RELEASED [SMAPI 1.5] In-Game Cheat Menu v1.13 Beta [01-Jan-2017]

Discussion in 'Cheats' started by CJB, Mar 4, 2016.

  1. herman925

    herman925 Space Hobo

    Would also like to add the function of controlling time

    - Time per 'tick' (i.e. interval for the 10 mins in-game time)
    - Change time of day and month

    Would also like to consider more options regarding products from the ranch and barn
    • nonpromqueen

      nonpromqueen Void-Bound Voyager

      If this had freeze time in houses it will be the only mod I need really.
      • herman925

        herman925 Space Hobo

        Also, is it possible to add a Save Anywhere feature?
        • nonpromqueen

          nonpromqueen Void-Bound Voyager

          This is the one thing I'm really hoping is possible someday. (especially playing around with mods that make my game crash sometimes, heh)
          • CJB

            CJB Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            Due to how the game is made this is probably never gonna happen. Unless CorncernedApe adds this himself which will be unlikely as well.
            • Ainaak

              Ainaak Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              everything is where it is supposed to be but I also have .36 instead of .37 in the command box title and as soon as I click the movement speed option, it freezes, the command box also says that the nini.dll is invalid, that that's probably due to the version not being up to date. Though I did download from the .37 link.
              • CJB

                CJB Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                The 0.37 showing as 0.36 is a bug from SMAPI.
                I am currently making a hotfix for the settings not properly saved or loaded. Will be up in a few minutes.
                • nonpromqueen

                  nonpromqueen Void-Bound Voyager

                  Damn, crashing to desktop with this one. Wonder if it's my save from screwing around with mods before. Thoughts?
                  • herman925

                    herman925 Space Hobo

                    Tested the newest version - related to the weather change function

                    The weather has not really changed. Well it has in the sense that the screen shows so, but

                    1) the weather icon still shows sunny
                    2) the farm fields are not watered if I change it to rain

                    In fact, for the second point I've mentioned, it also happened to the other MOD of weather control in this forum, via command input. However, that MOD had a good workaround - that is, to change weather of the NEXT DAY. It will show up on TV with correct forecast, as well as proper effects of a weather

                    I wonder if CJB can look into this?
                    • CJB

                      CJB Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      NEW RELEASE v1.2.1

                      v1.2.1 5-Mar-2016

                      - Added warp location to Farm House.
                      - Fixed movement speed during events.
                      - Another possible fix for settings save/load.
                      • CupcakeDream

                        CupcakeDream Void-Bound Voyager

                        Still crashes with any check box for me.

                        [12:18:47 PM] C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley
                        [12:18:47 PM] Initializing SDV Assembly...
                        [12:18:47 PM] Injecting New SDV Version...
                        [12:18:47 PM] Starting SDV...
                        [12:18:48] Patching SDV Graphics Profile...
                        [12:18:48] LOADING MODS
                        [12:18:48] Found DLL: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\CJBCheatsMenu.dll
                        [12:18:48] Loading Mod DLL...
                        LOADED MOD: CJB Cheats Menu by CJ Bok - Version 1.2 | Description: Simple in-game cheats menu!
                        [12:18:48] Found DLL: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\Nini.dll
                        [12:18:48] Invalid Mod DLL
                        [12:18:48] Found DLL: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\TrainerMod.dll
                        [12:18:48] Loading Mod DLL...
                        LOADED MOD: Trainer Mod by Zoryn Aaron - Version 1.0 | Description: Registers several commands to use. Most commands are trainer-like in that they offer forms of cheating.
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: types
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: hide
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: show
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: save
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: load
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: exit
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: stop
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: player_setname
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: player_setmoney
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: player_setstamina
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: player_setmaxstamina
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: player_sethealth
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: player_setmaxhealth
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: player_setimmunity
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: player_setlevel
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: player_setspeed
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: player_changecolour
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: player_changestyle
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: player_additem
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: player_addmelee
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: player_addring
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: out_items
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: out_melee
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: out_rings
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: newitem
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: world_settime
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: world_freezetime
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: world_setday
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: world_setseason
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: world_downminelevel
                        [12:18:48] Registered command: world_setminelevel
                        [12:18:48] LOADED 2 MODS
                        [12:18:48 PM] SDV Loaded Into Memory
                        [12:18:48 PM] Initializing Console Input Thread...
                        [12:18:48 PM] Registered command: help
                        [12:18:48 PM] Applying Final SDV Tweaks...
                        [12:18:48] XNA Initialize
                        [12:18:49] XNA LoadContent
                        [12:18:50] Initializing Debug Assets...
                        [12:18:50 PM] Game Loaded
                        [12:18:50 PM] Type 'help' for help, or 'help <cmd>' for a command's usage
                        [12:19:33] An error occured in the base update loop: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
                           at CJBCheatsMenu.CJB.SaveSettings()
                           at CJBCheatsMenu.CheatsOptionsCheckbox.receiveLeftClick(Int32 x, Int32 y)
                           at CJBCheatsMenu.CheatsMenu.receiveLeftClick(Int32 x, Int32 y, Boolean playSound)
                           at StardewValley.Menus.GameMenu.receiveLeftClick(Int32 x, Int32 y, Boolean playSound)
                        • herman925

                          herman925 Space Hobo

                          Sorry to keep flooding the post...tested 'Lighting' too - should be 'Lightning', right? (I'm not

                          The screen will have thunder, but it's not raining
                          • CJB

                            CJB Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                            Please download version 1.2.1. Hope this helps.

                            If you activate raining when you are in your farm the fields should be watered. :) And yes lightning is a typo :p
                            • CupcakeDream

                              CupcakeDream Void-Bound Voyager

                              Figured it out some. Checkmarks work with a new game. Not with my old save.
                              • axellslade

                                axellslade Void-Bound Voyager

                                It's now working fine and dandy, no errors whatsoever and no freezing!
                                • Teknos

                                  Teknos Big Damn Hero

                                  I'm having the same issue: the game freezes when checking a box in the menu on an existing save game. Issue does not happen during a new game. Would a copy of the save file help?
                                  • herman925

                                    herman925 Space Hobo

                                    CJB thanks, yet I still have one thing that I believe is concerning. In Harvest Moon and of course, Stardew Valley, the villagers' behaviours vary according to the weather of the day, so as their conversation. This is also reflected in-game with a change in fish available in Stardew Valley.

                                    So, in that case, your cheat menu only changes the surface of what a weather brings to that day, but not the core mechanics brought about by the change of the weather.

                                    I mean not to criticise you, of course. I simply would like to state my opinion and stance towards suggesting the addition of 'Change Weather Forecast'. This will allow players to have full control of the weather, while still benefiting from the change of the weather in terms of all those I've mentioned previously.

                                    Plssssss consider it~
                                    • nonpromqueen

                                      nonpromqueen Void-Bound Voyager

                                      Huh, weird. Started a new game, still crashing to desktop.
                                      • King Kong

                                        King Kong Space Hobo

                                        Its working for me using old saves, tested it on a save before installing mods and saves where I used the first version of the mod. SMAPI 0.37A and IGC 1.2.1.

                                        If request are allowed, any possibility for a key togglable time freeze? Thank you for the cheats, really nice.
                                        • GraySkye

                                          GraySkye Space Hobo

                                          Hi there..

                                          After testing this mod, it appears that the default menu key 'p' isn't bound to anything at all, which is strange considering the title-bar does say that it's the modded version. Typing in the commands via the stardew modding api is a pain.. What am I doing wrong, if anything?


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