Slime rancher

Discussion in 'Games' started by Solar313, Mar 5, 2016.

  1. Solar313

    Solar313 Fat Man

    Hi. I made this because I wanted to talk about Slime Rancher. Please take other content to another thread. Slime Rancher is an early access game on Steam in which you collect slimes using a "Vac pack" and put them inside of pens. After that you feed them and collect their "plorts" (poop). After you collect the plorts you can sell them. Each plort's price constantly varies, sometimes making the game insanely frustrating, or extremely fun. Thats the basics for all you people who DON'T play Slime Rancher. For the people who do know, feel free to talk about Slime Rancher!
    MitKit likes this.
  2. 3rev.tsol_urenaik

    3rev.tsol_urenaik Phantasmal Quasar

    It actually gets boring after a while. It doesn't have that much content yet so it's too early to tell.

    Also I hate gold slimes. period.
    tamlen likes this.
  3. Solar313

    Solar313 Fat Man

    When I first played it, I'm like, "WHY CANT I CATCH YOU GOLD SLIME?"
  4. Peaceful Floran

    Peaceful Floran Phantasmal Quasar

    Needs more slime types.
  5. 3rev.tsol_urenaik

    3rev.tsol_urenaik Phantasmal Quasar

    Tell me about it. It doesn't help that it instantly zips off within seconds of appearing.

    That and the game world needs expansion or access, as many areas of the game is still locked and/or under construction.
  6. Ainzoal

    Ainzoal Ketchup Robot

    because it's broken. Just hit it with something and while it zzoms off it will drop the plorts in a trail behind it
  7. 3rev.tsol_urenaik

    3rev.tsol_urenaik Phantasmal Quasar

    Speaking of that, another thing I'm pissed at is that you can't feed the gold plorts to other slimes either..... Annoying as heck.
  8. Ainzoal

    Ainzoal Ketchup Robot

    Again that would be broken
  9. Peaceful Floran

    Peaceful Floran Phantasmal Quasar

    I wish you could cool slimes into slime stew.
  10. Solar313

    Solar313 Fat Man

    That sounds disgusting.

    I know.

    I tried it. The slime dissapeared.
  11. 3rev.tsol_urenaik

    3rev.tsol_urenaik Phantasmal Quasar

    Break what? It's pathetically easy to gain money more than you need to the point you could buy everything the game has to offer... Then find yourself bored as heck.

    It's wayyyy tooo early of an access.
  12. Solar313

    Solar313 Fat Man

    And thats why I develop mods for it.
  13. Peaceful Floran

    Peaceful Floran Phantasmal Quasar

    Make a mod where you can cook and eat slimes.
    MitKit likes this.
  14. Solar313

    Solar313 Fat Man

    I might, but that would be disgusting. There is probably a mod for that somewhere on the internets, so look around. I have been working on a mod including a huge map extension and fifteen new slimes, not to mention new types of food, crafting, commands, and an upgrade that allows you to capture the gold slime. Not going to be done with it for a while, so that should keep my mind of a floran eating slime stew. I am disgusted.
    MitKit and Peaceful Floran like this.
  15. 3rev.tsol_urenaik

    3rev.tsol_urenaik Phantasmal Quasar

    Do you something to catch the gold slimes and more importantly, something better to fight off threats like the stupid tars and aggro lagros?
  16. Solar313

    Solar313 Fat Man

    Hmm, that could be something I could do, but as I said, I will not be done with it for a long while.
  17. Ainzoal

    Ainzoal Ketchup Robot

    And it's even more pathetically easy if you have free acess to a cashcow like the golden slime =_= That's why it's BROKEN
  18. Lone_Chosen_Dweller

    Lone_Chosen_Dweller Orbital Explorer

    I just use honey slimes and I get all of the money I want. I agree that it is way to easy to earn money, especially if you know what you are doing.
  19. Peaceful Floran

    Peaceful Floran Phantasmal Quasar

    No Escape! :nurunega:
    floran lunch.jpg
    MitKit likes this.
  20. Solar313

    Solar313 Fat Man

    That is disgusting.
    MitKit and Peaceful Floran like this.

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