Building/Ship Show off your house :D

Discussion in 'Screenshots' started by TheVulcanKId, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. 409

    409 Big Damn Hero

    later maybe.png
    Currently searching for a good replacement for the Bricks, which I've currently painted white. Once I find something, I'll fix the alignment of the middle windows and finish the big room at the top, maybe obtain some better lights.
  2. The Squid

    The Squid Oxygen Tank

    Maybe the top part could just be a giant window.
  3. KrilltheKill

    KrilltheKill Title Not Found

    A little tent I made on a Avali system (I found a grave and a graveyard there too, also a Avian's home). I'm still quite new making all the Avali stuff, but I'm quite proud of this one ^^
    BTW, I updated it.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2014
  4. Consumer of Souls

    Consumer of Souls Big Damn Hero


    Work still in progress! Empty-ish rooms and corridors, will do something about that in the near future! Stairs on the right led to my now demolished wooden house and wilderness begins on left side just off-screen.

    Also, penguins?!
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2014
  5. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    HI-MAX² likes this.
  6. Consumer of Souls

    Consumer of Souls Big Damn Hero

    Thanks! Too bad that raindrops will sometimes get inside structures as you can see from the picture.
    HI-MAX² likes this.
  7. The Squid

    The Squid Oxygen Tank

    Screen Shot 2014-12-29 at 9.14.02 AM.png The master bedroom and my new roommate
  8. Sworm

    Sworm Aquatic Astronaut

    My last base :poke: Water Pyramid!


  9. Garatgh Deloi

    Garatgh Deloi Master Astronaut

  10. Fleshdancer

    Fleshdancer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thissss is my home for now.

    Attached Files:

  11. Sworm

    Sworm Aquatic Astronaut

    :poke: Big Fish Base :rainbowbarf:

  12. The Squid

    The Squid Oxygen Tank

    Hastily constructed hut on a level 10 planet Screen Shot 2014-12-31 at 9.16.20 AM.png [DOUBLEPOST=1420037466][/DOUBLEPOST]My ship Screen Shot 2014-12-31 at 9.49.52 AM.png
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2014
    Greenfinger and TheFloranChef like this.
  13. Maxiitoohh

    Maxiitoohh Master Chief

    My ship is my house, cause the bug that switch the spawn point in my home planet, and spawn me on the other side of it.
    This is it! Hope you like it! :up:

    Starbound home.jpg
    TheFloranChef and The Squid like this.
  14. Pohany

    Pohany Parsec Taste Tester

  15. Davarpe

    Davarpe Void-Bound Voyager

    Floran cleansss ship to ssshow you!

    Floran hopes you like it! Meatmen welcome assswell, floran hasss bedss for all and party! Meatmen not go down, only bad meatman goess down.

  16. TheFloranChef

    TheFloranChef Giant Laser Beams

    A suitable house for Hylotls:

    Beachhouse1.png Beachhouse2.png
  17. Garatgh Deloi

    Garatgh Deloi Master Astronaut

    Spot on location choice.
    Greenfinger likes this.
  18. TheFloranChef

    TheFloranChef Giant Laser Beams

    That is Epsilon Bram III d. This planet also has two other ocean moons: one poisonous and one frigid. Perfect for my underwater bases. :)

    Greenfinger and Bill Cipher like this.
  19. Fleshdancer

    Fleshdancer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Floran no longer homelesssss. Previous occupantsss make nice decorationss.

  20. Pohany

    Pohany Parsec Taste Tester

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