Slime Breeding

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ReyVer, Mar 23, 2016.

  1. ReyVer

    ReyVer Void-Bound Voyager

    I haven't found anything like a guide to slime breeding, so I will post my experience. I used a female blue slime and a female green slime. I hatched a red egg, and a purple egg. I have a gray male from the time before I took notice, he breeds gray slimes, but I don't know what combination I used to get him. I haven't tried purple and green, because I no longer have a green female. I'm working to rectify this situation.

    Red+Green= a yellow/brownish color
    Red+Blue= pink
    Purple+Blue= lavendar
    • Siertes

      Siertes Aquatic Astronaut

      Making a guide to slime breeding would be a hell of a task! There are so many hidden factors. The developer himself has said as much, that there are certain traits passed on such as what the slimes can drop as well.

      I've been winging it myself and am still entirely clueless.
      • Caudyr

        Caudyr Black Hole Surfer

        You mean they drop things other than slime eggs and stacks of slime? =x

        EDIT: Oh, you mean when they're killed, right?
        • Siertes

          Siertes Aquatic Astronaut

          Yeah, when they're killed. Like the purples slimes drop Iridium ore and bars rarely but ConcernedApe suggests there's theoretically a way to breed slimes that always drop iridium.
          • ReyVer

            ReyVer Void-Bound Voyager

            All I've found is that my grays drop stone so far. I haven't been killing them willy nilly yet, though. I need another hutch.
            • ChaosAzeroth

              ChaosAzeroth Existential Complex

              My green slimes got turned to void, then I got a blue egg and I have some dark blue, some light, some medium, and the black ((void)) ones. Sometimes the void ones flash teal.
              • exceldaniell

                exceldaniell Void-Bound Voyager

                I've quitted the farm work and dedicated my career as a slime breeder

                So far, I'm running an all purple slime farm. I've heard that you can breed slimes that have high chances of dropping iridium. If so, How can I even know if they high chances of dropping them unless I kill them? I'm really confused. Although, I have around 15 purple slimes right now and Idk what to do with them.
                  Last edited: Mar 23, 2016
                • exceldaniell

                  exceldaniell Void-Bound Voyager


                  IM ONE OF THEM.
                  • AzureFlare

                    AzureFlare Aquatic Astronaut

                    I don't even understand how you do anything with them, i have 2 green slime and i fill the water containers and get nothing out of them, also are they suppose to attack you?
                    • Hexprone

                      Hexprone Space Penguin Leader

                      In the AMA, ConcernedApe did say that although slime breeding isn't explicitly part of the game there are a lot of variables out of sight. He said you could theoretically breed slimes to drop more iridium and only do one damage.

                      [ETA: oops, sorry for the redundant post, I guess I should have read the entire thread before posting.]
                      • exceldaniell

                        exceldaniell Void-Bound Voyager

                        I just killed two of them in a row and both of them dropped Iridium Bar.


                        a) I'm killing good genes and letting the bad ones live
                        b) Having those drops, I'm probably breeding good genes and they're all good ones
                        • exceldaniell

                          exceldaniell Void-Bound Voyager

                          You should have one female slime ( No antenna ) and one male slime ( With antenna ) to make them reproduce. They do it randomly or even sometimes, you can see it right before your eye when a slime shows a "<3" above his/her head. If the female slime instead shows "!" that means she's declining to mate. But If the female slime shows "<3" they will mate. This happens everytime even if you're not looking or if you're looking.
                          • exceldaniell

                            exceldaniell Void-Bound Voyager

                            I literally have no idea what to do with them. Any ideas or suggestions on what I should experiment with them?
                            • exceldaniell

                              exceldaniell Void-Bound Voyager

                              I've noticed that there are different variation of purple. You can't just call them "purple slimes" because there is Light purple, purple, dark purple, etc. I suggest these color variation may suggest the good genes and the bad genes. These probably means that a certain color corresponds to a certain drop. Can't confirm though because they all behave the same way! By that I mean, Some of my purple will hit at 1 damage although some will hit for 17 damage. Some will drop Iridium bar although some will drop a sap. Really confused right now.
                              • ChaosAzeroth

                                ChaosAzeroth Existential Complex

                                What would be an indication of 'good genes' I wonder.
                                Also man I have so many already and I don't have the heart ((or nerves what if I killed one I wanted to keep)) to do it. How do you do it?
                                • exceldaniell

                                  exceldaniell Void-Bound Voyager

                                  So many what? Heart is just when they're reproducing
                                  • ChaosAzeroth

                                    ChaosAzeroth Existential Complex

                                    I have so many slimes, full building. So can't currently keep experimenting with the breeding of them without the heart or nerves to kill them. Was wondering how you guys managed. :3
                                    • exceldaniell

                                      exceldaniell Void-Bound Voyager

                                      Well there was this time I was trying to fix the fences inside and two of them came in and I just went like "No." and killed both of them and both of them dropped the Iridium and since then, I just kill the slimes which imbalances the male to female ratio.

                                      Ex: 6 Male slimes and 2 Female slimes

                                      I'll kill about 2 Male slimes
                                      • Hexprone

                                        Hexprone Space Penguin Leader

                                        Since there's no indication in-game of the slime's stats, I think it would be next to impossible to really breed for specific drops except by accident.

                                        You could breed for low damage fairly easily cause you can let slimes hit you and then breed the weak ones, but the only way to test for drops is to kill them -- which still isn't reliable cause drops are based on a percent chance, so if you kill two siblings and they both drop iridium, it could still just be an RNG fluke rather than real genetic data.

                                        And there's currently no proof that siblings are genetically identical either -- genetic inheritance could be percentage-based as well. (Actually, that would be great info to get from ConcernedApe, because if they are identical it makes breeding at least possible, though still difficult)
                                        • ChaosAzeroth

                                          ChaosAzeroth Existential Complex

                                          Mine just stay in a mass so I don't want to start just hacking and slashing.X3
                                          As far as for specific drops, I'm more interested in slime color breeding/breeding 'better' slimes myself. Boring and impractical I know. Still I'm a bit of an oddball I guess. :3

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