Building/Ship Show off your house :D

Discussion in 'Screenshots' started by TheVulcanKId, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. rexo12

    rexo12 Void-Bound Voyager

    Here's my little encampment i made while i was exploring once:
    And heres my home that i found after the wipe:
    (NB: this play session has only been about 8hrs)

    Yeah. I downloaded the Okea mod and collectable figures mod.
  2. skulledrebel

    skulledrebel Void-Bound Voyager

    What is that in hotbar slot 3? Looks like a neat gun, found in around 8 hours of gameplay? That's pretty cool!
  3. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer

    Its a Pulse Rifle, dropped by USCM Soldiers in the USCM Base dungeon. They come in different colors, fire bullets, low damage, but extremely high rate of fire.
    skulledrebel likes this.
  4. Octopaige

    Octopaige Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    I tend to live off my ship, but then this happened:
    Dargona1018, SugarShow and deing like this.
  5. rexo12

    rexo12 Void-Bound Voyager

    yeah, i found it in one of the USCM dungeons. I didn't notice i had picked it up until after the dungeon, i was a bit annoyed because i could've used it to defeat it more easily. Oh well.
  6. FoxDE

    FoxDE Void-Bound Voyager

    may I post a video instead of a screenshot? :)

  7. Kierran

    Kierran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That is a lot of stuff you got in there o.o
  8. butlerfowl

    butlerfowl Void-Bound Voyager

    I am a relatively bad player, and this is not the final project, but it is a start.

    iAlias and Breakout like this.
  9. Jetpack725

    Jetpack725 Guest

    (server project stuff)

  10. Sherio88

    Sherio88 Big Damn Hero

    My secondary base in the X sector :rofl:

  11. Jety Lefr

    Jety Lefr Pangalactic Porcupine

    Man, I need to post my home complex. It's huge though so it'll take a while. Huge as it is, it's not as nice as some of these ones I'm seeing around here. I've got to up my game.
  12. rexo12

    rexo12 Void-Bound Voyager

    Lol. Everyone has their own styles. My friend likes to just collect everything from all his dungeon raids, and throw them all together in one lumping room. Whereas i tend to like putting them in more appropriate areas.
  13. Tregnaw

    Tregnaw Seal Broken

    Love it <3
  14. Vanthexi

    Vanthexi Void-Bound Voyager

    Here's one of my in-construction houses just before a metor shower hit... TWICE! looks like I'm going to have to find a new planet.
  15. Tregnaw

    Tregnaw Seal Broken

    I like it, i see you have bricks did ya steal those or are you even able to craft it? Dx
  16. Vanthexi

    Vanthexi Void-Bound Voyager

    Thanks! Yeah, I looted those, the soft brick came from a mini village biome, and the rest came from glitch castles. I don't think we can craft either of them. (yet. I so wish we could though.)
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2014
    Tregnaw and Sherio88 like this.
  17. Tregnaw

    Tregnaw Seal Broken

    Alright i may have to go on a brick hunt xD And ima steal your architectural style if you will xD
    Vanthexi likes this.
  18. Risukage

    Risukage Giant Laser Beams

    So I'm sorta-mostly done with my home. I settled on Delta Ratatoskr, as I like to think that Ratatosk is my spirit animal, and this was just meant to be. The entire system is a bit desolate and poor with cities and bases, so I said "heck with it" and planted my proverbial flag on one of the magma worlds. It's a very pretty planet with several meta-tree biomes, and I love the volcanic background and the ginormous violet planet rising and setting in the sky.


    It took a lot of tinkering to get what I wanted, and it's still not quite there yet, but this is as close as I'm gonna get until I can move water myself and a few more crafting options are added to the game. I'm still pleased with the "well" just outside, that I like to think is my home's water supply. It had more water but trying to put in the new tile caused a LOT to run out, and there's no bucket or pump system like Terraria, else I'd have made a separate "tank" until I was done. :(


    The NPC apartments look pretty damn good, in my opinion, and I spawned a couple of NPCs, a Stim Vendor, and a Tool Vendor for some company. I had a Chef, but she wouldn't leave the damn stairwell there was a small accident in the kitchen, so I'll have to pop another one later. The fountain in the center of the house is the planet's spawn point. As I remarked in a different thread, I figured I might as well build the house around that "empty" space and make it easier to get in and out. And MUCH more secure. :)


    More of the house, including my storage warehouse and the entrance to my garden. The lab lockers store all of my things. ALL OF THE THINGS. The metal crates on the "roof" store seeds and crops. (Note: the refrigerator holds raw meats and other craftable foods, the vending machine holds all of the crafted food.) This is a BIG garden. No, it's big. Look:


    I'm growing EVERYTHING at once. I'm only missing Ocumelon and Coralcreep, and will plant those as soon as I can be bothered to go to a planet that has them. Yes, those are Crystalplants growing in the upper left corner, above the Avesmingo and below the Pineapple. :)

    And yes, the house lags SO BAD, even with the specs on my system. All in all, I feel good about this. I wish that there were a weather effect on this world, but I'm not getting meteors so I'm not quibbling. Maybe I'll "hack" the world to rain the rainbow stars. ...Or I could give it rain to fill my damn well... I look forward to the addition of buckets to the game. :-\
    Hawk Novablast likes this.
  19. Mauzel

    Mauzel Void-Bound Voyager

    You can also pilfer soft bricks from avian villages - they use it as the village foundation, I once pilfered enough soft bricks from an avian village to detach it from the planet :rofl:

    Villages are easier to find than underground minis
  20. telles0808

    telles0808 Cosmic Narwhal

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