park look good again. The clock even works on the community center. :)
                • minideatheater

                  minideatheater Big Damn Hero

                  Hello, I have installed SMAPI .40 and the new 1.12 version of the cheats menu. I've followed the walkthrough, etc, and made sure everything's in the correct order and I run stardew from the modding API application. and everything should be up to date including the actual game, yet the cheats menu does not open. my menu button is auto-set on E rather than P but neither key opens the cheats menu even if I reassign the key value. Help, please?
                  • BaldurAnthology

                    BaldurAnthology Phantasmal Quasar

                    I had the exact same problem. Try making sure that the mod is in the Mods folder, IN A folder with the correct name. TO clarify.. When you extracted the Rar file to the SMAPI Mods folder, you have to drag the entire folder to the mods folder instead.. it should load then.. that's what I had to do... I had just extracted the bits from the file int othe mods folder.. that doesn't work
                    • Reyalan

                      Reyalan Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      I've installed both the latest version of the the cheat menu as well as the item spawner menu, and the SMAPI .40, but there is a problem with the npcs... They just won't move out of bed. I can't talk to Robin to make her build anything else, because she isn't at the cash register anymore. Please help!

                      EDIT: I realized the item spawner actually is only SMAPI 39.6 compatible :(

                      Also, I just disabled the item spawner mod, and it wasn't causing the case. I disabled both mods by then, so it may be this mod that's causing this issue.
                        Last edited: May 22, 2016
                      • BaldurAnthology

                        BaldurAnthology Phantasmal Quasar

                        AS far as I know this mod does not affect people's movement patterns but I could be wrong.. it may just be a bug in your game
                        • Nurio

                          Nurio Cosmic Narwhal

                          This seems more like an issue with the WakeUp Time mod. It's a known bug for that mod.

                          Also, the item spawner is perfectly compatible with SMAPI 0.40.0
                          • Reyalan

                            Reyalan Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                            I had to look up what that mod was, I certainly do not have it installed though. Could it be the trainer that the SMAPI includes with?

                            I'm actually posting this through my phone.
                            • Nurio

                              Nurio Cosmic Narwhal

                              Nah, I don't think the trainer would do something like this. But it's best to disable it if you're not using it
                              • BaldurAnthology

                                BaldurAnthology Phantasmal Quasar

                                Why is your stardew valley not installed with your steam, in a GOG folder or in a folder indicating it was purchased on Humble? (*NOTE* Having never purchased via humble I dunno what that would be, Also these are the only three legal methods of purchase as indicated on the stardew valley website.)

                                If you are using a pirated copy, the forums will not support you, it's against the rules.

                                Furthermore, Pirated Games do not support mods.

                                Come on the devs worked hard on this game you can spend the.. *Checks steam* like $17 or so to buy it and support them.
                                  Last edited: May 28, 2016
                                • regireygian

                                  regireygian Space Hobo

                                  opss sorry im use pirated copy
                                  im wanna try this game if worth i will buy it
                                  ok i edit my post
                                  • BaldurAnthology

                                    BaldurAnthology Phantasmal Quasar

                                    You can just delete your post you know... you don't have to just edit it. IF you wanted info on it you can watch any number of youtubers play it. I know for a fact Yogscast Sjin is playing it and I know a few others are playing Stardew.. you really have no excuse for pirating the game.... if that works that's the start of the playthrough. Go, Watch. Stop being a pirate.
                                    • oceanicchimera

                                      oceanicchimera Space Spelunker

                                      Cheat works like a charm but it seems to interfere with both the minigames resulting in my game freezing and a couple event scenes. Abigail's 2 heart and Harvey's 8 heart. Anyone else have this problem? Kind of sad I'm having to skip cutscenes and miss out on minigames I really want to try.
                                      • BaldurAnthology

                                        BaldurAnthology Phantasmal Quasar

                                        I've never noticed that before so I'm not sure what advice I can give you.. sorry.
                                        • lannihamm

                                          lannihamm Pangalactic Porcupine

                                          I just played through Abigail's 2 heart event with no problems.

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