Building/Ship Show off your house :D

Discussion in 'Screenshots' started by TheVulcanKId, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. gothixxx

    gothixxx Space Spelunker

    I like your cat... meow.
    Also where do you get all this awesome stuff?
  2. Nathaniel Moxley

    Nathaniel Moxley Title Not Found

    Those items come with the Creative Mode mod.
  3. Ray87

    Ray87 Void-Bound Voyager

    Actually those items are in vanilla but are not findable in worlds yet as the dev's are waiting till the hylotyl race get towns and dungeons to put them in - they can be accessed by going in to the game files and copying them to make a mod file of the items or by getting a mod that has done this and included them like spawnable items / creative mod etc but then they do a lot more than you might want them too as well, upsides and downs
  4. kugutsu

    kugutsu Industrial Terraformer

    mid-class samurai residence style.
    with my custom mod.
    Akula079, Orchidna, Fayette and 3 others like this.
  5. Jety Lefr

    Jety Lefr Pangalactic Porcupine

    I started a new character who I have dubbed as the residential God of my home complex, since he's the one I let use the God-Mod "creative mode."
    Yeah, I keep them all living on the same planet. Makes sense.

    Anyway... I haven't finished his house yet, but I did do his ship up real nicely!
  6. Xyrov

    Xyrov Tentacle Wrangler

    ^^The epic koi fish of plushies^^
  7. Voleste

    Voleste Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I had no idea you could place books as background. That's awesome. I love all these Asian style buildings everyone's doing lately.
  8. EarlGrey

    EarlGrey Big Damn Hero

    Here is my new USCM Command-Bunker. It's quite deep unterground, in fact the lava-layer isn't much deeper, so I want to ad a geotermal power plant in the future. And a research lab, after finding some of these Agaran...thingies.
  9. jpthompsLP

    jpthompsLP Master Chief

    Love the lighting. So moody!
    Hawk Novablast likes this.
  10. MarcusDemonicus

    MarcusDemonicus Space Kumquat

    thats quite a run to the shitter!
    just teasin! very nice!
    Hawk Novablast and jpthompsLP like this.
  11. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer

    My god, that is absolutely AMAZING! Looks brilliant, I'd love to live there :p
  12. EarlGrey

    EarlGrey Big Damn Hero

    Thank you guys! I'm happy that you like it. And the run isn't that long... Just down the ladder from your spacious quarters (big enogh to sleep AND to stand up!) or down the stairs and the ladder from your workstation!
    Hawk Novablast likes this.
  13. Firestar

    Firestar Void-Bound Voyager

    Well, I came here to show off the little ryokan I made this afternoon, but looks like others have better stuff than me...
    I guess it's time to change a few things and steal ideas :p
  14. EarlGrey

    EarlGrey Big Damn Hero

    I would already like to Check in!
  15. DeadGen

    DeadGen Void-Bound Voyager

    What blocks are you using to imitate smoke?
  16. GOKOP

    GOKOP Big Damn Hero

    It looks like colored dirt.
  17. EarlGrey

    EarlGrey Big Damn Hero

    Yay, progress!
    Now with a Lab, more spacious quarters for the Researchers and sweet clean geotermal power! Im thinking of adding some barracks, but I'm out of materials and decoration in the moment.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2014
  18. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer

    Oh my god, still amazing and epic, glory to the USCM!
    EDIT: I especially like the touch of the bridge over the ravine. Although, isn't it not so smart to put the mess hall under the 'research' lab? :p
  19. EarlGrey

    EarlGrey Big Damn Hero

    I'm sure the Agran stuff is totaly edible. Uhm. I mean... the two rooms are totaly seperated by layers of rock and stoneblocks and... stuff!
    Hawk Novablast likes this.
  20. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer

    I'm going to get USCM Safety Initiative on this.... :p

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