RELEASED [SMAPI 1.5] In-Game Cheat Menu v1.13 Beta [01-Jan-2017]

Discussion in 'Cheats' started by CJB, Mar 4, 2016.

  1. Isaiahjm17

    Isaiahjm17 Void-Bound Voyager

    Just an FYI I think the Time-freeze hotkey feature is broken.. I tried using it and i'm on the new update.
    • sonicboom772

      sonicboom772 Intergalactic Tourist

      I'm having problems using SMAPI 0.39.4 and CJB version 1.10.. it keeps giving me an error on the cmd and wont open the game. pls help
      • tandpastatester

        tandpastatester Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        Does the added compatibility for 0.39.4 mean it's not compatible with 0.39.2 anymore? I'm using 0.39.2 and your latest version doesn't show the menu anymore when I press "P". I can't upgrade to 0.39.4 yet because some other mods aren't updated for this yet.

        I'll roll back to 1.9 for now, but please let me know if it should be backwards compatible and I'm just missing something!
        • bararaqsigh

          bararaqsigh Void-Bound Voyager

          I'm having the same issue: downloaded both 0.39.4 and 1.10, and while I can load up the game, it acts like it's completed unmodded.
          • Ghostly Fox

            Ghostly Fox Heliosphere

            Make sure you're launching the StardewModdingAPI exe, not just the vanilla game. This has instructions for making sure that it is the API loaded version running.

            On my part, I get an error when I try to run in 0.39.5. Is it not forward compatible yet, or did I screw up on the install?

            [22:34:02] Validating api paths...
            [22:34:02] Initializing SDV Assembly...
            [22:34:02] Injecting New SDV Version...
            [22:34:02] Starting SDV...
            [22:34:02] Patching SDV Graphics Profile...
            [22:34:02] LOADING MODS
            [22:34:02] Found Manifest: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew
            [22:34:02] Loading Mod DLL...
            [22:34:02] LOADED MOD: Better RNG by Zoryn - Version StardewModdingAPI.Version |
            Description: Overhauls RNG (@ C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Sta
            rdew Valley\Mods\BetterRNG\BetterRNG.dll)
            [22:34:02] Failed to load mod 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Sta
            rdew Valley\Mods\BetterRNG\BetterRNG.dll'. Exception details:
            System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void StardewModdingAPI.Log.Asy
            at BetterRNG.BetterRng.Entry(Object[] objects)
            at StardewModdingAPI.Program.LoadMods()
            [22:34:02] Found Manifest: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew
            [22:34:02] Loading Mod DLL...
            [22:34:02] LOADED MOD: CJB Cheats Menu by CJ Bok - Version StardewModdingAPI.Ver
            sion | Description: Simple in-game cheats menu! (@ C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\
            steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\CJBCheatsMenu\CJBCheatsMenu.dll)
            [22:34:02] Failed to load mod 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Sta
            rdew Valley\Mods\CJBCheatsMenu\CJBCheatsMenu.dll'. Exception details:
            System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void StardewModdingAPI.Events.
            at CJBCheatsMenu.CJBCheatsMenu.Entry(Object[] objects)
            at StardewModdingAPI.Program.LoadMods()
            • helloiamalvin

              helloiamalvin Void-Bound Voyager

              Anyone know where I can download SMAPI 0.39.4? The links keep bringing me to SMAPI 0.39.2
              • Ghostly Fox

                Ghostly Fox Heliosphere

              • bararaqsigh

                bararaqsigh Void-Bound Voyager

                I followed those directions to make sure, and it still loads as if the mods aren't there; all the image mods run, just the .dll files don't.
                • Ghostly Fox

                  Ghostly Fox Heliosphere

                  Are all your mods in folders titled with the name of the mod, and inside the mod folder?
                  • bararaqsigh

                    bararaqsigh Void-Bound Voyager

                    I put the .dll directly into the mod folder, and that had been working for weeks; does the new SMAPI need them to be inside separate folders?
                    • Ghostly Fox

                      Ghostly Fox Heliosphere

                      Yes. Each mod needs to have it's .dll and manifest.json files within a folder with the exact name of the mod as the title. As an example CantorsDust's TimeSpeed mod looks like this:
                      Stardew Valley >

                      Config files tend to be created after the first time you run the modded game, but if you already had some made, you'll need to put them in the folder with everything else.
                      • bararaqsigh

                        bararaqsigh Void-Bound Voyager

                        I can't believe I didn't figure that out! Thank you so much, it's working now.
                        • Ghostly Fox

                          Ghostly Fox Heliosphere

                          No problem, glad things are working for you now!
                          • migstergames

                            migstergames Big Damn Hero

                            Hello, Has anyone tested the new no friendship decay in the latest version 1.10? Does this also conflict with DailyFriendshipIncreaser or/and No Friendship Decay mod?
                            • Ghostly Fox

                              Ghostly Fox Heliosphere

                              If they touch the same file, its likely they would either outright conflict from one writing over the other, or you would get the effects of both, which would probably mean more friendship gained per day.
                              • CJB

                                CJB Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                I only check for values when they have dropped. So all values which are increased should be fine.
                                • Ghostly Fox

                                  Ghostly Fox Heliosphere

                                  I made a ost about an error I encountered in the last page, when you have the time, can you take a look at it and let me know what I did wrong?
                                  • Shalnark

                                    Shalnark Void-Bound Voyager

                                    Hi. Thank you for the mod. I'm not sure if it's just me or it has been mentioned but the little note that says time is frozen when you use the time freeze hotkey stopped appearing when I updated although as far as I can tell, the function of time itself freezing still works.

                                    Edit: Upon further playing I noticed that the time frozen text thingy is still present but when walking through some parts of maps (like the mines), it disappears like it's being covered by the actual map itself (if that makes sense). I don't know anything about programming/modding but if it's described like in photoshop, the frozen text thing is like in a layer behind the layer where the playable area is (which is suppose to be the opposite). Some parts of the playable area are transparent which is why when you walk over to those areas you can still see graphics behind that layer (in this case the frozen text thingy) but when you move to areas where it's not, you can no longer see it.
                                      Last edited: Mar 31, 2016
                                    • stunvn

                                      stunvn Void-Bound Voyager

                                      Hey, Can I use it with SMAPI 0.39.5 now ?
                                        Last edited: Mar 31, 2016
                                      • CJB

                                        CJB Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                        Should work fine.

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