Building/Ship Show off your house :D

Discussion in 'Screenshots' started by TheVulcanKId, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. Vanthexi

    Vanthexi Void-Bound Voyager

    Haha I take that as a compliment. Good luck finding the bricks, I fricken searched for hours! :p (I forgot to mention, glitch sewers are also handy for dark bricks. And bombs for getting them loose. I cannot stress how many bombs I used)
  2. Sherio88

    Sherio88 Big Damn Hero

    An update of my X sector base.

    Been practicing adding a background-type effect in 2D.

    Ickura and Diodoron like this.
  3. Space Marine Madara

    Space Marine Madara Void-Bound Voyager

    Wow guys your houses are killer. I'm still struggling to build myself a decent house. Manage to make just a hole in the ground with a door and a bed......:cry:
  4. Tleno

    Tleno Spaceman Spiff

    Behold, mah bunkah!
  5. aerithkm

    aerithkm Astral Cartographer

    How do you expand a ship? Probably look on the forum some more I guess..looks nice and organized.
  6. aerithkm

    aerithkm Astral Cartographer

    My cramped little ship, small farm and monkey pet.

    Attached Files:

    Lordanar1337 likes this.
  7. Arili

    Arili Space Hobo

    Here is a house I built and some greenhouses I put together. There is more on the planet but I haven't taken screenshot just yet.

    My House:

    Since taking this screenie, I've started a crafting building so that mess in the basement has been moved, but I haven't redecorated it yet so this is what you get to see. :p I've changed a couple of pieces of furniture too, but it's basically the same.


    This is my first greenhouse and a farmer's market area that got filled in later.
    This is the second greenhouse I built when it was time to expand. You can also see the tower I added in, as well as a building addon with a seed storage area under a gardener's quarters and a rooftop park area.

    I haven't decided what do to with the area under the foundation in the newest greenhouse yet. I thought about putting in a low access tunnel, but I'm currently working on a crafting/storage area so I may just fill it in with dirt or bricks. Each building has something unique about it and I'm pretty pleased with the overall results.
  8. Shordan

    Shordan Aquatic Astronaut

    Spiral staircase <3
    Arili likes this.
  9. Orbital Explorer

    The house I showed before, just a little bit changed.

  10. Arili

    Arili Space Hobo

    Your chimney and well are super cute. I like that your house isn't symmetrical. I think a lot of people use symmetry as a shortcut to making a building look bigger or more ... "full" and you just have a lot of good clutter going on.
  11. The_Dodger

    The_Dodger Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    How do you do a fence? Is it just the normal wooden fence but set as back wall? Because I tried doing that and it wouldn't set.
  12. ProkhorVLG

    ProkhorVLG Existential Complex


    We miss truly scifi towns in Starbound. I plan to fix that problem with a mod.
  13. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer

    Wow, that looks great! It would be cool if you did different variant's for each race (Although sci-fi only really works for Human and Apex)
  14. ProkhorVLG

    ProkhorVLG Existential Complex

    It's going to be either human or a custom race of mine (neohuman/veprites)
  15. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer

    I'd like human, but if you want it to go along with your custom race/mod/artwork/etc. I understand :p
  16. ProkhorVLG

    ProkhorVLG Existential Complex

    I'll try to incorporate both humans and neohumans in the settlements if I could, since they're closely related to each other. The lore is on my spaceship's main mod page, if you want to know more :p
    Hawk Novablast likes this.
  17. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer

    Yeah, already read it, its really great :D
  18. She Wolf

    She Wolf Void-Bound Voyager

    Latest little fort. Complete with housing for guards, a lab, cozy kitchen, lounge, playroom, bedroom, bathroom, and underground garden. It was fun collecting the materials for this and letting it grow.
    Hawk Novablast likes this.
  19. Orbital Explorer

    You have to start building them from ground up, including 1st line together with ground.
  20. Claith

    Claith Big Damn Hero

    I'll toss my own work in progress. Some interesting ones here, but I hope I'm not disqualified as I am working on my space ship with the customizable ship mod. Also, not going to put the effort to stitch them together, as it isn't complete.

    The idea is of a giant space blob eating space ships and space stations. The titanium UFO is the teleport point, and recently added, so not consumed entirely yet. Off to the upper left are some cargo freights that were eaten, so they can be used as a nearby storage area. There is a hallway from an eaten and broken space station that is a major part of the design and allows easier movement in the blob. Down below is a space station's farm area. Need to sustain themselves in the worst case. Other sections are planned obviously. Next section to add to the left of the farm, is a mall, with a cafe and small park (for trees) and selling goods (effectively specialized storage).

    2014-03-02_00002.jpg 2014-03-02_00001.jpg 2014-03-02_00003.jpg 2014-03-02_00004.jpg
    greenman, GOKOP and Hawk Novablast like this.

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