Building/Ship Show off your house :D

Discussion in 'Screenshots' started by TheVulcanKId, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. EarlGrey

    EarlGrey Big Damn Hero

    Hawk Novablast likes this.
  2. Silvernis

    Silvernis Master Chief

    The power plant is a nifty touch.
    ODST 4900 and Hawk Novablast like this.
  3. CrowScape

    CrowScape Void-Bound Voyager

    Here's my base. Can't call it a house, as it is lacking in the daily necessities, but that's what you have a ship for. Anyway, just a place for the genetic modification of plant life and figuring out what went so horribly wrong with the artificial brain... or at least inventing a remote triggering mechanism for the thing so I can unleash them upon my enemies from a safe distance.

    Attached Files:

    • Base.jpg
      File size:
      423.5 KB
    Orchidna, Hawk Novablast and piar like this.
  4. Tiny Prancer

    Tiny Prancer Space Spelunker

    can anyone who's made a spiral staircase like this give any tips on how to successfully make one? I've tried making one in my (unmodded) game, and I can't keep the platforms from jointing up in places I don't want them to. Does it require a mod to keep them from doing that, or does it require something else I'm not aware of?
  5. EarlGrey

    EarlGrey Big Damn Hero

    @CrowScape: Very nice laboratories.

    @Tiny Prancer: I think think the lighthouse you linked use two different types of platforms (steel and modern, I would guess) so that might help. With the one in my base I only made the steps every second block.
  6. EarlGrey

    EarlGrey Big Damn Hero

    And the work is complete. To the far left we now have Barracks. With a big sleeping-hall, showers, a mess hall, a small brig and a shooting range. Im not totaly satisfied with it though. It looks a bit boring and blocky and the lighting... I don't know. Maybe I will redo it at some point, if I get new Ideas. At the moment I'm doing another projekt instet.
  7. XtremeNinja45

    XtremeNinja45 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Damn thats a fine base you got
    Hawk Novablast likes this.
  8. Hydromancerx

    Hydromancerx Big Damn Hero


    Using the volcanic mini-biome we were able to build a Geothermal Power Plant. The pipes go into the ground are heated by the magma. It turns the water i the pipes into steam which turns the turbine. The turbine then turns the power generator, which makes electricity. The steam then cools at the top and then falls back down the other pipe to get heated all over again. The Floran vines are used as power lines which go down into our brick sewers back to our home.
    XtremeNinja45 and Hawk Novablast like this.
  9. Hydromancerx

    Hydromancerx Big Damn Hero


    Now that we have power I set up a factory. First the tank collects the rain water. Then the power leads to a battery which has a negative and positive charge in the water thus separating the oxygen and hydrogen. On the left the oxygen is store in the tank until its put in a barrel. Then the hydrogen goes down the pipe and mixes with the nitrogen in the air. Then it goes though the tank with iron catalysts. Then they combine to make ammonia. Which can be stored in a barrel and then used to make our first refrigerator! :)
    lolwutperiod likes this.
  10. SoullessGod

    SoullessGod Intergalactic Tourist

    Ok so my house is a bit large. Habitual plunderer and all. Also yes, those trees are within a closed off space- bird-type creatures regularly spawn in there and get gunned down by my turrets.:p
    Part One (Left Side of house)

    Part Two(The Rest)

    EDIT: Sad now. Just realised after taking these screenshots that the Glitch Doctor (whose spawner I found early on in the game, deep in the earth) I had wandering around my castle has randomly despawned. Sigh :(
  11. EarlGrey

    EarlGrey Big Damn Hero

    Yay, science! A lot thought behind it, so thats great!
  12. 5eb9

    5eb9 Void-Bound Voyager

    Well, it's what I've been constantly expanding since enraged koala, sorry about the terrible sky and background cropping. (Pixel Goods Store and Dye mod for some of the furniture and armor)
    GOKOP and XtremeNinja45 like this.
  13. Avramidisful

    Avramidisful Void-Bound Voyager

    Hold S and press your spacebar!
  14. The Lem

    The Lem Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    When I just started playing Starbound......
    It is quite beautiful
    It grew to this
    Before it was abandoned
  15. Oroku Saki

    Oroku Saki Void-Bound Voyager

    Above the ground, so nobody would find it

    Attached Files:

    Hawk Novablast likes this.
  16. MarcusDemonicus

    MarcusDemonicus Space Kumquat

    PETA is gonna getcha!
    poor birdie!
  17. Suralin

    Suralin Subatomic Cosmonaut

    My original base was on a planet I named Gualon (Alpha Phi UMa 218 I), back in v.Angry Koala. It was originally a small, humble hill burrow with farming on the surface, and aliens kept getting in. Eventually, though, it grew into a massive hodge-podge of a complex that occupied the entire hill.

    2014-01-17_00003.jpg 2014-01-17_00001.jpg 2014-01-19_00011.jpg 2014-01-17_00012.jpg

    I had a pretty impressive farm complex connected to the base. Twas underground to protect it from pesky blood-vomiting eyebats and dragonets. The giant field of wheat in the screenshot below was only about a third of it; another ~25% (much of it outside, "on the roof") was more wheat, the other ~40% given over to various other crops. (As you can imagine, I'm psyched for updates to farming. :DD)

    Also I didn't want to expand my farming any further, because my computer was starting to lag from keeping track of all the crops' progress. :laugh:

    I later added on a library in the lower levels. 2014-01-22_00002.jpg

    Unfortunately the whole thing was lost in the last universe/character wipe. :(

    Sometime or other, I'll screenshot Gatsby's new home. I took the library idea from the last screenshot and ran with it, but aside from that section and the hospital wing, the place needs work.:ninja:
  18. The Lem

    The Lem Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Damnit, the screenshots didn't load properly
    Let's try again
    First time playing Starbound.....
    It is a work of art
    Dargona1018 likes this.
  19. MarcusDemonicus

    MarcusDemonicus Space Kumquat

    you can right click those links into a new tab before you post them. then "copy image" and paste into the post, deleting the original links.
  20. ne3zy

    ne3zy Zero Gravity Genie

    DeViNoDe and SivCorp like this.

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