Slower time, plus a few extras.

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by sanademonangel, Mar 2, 2016.

  1. sanademonangel

    sanademonangel Poptop Tamer

    I was just thinking of having the time go by at least every 5 minutes instead of 10. I don't know for sure if this will help any, but it seems to me everytime i "TRY" to fish, (and don't catch anything) time just goes by way too fast, Plus two more things i would LOVE to see, is that time would pause in your home when you first wake up. I had a pet emergency and when i came back home, i ended up restarting my whole game cuz it was way too far gone, and when you fish you catch at least two to three fish of the same type.
      kman.awesomeguy likes this.
    • Khaosius

      Khaosius Cosmic Narwhal

      There's a pause button, and a mod that changes time.

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