Building/Ship Show off your house :D

Discussion in 'Screenshots' started by TheVulcanKId, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. The Observer

    The Observer Phantasmal Quasar

    Flying research station:

  2. ESquidHD

    ESquidHD Void-Bound Voyager

    My ummm... "Small Farm" next to my "Normal house" Sitting with Camilla. (my dog :kitten2:)

    Uzkniso likes this.
  3. M_Sipher

    M_Sipher Oxygen Tank

    As I continue to bounce from project to project... back to my spaceport!


    The two west-most buildings of the USCM prison are being converted into a space-stop. (Ship there to show landing pad scale.) Still very unfinished. Will probably put up a big "fence" at the edge of the concrete to keep out the critters.

    Left building has a mechanic's room up top for quick ship repairs. Unsure what to do with the floor level exactly. Far left will be a general maintenance room.

    Right building is the comm tower/guardpost. Ground floor will be a "checkpoint"; east of here is living quarters for others and my personal treehouse, so yeah, not jsut anybody should be able to waltz in! Mid level right will be guards' quarters. Left side another security checkpoint up to the tower (the central climb from second to third floor will be sealed up and moved to the left rooms.) Not totally sure what to do with the tower roof yet. Lack of radar dishes... might put the distress beacon up there and just leave it deactivated, heh.

    I might make the space between them the statue courtyard. I've got Sandstone Statues of all the races (well, the six "stable build" playables)...

    Yeah, prolly will lose all this in the next major update. That's why I'm keeping the screenshot map. Cuz I WILL rebuild this when I find a suitable planet with the prison and such.
  4. Beatrice

    Beatrice Spaceman Spiff

    I really like the idea how you changed an existing dungeon in something completly different and creative. Good job!
  5. M_Sipher

    M_Sipher Oxygen Tank

    Danke. It was never the plan, just... the damn prison was RIGHT in my backyard. Had to do SOMETHING with it...

    ...and it hit me that plants do have a habit of taking over spaces after man has abandoned them...

    (Okay, in this instance they didn't so much "abandon the structure" as "got indiscriminately slaughtered"...)
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2014
    rhomboid likes this.
  6. TrueEdge

    TrueEdge Phantasmal Quasar

    I wish I could find planets with dungeons right next to spawn
  7. The Lem

    The Lem Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Wow . . . you guys are much better builders than me :C
  8. ESquidHD

    ESquidHD Void-Bound Voyager

    Its a kind of practice thing, like practice every hour after the game comes out type thing.
  9. Pohany

    Pohany Parsec Taste Tester

    Uzkniso likes this.
  10. Albussystems

    Albussystems Pangalactic Porcupine

    Yeah really nice job, and the style looks nice too!^^

    I got the same problem, there is a huge prison next to my "Arboretum", but i think i'm gona try to do as you did :D

    Thx to you i won't have to bulldoze it - lets see what happens!

    Edit: Please don't ask me why i didn't post here right away...^^

    Anyhow i remedy that now :D
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2014
    The Squid likes this.
  11. The Squid

    The Squid Oxygen Tank

    Screen Shot 2014-11-20 at 7.46.10 PM.png Forge
    Screen Shot 2014-11-20 at 7.45.39 PM.png Dungeon
    Screen Shot 2014-11-20 at 7.45.15 PM.png Living space/bathroom/kitchen
    TheFloranChef and Uzkniso like this.
  12. Aara

    Aara Void-Bound Voyager

    So this took me 1 day :s

    Didn't know what to build so I just did something
    Anyways this is my first finished house in a long time, don't really like finishing houses sometimes. (Most of the time heh)
    Tell me if you like this one :]

    Screen Shot 2014-11-22 at 12.09.06.png
  13. Albussystems

    Albussystems Pangalactic Porcupine

    @madkevin nice crystalhouse^^

    @aldrig nice icebase

    @Macish The green-white style looks really nice^^

    @Kajazu Nice Ship (feels steampunky^^)

    @Trandor I saw the >huge base< i saved all pictures i liked to take a good look later! Your empty base is interesting already, but what i just realized is your "minimap" of the base! :D Really nice idea!^^
  14. FloomRide

    FloomRide Cosmic Narwhal

    My first screenshot of my house (note this was on the beta sector or something)
    I have some other houses that are more homey.

    Attached Files:

  15. JovialSkunk

    JovialSkunk Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    My ship is my home right now, but I'd love to find an earth-like planet with a settlement to make a home on, eventually.
  16. mastercookie

    mastercookie Existential Complex

  17. death5858

    death5858 Orbital Explorer

    I don't have a home, I live on my ship. It's not very stable being that the 2nd floor is made of dirt holding golden chests and anvils up...
    oh yeah, my bed is under it all...
  18. Feathery Dust

    Feathery Dust Spaceman Spiff

    This is my current house on me and my friend's server. Nothing too complex.
    I built all of it while he was mining, and I gathered most of the resources myself.
    Zanzibar, Bill Cipher, Huninn and 5 others like this.
  19. loc978

    loc978 Phantasmal Quasar

    I just went and bothered to grab a homeworld in an eccentric system and build a little house on it today. First time I've made more than a quick roof and campfire setup since I started on Upbeat Giraffe.

    Spawn point was next to a cliffside, so I figured I'd just build off of it.

    Stuck all my castoff tier 1 crafting apparatus in there for convenience (I keep the tier 2 stuff in my inventory, tier 3 stuff set up on my ship), built a tiny little storage space with some spare boxes, and set up one of my standard lighted teleporters (minus the airlock room I usually build around it... also, it's just an opening in the wall covered by glass panels with fluorescent lights under it. I think of it as a 1950's sci-fi set piece)
    Huninn likes this.
  20. Vaqunc

    Vaqunc Big Damn Hero

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