RELEASED [SMAPI 1.5] In-Game Cheat Menu v1.13 Beta [01-Jan-2017]

Discussion in 'Cheats' started by CJB, Mar 4, 2016.

  1. Nurio

    Nurio Cosmic Narwhal

    What didn't work? Do you get errors? What exactly did you do?
    • Entoarox

      Entoarox Oxygen Tank

      Update stardew valley to the latest release...
      • forestlover72

        forestlover72 Void-Bound Voyager

        I'm having a problem with the grow crops keybind. Every time I try to set it off of the numberpad, it sets it back to NumPad2 once I close the menu. How can I fix this?
        • madeyemoody

          madeyemoody Void-Bound Voyager

          Bro the game is like £10. Just go buy it. You could save up your pocket money for a week and ask your mom to lend her credit card so you can buy it on Steam legit.
          • Entoarox

            Entoarox Oxygen Tank

            I catagorically refuse to give any aid to people who have not paid for the game.
            • Dunto

              Dunto Guest

              Hey all,

              Just a friendly reminder that pirated copies of the game not only are illegal, they cheat the developer out of money for their hard work. While I'm sure CA wants everyone to enjoy his game, we should try our best to support CA by buying his game so that he can continue to give us amazing games. Please show your support for CA's work by buying the game.

              Note that there is no support for pirated versions of the game. Discussing specifics of piracy (such as sites, methods, etc) can get you permabanned.

                Jonesy, MickFigal and madeyemoody like this.
              • MickFigal

                MickFigal Void-Bound Voyager

                I'm so sorry....I'll get off here. Thank you for the bit of help I got. I'll be back when I get the game. <3
                • Dunto

                  Dunto Guest

                  You are quite welcome to hang around and chat with other users, you just won't be able to get support for Stardew Valley until you purchase the game. ;)

                  (I suggest checking out the Discussion and Contest forums every so often as sometimes people give away copies of games, including Stardew Valley.)

                  See you around the forums!
                    MickFigal likes this.
                  • Nurio

                    Nurio Cosmic Narwhal

                    So... I wasn't allowed to help them, then?
                    • madeyemoody

                      madeyemoody Void-Bound Voyager

                      I know you was being helpful but i wouldn't help someone that essentially stole from CA and Chucklefish Studios......
                      • Nurio

                        Nurio Cosmic Narwhal

                        Hmm... Well, this isn't exactly the place for this, so I'll only say this one thing:
                        I believe that if you help these people, they are way more inclined to enjoy and later buy the game when they can. If you deny them the game completely, they'll only be even less inclined to buy it, since they didn't experience it in its full glory.
                        Look at it this way: The moment that person has pirated the game, you can consider it a 'potential lost sale' (which is different from a true lost sale). You then have the option to try to turn it into an actual sale by helping them see how good the game is, or you can try to deny them the game, and then it's definitely a true lost sale.

                        But yeah. My own personal beliefs on this don't really matter much if it's against the rules to help people who pirated the game. If that's the case, I have no choice but to respect those rules.
                        (Though I think if you enforce those rules, you only make people lie about whether they pirated the game or not. I'd rather them be truthful about it and help them knowing that, than help them, assuming they have a legit version, while they don't. The latter is more confusing and prone to error.)
                          MickFigal likes this.
                        • Lolicondesu

                          Lolicondesu Void-Bound Voyager

                          Do trees fruit still produce fruit after i use cheat grow tree?
                          • Nurio

                            Nurio Cosmic Narwhal

                            I think I read from a few people in this thread that there is some glitchy behavior with insta-grown fruit trees not bearing fruit
                            • quanc22

                              quanc22 Void-Bound Voyager

                              How can i use grow tree and grow crops ? I tried to press numpad 1 & 2 many times and nothing happen, i tried to sleep over many nights but tree and crops are still not growing ??? Need help
                              • Nurio

                                Nurio Cosmic Narwhal

                                You should stand near the tree or crop. It only grows those trees/crops in a 3x3 square around you.
                                Also make sure you actually do have the latest version of the mod. And are you sure you're using the actual numpad keys?
                                • OkaWibawa

                                  OkaWibawa Master Chief

                                  everytime I press P the game closed without any error message, its just closed. Any help?
                                  • Nurio

                                    Nurio Cosmic Narwhal

                                    Do you have the latest version of Stardew Valley, the latest version of SMAPI, and the latest version of this mod?
                                    Do you have any other mods that may interfere with this mod by perhaps assigning an action to P as well?
                                    • wintertoke

                                      wintertoke Space Spelunker

                                      hey just used the mod its working great for me! i got the 1.9 v ... just wanted to say god job on it..... but the break in one hit doesn't work on the barrels and boxes in the caves idk if they were supposed to be includied with that one hit break cheat but if they were it isnt working
                                      • OkaWibawa

                                        OkaWibawa Master Chief

                                        I found out what seems to be the problem, thanks anyway :)
                                        • lannihamm

                                          lannihamm Pangalactic Porcupine

                                          Has the fruit tree problem (reverting back to saplings) been resolved?

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