Building/Ship Show off your house :D

Discussion in 'Screenshots' started by TheVulcanKId, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. teilnehmer

    teilnehmer Existential Complex

    I made a little greenhouse that has assorted fruit and veggies, sorted by the recipe they are for. To make it easier, signs show which recipe they are for. The upper story contains the stuff for salt salad, but I'm missing enough seeds of the last ingredient.
  2. Anna Loveless

    Anna Loveless Void-Bound Voyager

    I love your Greenhouse. I've been falling in love with the Side Panel block it just looks so pretty!
    teilnehmer likes this.
  3. Krytikal

    Krytikal Subatomic Cosmonaut

    very cool, I love seeing different interpretations of how an indoor farm would look. I like that you grow exactly what you require and don't get bogged down with trying to smush every single crop in there. that dome looks about the size of a small tree, having any luck with those background tiles around it? awesome signage combining aesthetics with utility and simplicity. did you draw those manually? I have trouble just making simple letters let alone recognizable pixel art with the current UI
  4. teilnehmer

    teilnehmer Existential Complex

    Thanks @Anna Loveless! Do you mean the wall panel tile? I like that, too. Ever since I found those huge labs I was quite taken by how well these look as a foreground material.

    Thanks mate! Yup, the tree grows now, but only every 4th attempt or so. I think it depends on which tree shape is rendered, some disappear immediately, but I'm content with it. It's not like we desperately need food at the moment. :)
    I wondered though, if background was at all important... I left out a portion of the middle window because I felt it didn't grow at all. Is that the case? Do trees need freedom?

    The signs were fun to make, actually, no hard work at all. I put the food I wanted to draw in the hotbar, and when you hover over the item, the bigger preview shows the pixels really clearly, and it's easy to copy them over. The colours were rough estimates which worked out perfectly fine in my eyes.
  5. Krytikal

    Krytikal Subatomic Cosmonaut

    As far as I know for certain, as long as there are no foreground materials or objects blocking it, you will have a 100% success rate. I have only personally grown coconut trees, but once I was able to accommodate the tallest one, I had no more failed attempts. I'm under the impression that the area around the trunk needs to be free of background material, but I have yet to see a fully "hydroponic" tree - that is, with a completely filled in background. Yours is the closest I've seen. Trees don't affect the growth of other trees, so you could have several quite close together if you wanted. For coconut trees, I keep a distance of about 6 blocks on either side of my orchard before placing foreground walls or objects, to allow for the large palm fronds.

    EDIT: and thanks for the pixel art tutorial lol, I will definitely implement your methodology in the near future
  6. Skhmt

    Skhmt Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Love it!
  7. The Squid

    The Squid Oxygen Tank

    Here's something I built earlier:
    Screen Shot 2015-03-02 at 8.55.26 AM.png
    It's a laboratory on this tiny island I found.
    Above it is the prison chamber for the test subjects.
    Screen Shot 2015-03-02 at 9.09.28 AM.png
    Wow, I just realized that all of my buildings have been on a variation of the Ocean planets. Huh.
  8. Krytikal

    Krytikal Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Couple hundred hours of admin codes, and it came full circle for me. Similar to having Godmode in Mortal Kombat, taking away the call to adventure in Starbound was nice at first, but unless you're creating some grand masterwork several miles wide, the achievement for me lies in the legwork.
  9. EthaneSlinger77

    EthaneSlinger77 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    After about a month of playing in the current version, this is what my house looks like: 2015-03-02_00004.jpg

    Here is the part below ground I could not get into the image:

  10. ScrubNiggurath

    ScrubNiggurath Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Sadly my short attention span got the better of me again and I got tired of making my stumphouse, So I kinda rushed the interior decor. (You can probably tell by the sparse furniture and stuff.


    Sorry to disappoint but... What can I say, I got the patience and attention span of a novakid. (which just so happens to be my next character.)
  11. Lazer

    Lazer Existential Complex

    I had planned to build more on my sealab, but now I doubt I will. May as well show off what I got:

    Here's an airlock to the ocean floor

    This is kind of the hub of the sealab. You can see the rumpus room and the kitchen clearly.

    Wardrobe capsule. You can never have enough outfits.

    The agri-capsule. Plenty of room to grow.

    Finally, the orbital-launch capsule:
  12. genesis_mk.3

    genesis_mk.3 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    what mod did you use to get that hairstyle?
  13. EarlGrey

    EarlGrey Big Damn Hero

    Non. Thats a normal vanilla Novakid Hairstile.
    Jackie2581 likes this.
  14. Pohany

    Pohany Parsec Taste Tester

  15. EarlGrey

    EarlGrey Big Damn Hero

    A Space station beeing build? Nice!
    Pohany likes this.
  16. Nibolas O Anelbozas

    Nibolas O Anelbozas Spaceman Spiff

    looks like death star being reconstructed!
  17. robotconcalcetines

    robotconcalcetines Void-Bound Voyager

  18. lizabell

    lizabell Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    is that metalic cooking table vannila furniture? i must find one
  19. Laterne

    Laterne Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  20. Tleno

    Tleno Spaceman Spiff

    Makes me think of The Burrow from Harry Potter.

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